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Last active March 31, 2021 12:55
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Proof of Euclid's Lemma in Idris - Number Theory Algorithms
module Euclid
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
%default total
Divides : (divisor, dividend : Nat) -> Type
Divides d n = (q : Nat ** (n = q * d))
data Direction = LTR | RTL
diff : Direction -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
diff LTR m n = minus m n
diff RTL m n = minus n m
||| ...
||| There is an action of (ℤ,+) on this type. We are actually
||| interested about the quotient of this type by that action.
data Coprime : (u,v : Nat) -> Type where
MkCoprime : (dir : Direction) -> (s,t : Nat) -> (1 = diff dir (s * u) (t * v)) -> Coprime u v
coprimeCommutative : Coprime u v -> Coprime v u
coprimeCommutative (MkCoprime LTR s t tv'su) = (MkCoprime RTL t s tv'su)
coprimeCommutative (MkCoprime RTL s t tv'su) = (MkCoprime LTR t s tv'su)
multDistributesOverDiffLeft : (dir : Direction) -> (left, centre, right : Nat) ->
(diff dir left centre) * right = diff dir (left * right) (centre * right)
multDistributesOverDiffLeft LTR left centre right = multDistributesOverMinusLeft left centre right
multDistributesOverDiffLeft RTL left centre right = multDistributesOverMinusLeft centre left right
pairingLemma : (dir : Direction) ->
(ug_if : u * g = i * f) ->
(vg_jf : v * g = j * f) ->
(tv'su : 1 = diff dir (t * v) (s * u)) ->
g = (diff dir (t * j) (s * i)) * f
pairingLemma {f}{g} {i}{j} {s}{t} {u}{v} dir ug_if vg_jf tv'su =
={ sym $ multOneLeftNeutral g }=
(1 * g)
={ cong {f=(* g)} tv'su }=
((diff dir (t * v) (s * u)) * g)
={ multDistributesOverDiffLeft dir (t * v) (s * u) g }=
(diff dir ((t * v) * g) ((s * u) * g))
={ cong {f=\m => diff dir ((t * v) * g) m } (sym $ multAssociative s u g) }=
(diff dir ((t * v) * g) (s * (u * g)))
={ cong {f=\m => diff dir ((t * v) * g) (s * m )} ug_if }=
(diff dir ((t * v) * g) (s * (i * f)))
={ cong {f=\m => diff dir ((t * v) * g) m } (multAssociative s i f) }=
(diff dir ((t * v) * g) ((s * i) * f))
={ cong {f=\m => diff dir m ((s * i) * f)} (sym $ multAssociative t v g) }=
(diff dir (t * (v * g)) ((s * i) * f))
={ cong {f=\m => diff dir (t * m ) ((s * i) * f)} vg_jf }=
(diff dir (t * (j * f)) ((s * i) * f))
={ cong {f=\m => diff dir m ((s * i) * f)} (multAssociative t j f) }=
(diff dir ((t * j) * f) ((s * i) * f))
={ sym $ multDistributesOverDiffLeft dir (t * j) (s * i) f }=
((diff dir (t * j) (s * i)) * f)
data IsGCD : (gcd,a,b : Nat) -> Type where
MkGCD : (u,v : Nat) -> (a = u * g) -> (b = v * g) -> (Coprime u v) -> IsGCD g a b
gcdCommutative : IsGCD g a b -> IsGCD g b a
gcdCommutative (MkGCD u v ug_eq vg_eq cpm) = (MkGCD v u vg_eq ug_eq (coprimeCommutative cpm))
commuteGCD : (g ** IsGCD g a b) -> (g ** IsGCD g b a)
commuteGCD (g ** isGCD) = (g ** gcdCommutative isGCD)
egcd : (a,b : Nat) -> (g ** IsGCD g a b)
