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Created October 29, 2012 20:00
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RubyConf Schedule
* Schedule
** Day 1
*** Keynote - Matz
Matz says to be happy
Write your own languages
Keep a look out for Ruby 2.0 RC1
He works @ NaCl
Use progress bar on bottom of slides to show progression of talk (maybe use a Nyan Cat)
*** Abstracting Features Into Custom Reverse Proxies :track2:
by Nick Muerdter (at NREL) -
Put email and twitter on header of slides
**** Why and How to use reverse proxies?
***** Benefits
1 entry point to all API / 1 user account to access API
API key access to all APIs
Rate limiting for all APIs
Analytics to all APIs
Standardized a single API
Scales well (reverse proxy to other reverse proxies)
***** Costs
Didn't want changes to each API
***** Implementation
Use the reverse proxy to interpret single API call to backend APIs
Put all benefits into reverse proxy app to sit between client and backend apis
***** Tooling
em-proxy - eventmachine
rack-reverse proxy is a little slower
***** Applications
Error handling? (interception)
Web page manipulation
Insert standard analytics javascript snippet
Add headers/footers?
Populate ads to keep them separate from your system
Add JSONP callbacks for all JSON APIs
Security checks
More than HTTP...
Implement your own buffering systems
Intercept and manipulate email
Intercept database calls
Anything via TCP/IP
***** Gotchas
Content-Length (if you change content, make sure this is correct)
GZip responses (need to do a bit of buffering)
Need buffering when dealing with response if doing parsing (need something aware of HTTP response structure)
Testing can be a challenge with evented things
***** Objectives
Make web services
More Gov't data coming our way through this
Make it easier for user to find and consume APIs
Federal push to develop and deploy APIs
***** Open Source
API Umbrella -
Goliath - uses em-synchrony (uses fibers) -
Varnish Cache
Supervisor - monitoring proxy
*** Service Oriented Architecture at Square :track2:
by Chris Hunt
Use JSON to communicate between web services
**** Languages
JRuby and Java
**** Deployment
Using Java - allows them to run any language on the JVM
**** Boilerplate things
***** Documentation
Must use fdoc to describe API or cannot deploy -
The builds will fail
***** Testing
Reccommendation: Growing object-oriented software guided by tests
Using foreman to boot up test env to develop Sinatra based API apps against
***** Code Quality
Using cane to enforce consistency on code quality -
***** Deployment
Jetty provisions the host
JetPack does this for you -
***** Monitoring
Airbreak with Hoptoad -
Cubism.js -
***** Security
Using SSL Certs with mutual authentication
Because they are building web services they can verify the private keys of other services
*** Ruby 2.0 on Rails :track1:
by Akira Matsuda
100% compatible -- no idea
**** Background
Monkey patching affects all instances when you override a class
**** New Features
***** Refinements
Uses to new methods Module#refine and Kernel#using
module Bar
refine String do
def say; puts "blah"; end
class Foo
using Bar
def hello
Foo#hello only uses that refinement instead of a global monkey patch
Works only with Classes and Modules (not lambda/procs)
If you have to, you can do it this way: { using Bar }.module_eval { ... }
E.g. In Ruby2.0, "#should" is a core method now, so we use refinements
to ensure that Rspec doesn't pollute the global namespace
possible ActiveRecord enhancements:
User.where ('age >= ?', 18)
User.where({ :age >= 18 }) (not official, but useful)
^^^^^ Look at lib/active_record/refinements.rb
It monkey patches and cannot be unloaded from the global namespace without restarting process
LOL. This is experimental and may be removed.
Also, ambiguity with alias_method_chain
***** Module#prepend
Like include, but the order of method invocation is reversed when calling super iteratively
***** Enumerable#lazy
for lazy evaluation
#=> [2,4,6,8...40]
***** Keyword arguments
No more work arounds
*** Your app is not a black box (Travis CI) :track2:
It's about how good you want your app to be
Using AS Notifications => metricks => librato metricks reporter
Using librato to display data
Tasseo - use a fork to make it work with librato
*** Building modular, scalable web apps? Of CORS! :track2:
** Day 2
*** Jim Weirich - Y-Combinator
Using Emacs to run ruby -
Alan Turing - The turing machine overview
Alonzo Church - Lambda calculus
**** Influcences today:
**** Fixpoints
Any value that when given to that function it will return that same value
e.g. 0 = sin(0)
e.g. 1 = sqrt(1)
e.g. 0 = sqrt(0)
**** Higher order functions
make_addr = ->(x) {
->(v) {
->(n) { n + x }.(v)
# function that returns a function
compose = ->(f,g) {
->(n) { f.(g.(n)) }
**** Functional Refactorings
***** Tennet Correspondence Principle
add1 = make_addr.(1)
mul3 = ->(n) { ->(z) { n * 3 }.(12345) }
mul3add1 = compose.(mul3, add1)
***** Introduce Binding
***** Wrap Function
***** Inline definition
**** Recursion
**** Y Combinator - Applicative Order Y Combinator - Z-combinator - Fixpoint Combinator
y = ->(f) {
->(x) { x.(x) }.(
->(x) { f.(->(v) { x.(x).(v) }) }
**** Applications
Don't really need this because we have named functions, if you
wanted to make everything anonymous, you could use the Y
Combinator, but I wouldn't reccomend that
**** Conclusion
If you like this:
*** Grow Your Unix Beard Using Ruby :track2:
JRuby and Ruby on Windows do not support forking
**** Process forking
#fork seems to be the only method that returns twice
but it's not really returning twice, just returning once per process
When you fork, it copies the whole current Ruby VM at that point in time
into the new process
$hits = Array(1..5)g
pid = Process.fork do
puts "Child hits: #{hits}"
**** Preforking
**** Fork And Exec
Core to all processes in unix
**** Dennis & Ken - the original unix beards
*** Real Time Salami :track1:
**** Streaming
Clients are blocked while rails works
Why buffer?
