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Created August 28, 2008 00:03
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Save al3x/7616 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ubiquity commands for, Instapaper,, Google Reader, Twitter Search, Yep, and zapping CSS
name: "bitly",
takes: {"url to shorten": noun_arb_text},
preview: "Replaces the selected URL with a URL.",
description: "Replaces the selected URL with a URL.",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
execute: function( urlToShorten ) {
var baseUrl = "";
var params = {url: urlToShorten.text};
jQuery.get(baseUrl, params, function(shortenedUrl) {
name: "instapaper",
description: "Adds the current page to your Instapaper for later reading.",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
execute: function() {
var d = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document,
w = window,
s = context.focusedWindow.getSelection(),
l = d.location,
e = encodeURIComponent,
f = '',
p = '?v=4&k=RBWVcIihOybO&u=' + e(l.href) + '&t=' + e(d.title) + '&s=' + e(s),
u = f + p;
CmdUtils.getHiddenWindow().open(u, 't', 'toolbar=0,resizable=0,status=1,width=250,height=150');
name: "soup",
description: "Posts content from the current page to the tumbleogging service.",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
execute: function() {
var d = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document;
var w = context.focusedWindow;
var di = d.images;
var dom = d.location.href.match(/(.*\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/)[1];
var sel = w.getSelection();
var e = encodeURIComponent;
var i='';
for (var n=0; n < di.length; n++) {
if (di[n].offsetWidth * di[n].offsetHeight > 70 * 70) {
i = di[n].src.replace(dom, '@@') + '|' + di[n].offsetWidth + '|' + di[n].offsetHeight + ',';
var url = '' + e(d.location.href) + '&t=' + e(d.title) + '&s=' + e(sel) + '&dom=' + e(dom) + '&i=' + e(i);
CmdUtils.getHiddenWindow().open(url, 'soup', 'toolbar = 0, resizable = 1, scrollbars = yes, status = 1, width = 450, height = 400');
name: "subscribe",
description: "Subscribes to the current site's feed in Google Reader.",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
execute: function() {
var doc = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document;
name: "tsearch",
url: "{QUERY}",
icon: "",
description: "Searches Twitter for your words.",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
preview: function(pblock, directObject) {
var searchTerm = directObject.text;
var pTemplate = "Searches Twitter for <b>${query}</b>";
var pData = {query: searchTerm};
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(pTemplate, pData);
var url = "";
var params = { q: searchTerm };
jQuery.get( url, params, function(data) {
var results = data.results.splice( 0, 5 );
var previewTemplate = "{for result in results}";
previewTemplate += '<div style="clear: both; margin: 20px 0 30px 0;"><img src="${result.profile_image_url}" style="float: left; margin-right: 5px;" /><span>${result.from_user}: ${result.text}</span></div>';
previewTemplate += "{/for}";
var previewData = {
results: results
if (!results) {
pblock.innerHTML = "<p>Unable to retrieve preview.</p>";
} else {
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(previewTemplate, previewData);
}, "json");
name: "yep",
description: "Imports the current page as PDF in Yep.",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
execute: function() {
var doc = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document;
var sel = context.focusedWindow.getSelection();
var url = 'yep:url='+encodeURIComponent(doc.location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(doc.title)+'&tags='+encodeURIComponent(sel);
name: "zap",
description: "Discards the current page's stylesheets.",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Alex Payne", email: ""},
license: "WTFPL",
execute: function() {
var doc = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document;
var newSS, styles='* { background: white ! important; color: black !important } :link, :link * { color: #0000EE !important } :visited, :visited * { color: #551A8B !important }';
newSS = doc.createElement('link');
newSS.rel = 'stylesheet';
newSS.href = 'data:text/css,' + escape(styles);
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