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Last active December 15, 2023 12:33
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Reviews and evenly distributes VDA's within a Citrix Hypervisor pool.
Reviews and evenly distributes VDA's within a Citrix Hypervisor pool.
.PARAMETER XenServer_poolmaster
Mandatory string parameter. IP of the Citrix Hypervisor pool master to optimize.
.PARAMETER XenServer_networkname
Mandatory string parameter. Network name of the Citrix Hpervisor pool's management network
Mandatory string parameter. Storage Repository name that stores the vDisks of the Citrix Hpervisor pool
optimize-hypervisorvdas.ps1 -xenserver_poolmaster "" -xenserver_networkname "HypervisorMGMTNet" -XenServer_SRName "HypervisorSR" -verbose
Counts the total VMs in the Hypervisor pool and evently distributes them with additional console feedback.
NAME: optimize-hypervisorvdas.ps1
VERSION: 1.0.2
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
0.0.1 - 12/06/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
0.0.2 - 12/22/2022 - Added hypervisor connection/disconnection functions - Alain Assaf
0.0.3 - 12/28/2022 - Added new functions get-hypNetwork & get-hypSR - Alain Assaf
0.0.4 - 12/28/2022 - Added params XenServer_networkname & XenServer_SRName - Alain Assaf
0.0.5 - 12/29/2022 - Added change to get-ctxHypVMTable function - Alain Assaf
0.0.6 - 12/30/2022 - Added additional functions related to migration - Alain Assaf
0.0.7 - 2/14/2023 - Added new link. Updates function calls for new params - Alain Assaf
0.0.8 - 2/23/2023 - Make sure all existing XenServer connected are stopped before script starts - Alain Assaf
1.0.0 - 3/06/2023 - Removed commented lines and converted write-host to write-verbose - Alain Assaf
1.0.1 - 3/06/2023 - Updated Requries statement - Alain Assaf
1.0.2 - 3/07/2023 - Updated help - Alain Assaf
AUTHOR: Alain Assaf
LASTEDIT: March 07, 2023
http: //
#region functions
function get-scriptCredential {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# If Password file does not exist, create it
if ((Test-Path -Path $PassPath) -eq $False) {
(Get-Credential -Message "ENTER CREDENTIALS" -UserName $userName).Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $PassPath
$cred_password = Get-Content $PassPath | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $userName, $cred_password
Return $credential
Function Get-MySnapin {
Checks for a PowerShell Snapin(s) and imports it if available, otherwise it will display a warning and exit.
Checks for a PowerShell Snapin(s) and imports it if available, otherwise it will display a warning and exit.
.PARAMETER snapins
Required parameter. List of PSSnapins separated by commas.
PS> get-MySnapin PSSNAPIN
Checks system for installed PSSNAPIN and imports it if available.
NAME : Get-MySnapin
VERSION : 1.01
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.00 - 02/13/2017 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
1.01 - 11/7/2017 - Added try/catch - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 11/7/2017
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
foreach ($snap in $snapins.Split(",")) {
if (-not(Get-PSSnapin -Name $snap)) {
if (Get-PSSnapin -Registered | Where-Object { $ -like $snap }) {
try {
Add-PSSnapin -Name $snap
} catch {
Write-Warning "$snap PowerShell Cmdlet not available."
Write-Warning "Please run this script from a system with the $snap PowerShell Cmdlet installed."
exit 1
function connect-ctxhyp {
Connects to Citrix Hypervisor. Returns object with XenServer Connection
.PARAMETER poolMaster
Required string parameter. IP of the Hypervisor poolmaster.
Required PSCredential parameter. Username and password PSCredentail object to authenticate to the Hypervisor.
PS> connect-ctxhyp -poolMaster "" -hypCreds $credentials
Connects Citrix Hypervisor at using $credentials for authentication.
NAME : connect-ctxhyp
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/22/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/22/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
Try {
Connect-XenServer -Server $poolMaster -Creds $hypCreds -NoWarnNewCertificates -SetDefaultSession
$hypSession = Get-XenSession
return $hypSession
} Catch [XenAPI.Failure] {
Write-Warning "Failed to connect to [$poolMaster]"
Exit 1
function disconnect-ctxhyp {
Disconnect all open Citrix Hypervisor sessions.
