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Created December 29, 2011 19:53
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A quick and dirty slice sampler.
from numpy.random import uniform
import numpy
import random
def slice_sampler(px, N = 1, x = None):
Provides samples from a user-defined distribution.
slice_sampler(px, N = 1, x = None)
px = A discrete probability distribution.
N = Number of samples to return, default is 1
x = Optional list/array of observation values to return, where prob(x) = px.
If x=None (default) or if len(x) != len(px), it will return an array of integers
between 0 and len(px)-1. If x is supplied, it will return the
samples from x according to the distribution px.
values = numpy.zeros(N,
samples = numpy.arange(len(px))
px = numpy.array(px) / (1.*sum(px))
u = uniform(0, max(px))
for n in xrange(N):
included = px>=u
choice = random.sample(range(numpy.sum(included)), 1)[0]
values[n] = samples[included][choice]
u = uniform(0, px[included][choice])
if x:
if len(x) == len(px):
values = x[values]
print "px and x are different lengths. Returning index locations for px."
if N == 1:
return values[0]
return values
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I do not understand why you feed the selected value of px back into generating u.

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