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Last active April 6, 2023 13:19
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import base, ../app, ../h
# Model --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type TodoItemState = enum active, completed
type TodoItem = ref object
text: string
completed: bool
type Todos = seq[TodoItem]
proc id(self: TodoItem): string =
# TodoView -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const enter_key = 13; const escape_key = 27
# Feature: stateful component, preserving its state between renders
type TodoView = ref object of Component
on_delete: proc(id: string): void
editing: Option[string] # value of `editing` field going to be maintained between requests
item: TodoItem
proc set_attrs(self: TodoView, item: TodoItem, on_delete: (proc(id: string): void)): void =
self.item = item; self.on_delete = on_delete
proc render(self: TodoView): HtmlElement =
proc handle_edit(e: KeydownEvent): void =
if e.key == enter_key:
self.item.text = self.editing.get
elif e.key == escape_key:
let class_modifier =
(if self.item.completed: ".completed" else: "") &
(if self.editing.is_some: ".editing" else: "")
# Feature: compact HTML template syntax
+ h".view":
+ h"input.toggle type: checkbox"
# Feature: two way binding with autocast
+ h"label".text(self.item.text)
.on_dblclick(proc = self.editing = self.item.text.some)
+ h"button.destroy"
.on_click(proc = self.on_delete(
if self.editing.is_some:
+ h"input.edit autofocus"
.on_blur(proc = self.editing = string.none)
# TodosView -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Filter = enum all, active, completed
type TodosView = ref object of Component
items: Todos
filter: Filter
new_todo: string
toggle_all: bool
proc set_attrs(self: TodosView, items: Todos = @[], filter: Filter = all): void =
self.items = items; self.filter = filter
proc render(self: TodosView): HtmlElement =
let completed_count = self.items.count((item) => item.completed)
let active_count = self.items.len - completed_count
let all_completed = completed_count == self.items.len
let filtered =
case self.filter:
of all: self.items
of completed: self.items.filter((item) => item.completed)
of active: self.items.filter((item) => not item.completed)
proc create_new(e: KeydownEvent): void =
if e.key == enter_key and not self.new_todo.is_empty:
self.items.add(TodoItem(text: self.new_todo, completed: false))
self.new_todo = ""
proc toggle_all(e: ChangeEvent): void =
self.items.each((item: TodoItem) => (item.completed = self.toggle_all))
proc on_delete(id: string): void =
self.items.delete((item) => == id)
proc set_filter(filter: Filter): auto =
proc = self.filter = filter
+ h"h1".text("todos")
+ h" autofocus".attr("placeholder", "What needs to be done?")
if not self.items.is_empty:
+ h"section.main":
+ h"input.toggle-all type=checkbox".value(all_completed)
+ h"label for=toggle-all".text("Mark all as complete")
+ h"ul.todo-list":
for item in filtered:
# Feature: statefull componenets, attr names and values are typesafe
+ self.h(TodoView,, (on_delete: on_delete, item: item))
+ h"footer.footer":
+ h"span.todo-count":
+ h"strong".text(active_count)
+ h"span".text((if active_count == 1: "item" else: "items") & " left")
proc filter_class(filter: Filter): string =
if self.filter == filter: ".selected" else: ""
+ h"ul.filters":
+ h"li":
+ h"a{all.filter_class}".text("All")
+ h"li":
+ h"a{active.filter_class}".text("Active")
+ h"li":
+ h"a{completed.filter_class}".text("Completed")
if all_completed:
+ h"button.clear-completed".text("Delete completed")
.on_click(proc = self.items.delete((item) => item.completed))
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