fst : IsGCD g a b -> Divides g a
snd : IsGCD g a b -> Divides g b
fst (MkGCD u v a_ug b_vg _) = (u ** a_ug)
snd (MkGCD u v a_ug b_vg _) = (v ** b_vg)
pair : IsGCD g a b -> (f : Nat) -> (f `Divides` a) -> (f `Divides` b) -> f `Divides` g
pair (MkGCD u v a_ug b_vg (MkCoprime LTR s t tv'su)) {g} f (i ** a_if) (j ** b_jf)
= (diff RTL (t * j) (s * i) ** pairingLemma RTL ug_if vg_jf tv'su)
where ug_if : u * g = i * f
vg_jf : v * g = j * f
ug_if = (sym a_ug) `trans` a_if
vg_jf = (sym b_vg) `trans` b_jf
pair (MkGCD u v a_ug b_vg (MkCoprime RTL s t tv'su)) {g} f (i ** a_if) (j ** b_jf)
= (diff LTR (t * j) (s * i) ** pairingLemma LTR ug_if vg_jf tv'su)
where ug_if : u * g = i * f
vg_jf : v * g = j * f
ug_if = (sym a_ug) `trans` a_if
vg_jf = (sym b_vg) `trans` b_jf
||| Corollary of Bezout's lemma
coprimeLemma : (Coprime f n) -> (f `Divides` n * g) -> (f `Divides` g)
coprimeLemma {f=v}{n=u}{g} (MkCoprime LTR s t tv'su) (b ** ug_bv)
= (diff RTL (t * b) (s * g) ** pairingLemma LTR ug_bv (multCommutative v g) tv'su)
coprimeLemma {f=v}{n=u}{g} (MkCoprime RTL s t tv'su) (b ** ug_bv)
= (diff LTR (t * b) (s * g) ** pairingLemma RTL ug_bv (multCommutative v g) tv'su)
Irreducible : (p : Nat) -> Type
Irreducible p = (a,b : Nat) -> (p = a * b) -> (1 + p = a + b)
irreducibleImpliesNotZero : Irreducible p -> Not (p = Z)
irreducibleImpliesNotZero {p} irdx p_z = void (SIsNotZ zSz)
where zSz : S Z = Z
pSp : S p = p
zSz = rewrite sym p_z in pSp
pSp = irdx 0 p p_z
irreducibility : Irreducible p -> (a `Divides` p) -> (a = S (S a')) -> a = p
irreducibility {a}{p} irdx (Z ** p_0a) _ = void $ irreducibleImpliesNotZero irdx p_0a
irreducibility {a}{p} irdx (S Z ** p_1a) _ = rewrite sym (multOneLeftNeutral a) in sym p_1a
irreducibility {a}{p} irdx (S (S b) ** p_ba) {a'} a_SSa' = void (SIsNotZ (sym eq0))
where eq1 : S (S b) + a = S p
eq2 : S b + a = p
eq3 : S b + a = a + (S b * a)
eq4 : a + S b = a + (S b * a)
eq5 : S b = S b * a
eq6 : S b = S b * S (S a')
eq7 : S b = S (S a') * S b
eq8 : S b = S b + (S b + a' * S b)
eq9 : S b + Z = S b + (S b + a' * S b)
eq0 : Z = S b + a' * S b
eq1 = sym $ irdx (S (S b)) a p_ba
eq2 = succInjective (S b + a) p eq1
eq3 = eq2 `trans` p_ba
eq4 = rewrite plusCommutative a (S b) in eq3
eq5 = plusLeftCancel a (S b) (S b * a) eq4
eq6 = eq5 `trans` cong {f=((S b) *)} a_SSa'
eq7 = rewrite multCommutative (S (S a')) (S b) in eq6
eq8 = eq7
eq9 = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral (S b) in eq8
eq0 = plusLeftCancel (S b) Z (S b + a' * S b) eq9
invert : Irreducible p -> (p `Divides` a -> Void) -> Coprime p a
invert {p}{a} irdx p_a with (egcd p a)
| (S Z ** (MkGCD u v p_ug a_vg cpm)) =
rewrite a_vg `trans` multOneRightNeutral v in
rewrite p_ug `trans` multOneRightNeutral u in cpm
| (S (S g) ** (MkGCD u v p_ug a_vg cpm)) = void (p_a p'a)
where g2p : S (S g) = p
g2p = irreducibility irdx (u ** p_ug) Refl
p'a : p `Divides` a
p'a = rewrite sym g2p in (v ** a_vg)
