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Created July 3, 2023 09:50
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import base, mono/[core, http], ext/persistence, std/os
# Model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Square = enum
Empty, X, O
Board = array[3, array[3, Square]]
Game = ref object
board: Board
proc save(game: Game) =
game.write_to "./tmp/tictactoe.json"
var game* {.threadvar.}: Game
# UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type SquareView = ref object of Component
x, y: int
proc render(self: SquareView): El =
proc click (e: ClickEvent) =
if game.board[self.x][self.y] == Square.Empty:
game.board[self.x][self.y] = if shift in e.special_keys: Square.O else: Square.X
let text = case game.board[self.x][self.y]
of Square.Empty: ""
of Square.X: "X"
of Square.O: "O"
el("button", (text: text, style: (display: "block", float: "left", width: "25px", height: "25px"))):
it.on_click click
type BoardView = ref object of Component
proc render(self: BoardView): El =
el("board", (style: (display: "block", width: "75px"))):
for x, row in game.board:
for y, square in row:
self.el(SquareView, fmt"{x} {y}", (x: x, y: y))
# Deployment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
when is_main_module:
game = Game.read_from("./tmp/tictactoe.json").get(() => Game(board: [
[Square.Empty, Square.Empty, Square.Empty],
[Square.Empty, Square.Empty, Square.Empty],
[Square.Empty, Square.Empty, Square.Empty]
let asset_path = current_source_path().parent_dir.absolute_path
run_http_server((() => BoardView()), asset_paths = @[asset_path], styles = @["/assets/tictactoe.css"])
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