PS> disconnect-ctxhyp
Disconnects and closes all open Citrix Hyperivsor sessions
NAME : disconnect-ctxhyp
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/22/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/22/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param ()
try {
Get-XenSession | Disconnect-XenServer | Out-Null
} catch {
Write-Warning "Already disconnected from XenServer"
function get-ctxHypVMTable {
Generates a table with the hypervisor host, uuid, and VM Count.
PS> get-ctxHypVMTable
Generates a table with the hypervisor host, uuid, and VM Count for the current Citrix hypervisor session
NAME : get-ctxHypVMTable
VERSION : 1.0.2
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/22/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
1.0.1 - 12/29/2022 - Added write-progress to show progress - Alain Assaf
1.0.2 - 2/14/2023 - Added Session param - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/29/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
$hypTable = @()
[int]$hypCount = 1
$hypHosts = Get-XenHost -SessionOpaqueRef $hypSession.opaque_ref | Sort-Object name_label
foreach ($hypervisor in $hypHosts) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating VM Table" -Status "Examing Host - $($hypervisor.Name_label) $hypCount of $($hypHosts.Count)"
$row1 = $hypervisor.name_label
$row2 = $hypervisor.uuid
$row3 = ($hypervisor | Select-Object -ExpandProperty resident_VMs | ForEach-Object { (Get-XenVM -opaque_ref $_) | Where-Object { $_.is_control_domain -eq $false } }).count
$hypTable += [PSCustomObject]@{HypervisorName = $row1; UUID = $row2; VMCount = $row3 }
return $hypTable
function get-ctxHypSource {
Returns a table of hypervisor hosts with more than the 'ideal' number of VMs.
PS> get-ctxHypSource -idealNumberOfVMs 8 -hypTable $HyperVisorTable
Returns a subset of items from $HypervisorTable with a VM count higher than 8
NAME : get-ctxHypSource
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/29/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/29/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
$hypSourceTable = @()
[int]$hypCount = 1
foreach ($hypervisor in $hypTable) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Hypervisor Source Table" -Status "Examing Host - $($hypervisor.Name_label) $hypCount of $($hypTable.Count)"
if ($hypervisor.VMCount -gt $idealNumberOfVMs) {
$row1 = $hypervisor.HypervisorName
$row2 = $hypervisor.uuid
$row3 = $hypervisor.VMcount
$hypSourceTable += [PSCustomObject]@{HypervisorName = $row1; UUID = $row2; VMCount = $row3 }
return $hypSourceTable
function get-ctxHypDest {
Returns a table of hypervisor hosts with less than the 'ideal' number of VMs.
PS> get-ctxHypDest -idealNumberOfVMs 8 -hypTable $HyperVisorTable
Returns a subset of items from $HypervisorTable with a VM count less than 8
NAME : get-ctxHypDest
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/29/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/29/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
$hypDestTable = @()
[int]$hypCount = 1
foreach ($hypervisor in $hypTable) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Hypervisor Destination Table" -Status "Examing Host - $($hypervisor.Name_label) $hypCount of $($hypTable.Count)"
if ($hypervisor.VMCount -lt $idealNumberOfVMs) {
$row1 = $hypervisor.HypervisorName
$row2 = $hypervisor.uuid
$row3 = $hypervisor.VMcount
$hypDestTable += [PSCustomObject]@{HypervisorName = $row1; UUID = $row2; VMCount = $row3 }
return $hypDestTable
function get-hypHost {
Returns a hypervisor host object
PS> get-hypHost -hostUUID "b671f78b-db28-4902-ad07-062c368fd8c2"
Retrurns XenAPI.Host object with uuid b671f78b-db28-4902-ad07-062c368fd8c2
NAME : get-hypHost
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/23/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/23/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
try {
$hypHost = Get-XenHost -Uuid $hostUUID
Return $hypHost
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not find Hypervisor with uuid: [$hostUUID]"
Exit 1
function get-hypNetwork {
Returns a hypervisor network
PS> get-hypNetwork -xenNetName "PRODUCTION"
Retrurns XenAPI.Network object with name_label'"PRODUCTION'
NAME : get-hypNetwork
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/28/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/28/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
try {
$hypNetwork = Get-XenNetwork -name_label $xenNetName
Return $hypNetwork
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not find Hypervisor network named: [$xenNetName]"
Write-Warning "Closing Citrix Hypervisor connection"
Exit 1
function get-hypSR {
Returns a hypervisor Storage Repository
PS> get-hypSR xenSRName "VDA-SR"
Retrurns XenAPI.Storage object with name_label 'VDA-SR'
NAME : get-hypSR
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 12/28/2022 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 12/28/2022
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
try {
$hypSR = Get-XenSR -name_label $xenSRName
Return $hypSR
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not find Hypervisor Storage Repository named: [$xenSRName]"
Write-Warning "Closing Citrix Hypervisor connection"
Exit 1
function get-vmToMigrate {
Returns the first VM object from a hypervisor with its disks. This VM will be migrated off the hypervisor host.