| (Z ** (MkGCD u v p_ug a_vg cpm)) = void (p_a p'a)
where p_z : p = Z
p_z = rewrite sym $ multZeroRightZero u in p_ug
a_z : a = Z
a_z = rewrite sym $ multZeroRightZero v in a_vg
p'a : p `Divides` a
p'a = rewrite a_z in
rewrite p_z in (1 ** Refl)
euclidsLemma :
Irreducible p ->
(p `Divides` a -> Void) ->
(p `Divides` b -> Void) ->
(p `Divides` (a * b) -> Void)
euclidsLemma {p}{a}{b} irdx p_a p_b p'ab = p_b (coprimeLemma p_'_a p'ab)
where p_'_a : Coprime p a
p_'_a = invert irdx p_a
data LT' : (n,m : Nat) -> Type where
Z' : LT' n (S n)
S' : LT' n m -> LT' n (S m)
||| Lifted from IteratedSubtraction.idr
implementation WellFounded LT' where
wellFounded x = Access (acc x)
where acc : (x, y : Nat) -> LT' y x -> Accessible LT' y
acc Z y lt impossible
acc (S y) y Z' = Access (acc y)
acc (S x) y (S' lt) = acc x y lt
eqToLT : (j = S (i + d)) -> (i `LT'` j)
eqToLT {i} {d=Z} eq = rewrite eq in rewrite sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral i in Z'
eqToLT {i} {d=S d} eq = rewrite eq in S' (eqToLT (sym $ plusSuccRightSucc i d))
data Subtraction : (i, j : Nat) -> Type where
Pos : (d : Nat) -> {auto eq : i = j + d} -> Subtraction i j
NegS : (d : Nat) -> {auto eq : j = S i + d} -> Subtraction i j
subtract : (i,j : Nat) -> Subtraction i j
subtract i Z = Pos i
subtract Z (S j) = NegS j
subtract (S i) (S j) with (subtract i j)
| Pos d {eq} = Pos d {eq = cong eq}
| NegS d {eq} = NegS d {eq = cong eq}
data Fin : Nat -> Type where
MkFin : (k : Nat) -> (k `LT'` n) -> Fin n
data NotZero : Nat -> Type where
SIsNotZero : NotZero (S n)
QuotRem : (divisor, dividend : Nat) -> Fin divisor -> Type
QuotRem d n (MkFin r lt) = (q : Nat ** (n = r + q * d))
Division : (divisor, dividend : Nat) -> Type
Division d n = (r : Fin d ** QuotRem d n r)
DZ : (n : Nat) -> {auto lt : n `LT'` (S d)} -> Division (S d) n
DS : Division (S d) n -> Division (S d) ((S d) + n)
divide : (n,d : Nat) -> .{auto nz : NotZero d} -> Division d n
divide n d' {nz} = wfInd {P=P} divStep n d' nz
where P : (dividend : Nat) -> Type
P dividend = (divisor : Nat) -> (nz : NotZero divisor) -> Division divisor dividend
divStep : (dividend : Nat) -> (rec : (n' : Nat) -> LT' n' dividend -> P n') -> P dividend
divStep n rec Z nz impossible
divStep n rec (S pd) nz with (subtract n (S pd))
| NegS d {eq} = DZ n {lt = eqToLT eq}
| Pos n' {eq} =
let ltn : LT' n' n = eqToLT (eq `trans` cong (plusCommutative pd n'))
in rewrite eq in DS (rec n' ltn (S pd) nz)
multRotates : (x,y,z : Nat) -> (z * x) * y = x * (y * z)
multRotates x y z =
((z * x) * y)
={ multCommutative (z * x) y }=
(y * (z * x))
={ multAssociative y z x }=
((y * z) * x)
={ multCommutative (y * z) x }=
(x * (y * z))
plusDiffLeftCancel : (dir : Direction) -> (left, right1, right2 : Nat) ->
diff dir (left + right1) (left + right2) = diff dir right1 right2
plusDiffLeftCancel LTR left right1 right2 = plusMinusLeftCancel left right1 right2
plusDiffLeftCancel RTL left right1 right2 = plusMinusLeftCancel left right2 right1