ActionController::Live Module - get an IO object on response to act like an IO object
Want to do this to stream ERB
**** Applications
Infinite Streams
More interesting ... SSE (Server Side Event)
FS Events to Puma to Browser
DB Events - Console to DRB socket to Puma to Browser
**** Hacking
Ghostscript REPL
Using RubyVM in 1.9.3+ to understand bytecode in Ruby
The goal is to create printable ruby ... what?
Quicknote: ActiveRecord::Relation != Arel
interpolating strings with #{} still creates string objects that are thrown away
but the final allocation is only one string
Process -> Make code readable -> Measure -> Then Optimize
***** Dtrace - Using it to inspect Rails boot time
disabling trace (not any faster)
Where are we spending the most time in the RubyVM?
What is being called the most
GC Time
Compile Time
bug #7158 - require is too slow -
*** What we can learn from dRuby's metaprogramming magic :track3:
What is dRuby? (dRB)
Distributed Object System
Can invoke methods in different processes
Can send objects between processes
Pure Ruby
In ruby standard library
Using recorded videos to display irb coding
**** Usage
distributed RSpec
**** Design Style
ipc - interprocess comm
fork/pipe, systemV IPC
**** DRB story and methodology
embedded web servers into small apps
was doing everyting with CGI (not cool anymore)
http restricts how to exchange objects
server - client relationship
function api (rpc)
Didn't want to convert Ruby world to Web world
Wanted Ruby to talk to Ruby.
Extending Ruby's method invocation to socket programming
ObjectSpace._id2ref & send
Using Marshalling to save and resurrect objects
Ruby socket programming paterns from shttpserv
DRB doesn't translate procs remotely, it will proxy back to the client
Also interesting:
*** How I Set out to Benchmark an Algorithm and Ended Up Fixing Ruby :track3:
**** 4 Rs of bug reporting
***** Reproduce
Make the bug occur everytime (or at least more than once)
Ruby can be influenced by various .*rc files (.irbrc, .gemrc)
Environmental variables
rvm and rbenv
ask a friend to run the code on their codebase
***** Report
Ruby Bug Tracker -
All steps to reproduce, bonus points for attachments (script that shows the bug in action)
Ruby Version
Crash log (look in in OS X, find the equivalent for your system, maybe syslog for other unix distros)
***** Reduce
Reduce the environment dependencies to narrow the scope of where the bug is
Eliminate libraries
Simple scripts are the best
Shrink code (5 or fewer lines is ideal)
***** Regress
Try different versions
Better: try different ruby releases
Best: git bisect (ZOMG!)
Bonus: try different build settings
***** Repair
Try and fix it
Pack your Bags
Get the source code
Build it
****** Study the map
ID => symbols
VALUE => everything else
rb_id2name => dump symbols in GDB
rb_string_value_cstr => #to_s for GDB
****** Bring your gardener
like ruby, only smaller
lexer, parser, interpreter, VM/runtime
core library classesx
make miniruby to build
****** Weapon of choice
gdb ./miniruby
set pre-run breakpoints
pass arguments to miniruby with "run"
watch it crash
****** Advanced Weaponry
man malloc
Set env variables to log the stack during allocations
Run in GDB, use malloc_history to view stacks
CFLAGS-"-O0 -g" ./configure
malloc vs gmalloc (gmalloc is more aggressive, stresses the system because it locks a page after an allocated page and uses memory up quickly)
*** The Celluloid Ecosystem :track1:
Why use threads? Because of multicore systems
Cores are growing and threads are getting cheaper
Processes waste RAM
Serialization penalty
Used circles to do UML object messaging diagrams
**** Applications
Sidekiq and Ahearsion
**** OOP Tools and Concurrency Tools need to be combined
Active Objects (Based on Actor Model)
"Cells" name of abstraction
Can call methods asynchronously
Can do "futures" also (much like ordering food at a restaurant
before getting to the restaurant)
** Day 3
*** The Insufficiency of Good Design
by Sarah Mei
OOP Design
Good communication is important
*** mruby meets iOS and RTOS! :track3:
*** Machine Write Tests For Our Code? New Verification Techniques :track2:
*** How we try to answer The Great Energy Questions with Ruby :track2:
*** Rapid Programming Language Prototypes with Ruby & Racc :track3:
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