.PARAMETER hypTableRow
Mandatory PSCustomObject of a hypTable row
Mandatory Storage Repository where migration VM disks reside
PS> get-vmToMigrateName -hypTableRow $HypTableRow -vmSR $vmSR
Queries hypervisor for VMs and returns first 1 to migrate with the VM's disks
NAME : get-vmToMigrateName
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 1/26/2023 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 1/26/2023
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
$migrateHostVM = (Get-XenHost -Uuid $hypTableRow.uuid) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty resident_VMs | Select-Object -First 1
$VMtoMove = Get-XenVM -opaque_ref $migrateHostVM
##VDI's should be resolved from $tmpVM.VBDs
$vdirefs = @()
foreach ($itemvbd in $VMtoMove.VBDs) {
$vbdvm = Get-XenVBD -opaque_ref $itemvbd.opaque_ref
if ($vbdvm.type -eq "Disk") {
$vdirefs += Get-XenVDI -opaque_ref $vbdvm.VDI.opaque_ref | ConvertTo-XenRef
#Map disks to $vdimap to use in migrate tasks
$vdimap = @{}
foreach ($vdiref in $vdirefs) {
$vdimap.Add([XenAPI.XenRef[XenAPI.VDI]]$vdiref, [XenAPI.XenRef[XenAPI.SR]]$vmSR);
$migrateVM = [PSCustomObject]@{vmToMigrate = $VMtoMove; vdiMap = $vdimap }
Return $migrateVM
function get-destHyp {
Gets destination host to migrate a VM to
.PARAMETER hypTableRow
Mandatory PSCustomObject of a hypTable row
Mandatory [XenAPI.Network] that VM resides on
PS> get-destHyp -hypTableRow $HypTableRow -hypNet $HypervisorNetwork
Returns a XenAPI.VM of the destination hypervisor
NAME : get-destHyp
VERSION : 1.0.0
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 1/27/2023 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 1/27/2023
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
$desthost = Get-hypHost -hostUUID $hypTableRow.uuid
$VMdest = Invoke-XenHost -XenHost $desthost -XenAction migratereceive -network $hypNet -PassThru
return $VMdest
function invoke-vmMigration {
Initates VM Migration
Mandatory XenAPI.VM parameter of VM to migrate
.PARAMETER DestinationHost
Mandatory object of the destination Hypervisor
Mandatory object array of Migration VM's vifs
Mandatory object array of Migration VM's disks
.PARAMETER hpySession
Mandatory XenAPI.Session object of the XenServer session where the migration will occur
PS> invoke-vmMigration -hypTableRow $HypTableRow -hypNet $HypervisorNetwork
Starts migratio of
NAME : get-destHyp
VERSION : 1.0.2
CHANGE LOG - Version - When - What - Who
1.0.0 - 1/27/2023 - Initial script - Alain Assaf
1.0.1 - 1/30/2023 - Added additional parameters - Alain Assaf
1.0.2 - 2/14/2023 - Added VMVIFMap param - Alain Assaf
LAST UPDATED: 2/14/2023
AUTHOR : Alain Assaf
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module XenServerPSModule
param (
$xenMotionTask = Invoke-XenVM $VMtoMigrate -XenAction migratesend -live $true -dest $DestinationHost -VifMap $VMVIFMap -VdiMap $VMVDIMap -SessionOpaqueRef $hypSession.opaque_ref -BestEffort -Async -PassThru
return $xenMotionTask
#region variables
$datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm"
$Domain = (Get-ChildItem env:USERDNSDOMAIN).value
$ScriptRunner = (Get-ChildItem env:username).value
$compname = (Get-ChildItem env:COMPUTERNAME).value
$scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
#$currentDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
#region modules
# Import the Citrix Broker PowerShell module
Get-MySnapin Citrix.Broker.Admin.V2
# Import the XenServer Module
Get-MySnapin XenServerPowerShell
#Remove any existing XenServer sessions
#Get XenServer Credential
Write-Verbose "Getting XenServer Credentials (for root user)..."