twistCoprime' : (dir : Direction) -> (q : Nat) -> diff dir (t * (v + u * q)) ((q * t + s) * u) = diff dir (t * v) (s * u)
twistCoprime' {s}{t}{u}{v} dir q =
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusLeft (q * t) s u in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight t v (u * q) in
rewrite multRotates t u q in
rewrite plusCommutative (t * v) (t * (u * q)) in
plusDiffLeftCancel dir (t * (u * q)) (t * v) (s * u)
twistCoprime : (q : Nat) -> (Coprime u v) -> (Coprime (v + u * q) u)
twistCoprime {u}{v} q (MkCoprime LTR s t su_1_tv) =
(MkCoprime RTL t (q * t + s) (su_1_tv `trans` sym (twistCoprime' RTL q)))
twistCoprime {u}{v} q (MkCoprime RTL s t su_1_tv) =
(MkCoprime LTR t (q * t + s) (su_1_tv `trans` sym (twistCoprime' LTR q)))
gcd_lemma : Divides d a -> (g ** IsGCD g d r) -> (g ** IsGCD g (r + a) d)
gcd_lemma {d=ug}{r=vg}{a=qug} (q ** qug_eq)
(g ** MkGCD u v ug_eq vg_eq cpm)
= (g ** MkGCD (v + u * q) u vg_qug_eq ug_eq (twistCoprime q cpm))
where vg_qug_eq : vg + qug = (v + u * q) * g
vg_qug_eq =
( vg + qug )
={ cong {f=\m => ( vg + m ) } qug_eq }=
( vg + q * ug )
={ cong {f=\m => ( m + q * ug ) } vg_eq }=
(v * g + q * ug )
={ cong {f=\m => (v * g + q * m ) } ug_eq }=
(v * g + q * (u * g))
={ cong {f=\m => (v * g + m ) } (multAssociative q u g) }=
(v * g + (q * u) * g)
={ sym $ multDistributesOverPlusLeft v (q * u) g }=
((v + q * u) * g)
={ cong {f=\m => ((v + m ) * g) } (multCommutative q u) }=
((v + u * q) * g)
gcdLT : (a,b : Nat) -> (b `LT'` a) -> (g ** IsGCD g a b)
gcdLT x y lx = wfInd {P=P} gcdStep x y lx
where P : (a : Nat) -> Type
P a = (b : Nat) -> (b `LT'` a) -> (g ** IsGCD g a b)
gcdStep : (a : Nat) -> (rec : (a' : Nat) -> LT' a' a -> P a') -> P a
gcdStep a rec Z lt
= (a ** MkGCD 1 0 (sym $ multOneLeftNeutral a) Refl (MkCoprime LTR 1 0 Refl))
gcdStep a rec (S b) lt with (a `divide` (S b))
| ((MkFin r lt') ** q ** eq) = rewrite eq in gcd_lemma (q ** Refl) (rec (S b) lt r lt')
egcd a b with (subtract a b)
| NegS d {eq} = commuteGCD (gcdLT b a (eqToLT eq))
| Pos (S d) {eq} = gcdLT a b (eqToLT eq')
where eq' : a = S (plus b d)
eq' = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc b d in eq
| Pos Z {eq} = (b ** isGCD)
where isGCD : IsGCD b a b
cpm11 : Coprime 1 1
cpm11 = MkCoprime RTL 0 1 Refl
isGCD = MkGCD 1 1 eq (sym (plusZeroRightNeutral b)) cpm11
DZ r {lt} = ((MkFin r lt) ** Z ** (sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral r))
DS {n}{d} ((MkFin r lt) ** q ** eq) = ((MkFin r lt) ** (S q) ** eq')
where eq' : (S (d + n)) = (r + (S q * S d))
eq' =
(S (d + n ))
={ cong {f=\m => S (d + m )} eq }=
(S (d + (r + (q * S d))))
={ plusAssociative (S d) r (q * S d) }=
((S d + r) + (q * S d))
={ cong {f=\m => m + (q * S d)} (plusCommutative (S d) r) }=
((r + S d) + (q * S d))
={ sym $ plusAssociative r (S d) (q * S d) }=
(r + (S d + (q * S d)))
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