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Created January 25, 2017 18:39
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Example of using Algebird to combine multi armed bandit tests.
import com.twitter.algebird._
import com.twitter.algebird.Operators._
import scala.util.Random
* An "arm" represents an option in our A/B test.
* @param name Name of this option
* @param totalValue The accumulated value that this option has earned. Could be # of clicks, total
* minutes streamed, dollars purchased, etc. It's assumed that more value is good.
case class Arm(name: String, totalValue: Double = 0.0, totalPulls: Int = 0)
* An epsilon greedy algorithm.
* @param arms The "A" and "B" in an A/B test. Each option has a name and accumulated value
* (number of times it's been clicked, for example)
* @param alpha Percent of the time we want to use the best performing Arm. No idea why I didn't call this "epsilon" but
there's no turning back now!
case class EpsilonGreedy(arms: Seq[Arm], alpha: Double=0.9) {
def pull: String = {
if(Random.nextDouble() < alpha) {
} else {
def topArm: String = arms.maxBy(_.totalValue).name
* This is how you report back the result of an experiment. I reuse `Arm` which is maybe not
* the best idea, but it stores all of the info we need for now so whatevs.
* @param result Result of a specific test.
* @return An updated instance of the EpsilonGreedy class.
def update(result: Arm): EpsilonGreedy = {
this.copy(arms=arms + Seq(result), alpha)
* How do we combine Arms together? Add the value and # of pulls if it's seen on both sides of the
* plus, otherwise keep a list of all of the arms we've seen.
* For example:
* Seq( Arm("a", 1), Arm("b", 2) ) + Seq(Arm("a", 3)) = Seq(Arm("a", 4), Arm("b", 2))
object ArmSemiGroup extends Semigroup[Seq[Arm]] {
def plus(l: Seq[Arm], r: Seq[Arm]): Seq[Arm] = {
( { a => Map( -> (a.totalValue, a.totalPulls))} + { a => Map( -> (a.totalValue, a.totalPulls))})
.reduce(_ + _)
.map { case (n, (v, p)) => Arm(n, v, p)}
// This is important! If thise semigroup is not in scope, will not work right!
implicit val armSemi = ArmSemiGroup
* How do we combine EpsilonGreedy tests together? We just need to make sure that the value of
* all arms is added together properly. Then we'll have an updated state of value and # of pulls
* for each arm.
object EGSemigroup extends Semigroup[EpsilonGreedy] {
def plus(l: EpsilonGreedy, r: EpsilonGreedy): EpsilonGreedy = {
// if armSemi is not in scope, the "+" here will be Seq.++
// but since we've explicitly defined "+" for Seq[Arm] by creating the implicit val armSemi,
// that will be used instead
// note: need to figure out which `alpha` to use. It's easy to justify
// plenty of different things (highest, lowest, average, RuntimeException),
// but we'll pick the max, which is the most conservative approach
EpsilonGreedy(l.arms + r.arms, math.max(l.alpha, r.alpha))
// Need one of these in scope in order to add EpsilonGreedy's together
implicit val egSemi = EGSemigroup
// We could have also skipped making EGSemigroup and defined egSemi directly like this:
//implicit val egSemi = Semigroup.from{ (l: EpsilonGreedy, r: EpsilonGreedy) => EpsilonGreedy(l.arms + r.arms) }
val egAggregator: Aggregator[Arm, EpsilonGreedy, EpsilonGreedy] = Aggregator
// Define which semigroup we want to use to combine EpsilonGreedy's together.
// if only one implicit semigroup is in scope, you don't need this. It's nice to provide it anyway for clarity.
// transform an arm into an instance of EpsilonGreedy that has only seen that one arm
.composePrepare{(arm: Arm) =>
// optionally, we can use `andThenPresent`, and get the name of the top valued arm back
// this would turn the aggregator into an Aggregator[Arm, EpsilonGreedy, String]
// .andThenPresent{(eg: EpsilonGreedy) => eg.topArm }
// or ask it for the next arm to use:
// .andThenPresent { (eg: EpsilonGreedy) => eg.pull }
// Now we use it.
// Our first experiment is run two times, once with arm "a" and once with "b"
val test1 = Seq(
Arm("a", totalValue=3, totalPulls=1),
Arm("c", totalValue=2, totalPulls=1)
// Our other experiment runs 3 times, with arms "a", "b", and "c", with different results
val test2 = Seq(
Arm("a", totalValue=0.5, totalPulls=1),
Arm("b", totalValue=3, totalPulls=1),
Arm("c", totalValue=2, totalPulls=1)
// Now let's aggregate the results to get the overall performance of each test.
// This will convert each Arm into an EpsilonGreedy and then combine them all together.
val firstTest = egAggregator(test1) // best in first test was a
val secondTest = egAggregator(test2) // best in second test was b
firstTest: EpsilonGreedy = EpsilonGreedy(List(Arm(c,2.0,1), Arm(a,3.0,1)),0.9)
secondTest: EpsilonGreedy = EpsilonGreedy(List(Arm(a,0.5,1), Arm(b,3.0,1), Arm(c,2.0,1)),0.9)
// So now we have the results of two different experiments with different "best arm" results.
// If we were to freeze the state of each Bandit and request the Arm to use 100 times, what distribution of arms would it give us?
(1 to 100).map { i => Map(firstTest.pull -> 1)}.reduce(_ + _) // Map(c -> 6, a -> 94)
(1 to 100).map { i => Map(secondTest.pull -> 1)}.reduce(_ + _) // Map(a -> 3, b -> 96, c -> 1)
// it mostly chooses the one with the highest value. Perfect.
// If we combine the results together and then draw from the aggregated test, what distribution of arms would it give us?
// This uses the implicit egSemi to know how to combine them
val combinedTests = egAggregator(test1) + egAggregator(test2)
combinedTests: EpsilonGreedy = EpsilonGreedy(List(Arm(a,3.5,2), Arm(c,4.0,2), Arm(b,3.0,1)),0.9)
// The best overall was c after combining!
// let's see what the combined MAB would select in 100 pulls
(1 to 100).map { i => Map(combinedTests.pull -> 1)}.reduce(_ + _)
// Map(a -> 4, c -> 94, b -> 2)
// So, we can easily combine the results of two tests by just adding their aggregated values together.
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