$XenServer_credential = get-scriptCredential -userName "root" -passpath "c:\temp\XenServer_pool.pwd"
#Connect to XenServer
$session = connect-ctxhyp -poolMaster "$XenServer_poolmaster" -hypCreds $XenServer_credential
#Get Pool Friendly name. Populate to match your environment
switch ($XenServer_poolmaster) {
"" { $xsn = "XS-Pool1"; break }
"" { $xsn = "XS-Pool2"; break }
"" { $xsn = "XS-Pool3"; break }
"" { $xsn = "XS-Pool4"; break }
default { "UNKNOWN XENSERVER"; break }
#This network will be used for VM migration
$xennet = get-hypNetwork -xenNetName $XenServer_networkname
if ($null -eq $xennet) {
Write-Warning "XenServer network [$XenServer_networkname] was not correct. Try another network name."
Write-Warning "Exiting script"
exit 1
# Get Storage Repository to migrate VM to (usually the same if in the same pool)
$sr2ref = get-hypSR -xenSRName $XenServer_SRName | ConvertTo-XenRef
if ($null -eq $sr2ref) {
Write-Warning "XenServer Storage Repository [$XenServer_SRName] was not correct. Try another SR name."
Write-Warning "Exiting script"
exit 1
#region main
$hostsToBalance = get-ctxHypVMTable -hypSession $session
$totalHosts = $hostsToBalance.count
$vms = Get-XenVM | Where-Object { $_.is_a_snapshot -eq $false -and $_.is_a_template -eq $false -and $_.is_control_domain -eq $false }
$vdas = $vms | Where-Object { $_.is_a_snapshot -eq $false -and $_.is_a_template -eq $false -and $_.is_control_domain -eq $false } | Select-Object name_label | Sort-Object name_label
$totalVms = $vdas.count
$optimalVMCount = [math]::Round($totalVms / $totalHosts)
Write-Host "Optimizing XS Pool: [$xsn]"
Write-Host "Number of hosts: [$totalHosts]"
Write-Host "Number of virtual machines: [$totalVms]"
Write-Host "Optimal VMs to Host count: [$optimalVMCount]"
# Get set of hypervisors with fewer and more than $optimalVMCount
$DestinationHypervisors = get-ctxHypDest -idealNumberOfVMs $optimalVMCount -hypTable $hostsToBalance
$SourceHypervisors = get-ctxHypSource -idealNumberOfVMs $optimalVMCount -hypTable $hostsToBalance
# Balance VMs
foreach ($srchyp in $SourceHypervisors) {
while ($srchyp.VMCount -gt $optimalVMCount) {
foreach ($desthyp in $DestinationHypervisors) {
if ($desthyp.VMCount -lt $optimalVMCount) {
$srcVM = get-vmToMigrate -hypTableRow $srchyp -vmSR $sr2ref
[string]$tmpName = $srcvm.vmToMigrate.name_label
$destHypHost = get-destHyp -hypTableRow $desthyp -hypNet $xennet
Write-Verbose "Migrating [$tmpName]"
$migrateTask = invoke-vmMigration -VMtoMigrate $srcVM.vmToMigrate -DestinationHost $destHypHost -VMVIFMap $vifmap -VMVDIMap $srcVM.vdiMap -hpySession $session
Wait-XenTask -Task $migrateTask -ShowProgress
Write-Verbose "---------------------------------------"
Write-Verbose "Source Host"
$srchyp | Select-Object -Property *
Write-Verbose "Destination Host"
$desthyp | Select-Object -Property *
Write-Verbose "---------------------------------------"
#Disconnect from XenServer
#End script info
Write-Verbose "SCRIPT NAME: $scriptName"
Write-Verbose "SCRIPT PATH: $scriptPath"
Write-Verbose "SCRIPT RUNTIME: $datetime"
Write-Verbose "SCRIPT USER: $ScriptRunner"
Write-Verbose "SCRIPT SYSTEM: $compname.$domain"
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