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Created July 1, 2009 09:20
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Delicious account copier
import getpass
from pydelicious import DeliciousAPI, DeliciousItemExistsError
sourceUser = raw_input("Username [source]: ")
sourcePasswd = getpass.getpass("Password [source]: ")
sourceDlcs = DeliciousAPI(sourceUser, sourcePasswd)
print "Getting all bookmarks from source:" + sourceUser
sourceBkmrks = sourceDlcs.posts_all()['posts']
print "Done getting bookmarks"
fromTag = ' from:' + sourceUser
destUser = raw_input("Username [destination]: ")
destPasswd = getpass.getpass("Password [destination]: ")
destDlcs = DeliciousAPI(destUser, destPasswd)
sourceSize = len(sourceBkmrks)
for i in range(sourceSize):
bkmrk = sourceBkmrks[i]
href = bkmrk['href']
desc = bkmrk['description']
ext = bkmrk['extended'] if 'extended' in bkmrk else ''
share = bkmrk['shared'] if 'shared' in bkmrk else 'yes'
date = bkmrk['time']
tag = bkmrk['tag'] if 'tag' in bkmrk else ''
tag += fromTag
print 'Copying (' + str(i+1) + '/' + str(sourceSize) + ') '+ desc + ' (' + href + ')'
try :
destDlcs.posts_add(href, desc, extended = ext, tags = tag, dt= date, shared = share)
except DeliciousItemExistsError:
desc + ' (' + href + ') already exists'
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