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Running phase: unpackPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking source archive /nix/store/sz17s3c58ci5r9p8js1q8rhyslc2l6ga-source
source root is source
Executing cargoSetupPostUnpackHook
Finished cargoSetupPostUnpackHook
Running phase: patchPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
Executing cargoSetupPostPatchHook
Validating consistency between /private/tmp/nix-build-binwalk-3.1.0.drv-2/source/Cargo.lock and /private/tmp/nix-build-binwalk-3.1.0.drv-2/cargo-vendor-dir/Cargo.lock
diff --git a/bindings/torch/ b/bindings/torch/
index 533805e..815d9c1 100644
--- a/bindings/torch/
+++ b/bindings/torch/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ print(f"Building PyTorch extension for tiny-cuda-nn version {VERSION}")
ext_modules = []
if "TCNN_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES" in os.environ and os.environ["TCNN_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES"]:
- compute_capabilities = [int(x) for x in os.environ["TCNN_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES"].replace(";", ",").split(",")]
+ compute_capabilities = [int(x) for x in os.environ["TCNN_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES"].replace(";", ",").replace("a", "").split(",")]
structuredAttrs is enabled
Running phase: unpackPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking source archive /nix/store/fdhh1dfbkizpa827wy4080qjzj1zawqf-source
source root is source
Running phase: patchPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
Running phase: configurePhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
mesonConfigurePhase flags: --prefix=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.0.1 --libdir=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.0.1/lib --libexecdir=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.0.1/libexec --bindir=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.0.1/bin --sbindir=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.0.1/sbin --includedir=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.0.1/include --mandir=/nix/store/3cf7izp3r6av258qr1rivc475kih80j5-shell_cmds-319.0.1-man/share/man --infodir=/nix/store/nk0jsglvc7fc0lwa6s4acc8y8lkvcaz3-shell_cmds-319.
Running phase: unpackPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking source archive /nix/store/j2g2ndsch154rbhbvy2736kzniwsp2iw-source
source root is source
Running phase: patchPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
Running phase: autoreconfPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "autoreconfPhase" }
autoreconf: export WARNINGS=
autoreconf: Entering directory '.'
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
nixosConfigurations.seisho = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [
({ config, lib, ... }: {
nixpkgs.hostPlatform = "x86_64-linux";
services.openssh.enable = true;
users = {
groups.wheel.members = [ "karen" ];
users = {
{ lib
, config
, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchurl
, fetchpatch
, boost
, cmake
, expat
, harfbuzz
Running phase: unpackPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking source archive /nix/store/h30a4p0156vfpz9f5sk4b2sfqb1b4gps-source
source root is source
Running phase: patchPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
Running phase: configurePhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
Running phase: buildPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" }
al3xtjames /
Created October 8, 2024 01:28
「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト 舞台奏像劇 遙かなるエルドラド」劇中歌アルバム


Disc 1

1. 窓辺のハイライト
Lyrics: Kanata Nakamura / Music & Arrangement: Yuri Morita
Guitar: T4K / Strings: Koichiro Muroya Strings / All Other Instruments & Programming: Yuri Morita

2-6. 復讐の剣
al3xtjames /
Created September 26, 2024 06:16
「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト 舞台奏像劇 遙かなるエルドラド」劇中歌EP


Lyrics: Kanata Nakamura / Music & Arrangement: Keita Miyoshi
Strings: Koichiro Muroya Strings / Acoustic Guitar: Takayuki "Kojiro" Sasaki / All Other Instruments & Programming: Keita Miyoshi

2. 十五時ミステリ 〜週末探偵劇より〜
Lyrics: Kanata Nakamura / Music: Shunsuke Tanaka / Arrangement: Naoki Tani
Guitar: Naoki Tani / All Other Instruments & Programming: Naoki Tani
Running phase: unpackPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking source archive /nix/store/b3wh7272xbgj0w1b1n9z8ahzq6y5fn67-source
source root is source
Running phase: patchPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
substituteStream() in derivation p11-kit-0.25.5: WARNING: '--replace' is deprecated, use --replace-{fail,warn,quiet}. (file 'p11-kit/')
Running phase: configurePhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
mesonConfigurePhase flags: --prefix=/nix/store/w7l427scvag0gjy22xfaayzwldx1cpwy-p11-kit-0.25.5 --libdir=/nix/store/w7l427scvag0gjy22xfaayzwldx1cpwy-p11-kit-0.25.5/lib --libexecdir=/nix/store/w7l427scvag0gjy22xfaayzwldx1cpwy-p11-kit-0.25.5/libexec --bindir=/nix/store/5wa4gc1kn0rpxq0w6dcrd6c2m6s470d8-p11-kit-0.25.5-bin/bin --sbindir=/nix/store/5wa4gc1kn0rpxq0w6dcrd6c2m6s470d8-p11-kit-0.25.5-bin/sbin --includedir=/nix/store/j8k1bqg6qvyi8xwskfmrpgdzgnhh75xv-p11-kit-0.25.5-dev/include --mandir=/nix/store/5wa4gc1kn0rpxq0w6dcrd6c2m6s