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Created May 30, 2014 09:40
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Save alainmeier/bdf7aa6b2fa9293540e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Getopt::Std;
$mapfile = "/z/www/redir.txt";
$htaccess = "/z/www/.htaccess";
$hostname = `hostname`; chomp $hostname;
if ($opt_m) {
$mapfile = $opt_m;
if ($opt_h) {
$htaccess = $opt_h;
my %redirects;
open(MAP,$mapfile) ||
die "Cannot read redir.txt: $!\n";
while (<MAP>) {
if (/^([\w\.\-]+)\/(\S*)\s+(\S+)/) {
# a sub-path redirect
my ($host,$path,$to) = ($1,$2,$3);
my $from = "$host/$path";
if ($host =~ /[A-Z]/) {
print "Warning: capitalized hostname $host on line $. won't match\n";
if ($host !~ /^[\w\-\.]+$/) {
print "Warning: invalid hostname $host on line $.\n";
$pathed{$host} = 1;
$host =~ s/\./\\./g;
if ($path =~ /^$/) {
# top level redirect
$path = "(.*)\$";
if ($to =~ m,/$,) {
$to .= "\$1";
} else {
$to .= "/\$1";
} else {
$path = "$path(.*)";
$to .= "\$1";
if ($host eq "dynamic\\.gamespy\\.com") {
$host = "dynamic.?\\.gamespy\\.com";
$redirects{"$from"} = "# $_\nRewriteCond\t\%{HTTP_HOST}\t^$host\$\t[NC]\nRewriteRule\t^$path\t$to [R=301,NE,L]\n";
} elsif (/^EXACT=([\w\.\-]+)\/(\S*)\s+(\S+)/) {
# an exact sub-path redirect
my ($host,$path,$to) = ($1,$2,$3);
my $from = "$host/$path";
if ($host =~ /[A-Z]/) {
print "Warning: capitalized hostname $host on line $. won't match\n";
if ($host !~ /^[\w\-\.]+$/) {
print "Warning: invalid hostname $host on line $.\n";
$pathed{$host} = 1;
$host =~ s/\./\\./g;
if ($path =~ /^$/) {
# top level redirect
$path = "(.*)\$";
if ($host eq "dynamic\\.gamespy\\.com") {
$host = "dynamic.?\\.gamespy\\.com";
$redirects{"$from"} = "# $_\nRewriteCond\t\%{HTTP_HOST}\t^$host\$\t[NC]\nRewriteRule\t^$path\t$to [R=301,NE,L]\n";
} elsif (/^(EXACT=)?([\w\.\-]+)\s+(\S+)/) {
# a top level redirect
my ($host,$to) = ($2,$3);
if ($host =~ /[A-Z]/) {
print "Warning: capitalized hostname $host on line $. won't match\n";
if ($host !~ /^[\w\-\.]+$/) {
print "Warning: invalid hostname $host on line $.\n";
if ($pathed{$host}) {
print "$host has sub-path redirects which will get ignored\n";
} else {
print "Invalid entry on line $.: $_";
close MAP;
open(HTA,">$") ||
die "Cannot write $ $!\n";
print HTA "# Generated by $0 on $hostname at ",scalar(localtime(time())),"\n";
print HTA "RewriteEngine on\n\n";
foreach $from (sort bypath keys %redirects) {
print HTA "$redirects{$from}\n";
close HTA;
rename("$","$htaccess") ||
die "Cannot move $ into place: $!\n";
sub bypath {
my ($adom,$apath,$bdom,$bpath);
if ($a =~ m,^([\w\-\.]+)/(\S*)$,) {
($adom,$apath) = ($1,$2);
} else {
$adom = $a;
if ($b =~ m,^([\w\-\.]+)/(\S*)$,) {
($bdom,$bpath) = ($1,$2);
} else {
$bdom = $b;
if ($bdom ne $adom) {
return ($a cmp $b);
} elsif (length($apath) > length($bpath)) {
return -1;
} elsif (length($apath) < length($bpath)) {
return 1;
} else {
return ($apath cmp $bpath);
print "Parsing finished.\n"
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