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Created April 25, 2018 00:27
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declare module 'twilio-video' {
// this actually returns a CancelablePromise
export function connect(token: string, options: ConnectOptions): Promise<Room>;
export function createLocalTracks(options?: CreateLocalTracksOptions): Promise<LocalTrack[]>;
export interface ConnectOptions {
name: string;
tracks: (LocalTrack | MediaStreamTrack)[];
export interface CreateLocalTracksOptions {
audio: boolean | CreateLocalTrackOptions;
logLevel?: LogLevel | LogLevels;
video: boolean | CreateLocalTrackOptions;
export interface CreateLocalTrackOptions extends MediaTrackConstraints {
logLevel?: LogLevel | LogLevels;
name?: string;
export type LocalTrack = LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack;
export interface LogLevels {
default?: LogLevel;
media?: LogLevel;
signaling?: LogLevel;
webrtc?: LogLevel;
export type LogLevel = string;
export interface Room extends EventEmitter {
isRecording: boolean;
localParticipant: LocalParticipant;
name: string;
participants: Map<Participant.SID, RemoteParticipant>;
disconnect(): Room;
export interface RemoteParticipant extends Participant {
export interface LocalParticipant extends Participant {
tracks: Map<Track.ID, LocalVideoTrack>;
unpublishTrack: (track: LocalTrack | MediaStreamTrack) => LocalTrackPublication;
export interface LocalTrackPublication {
kind: Track.Kind;
track: LocalTrack;
trackName: string;
trackSid: Track.SID;
export interface Participant extends EventEmitter {
identity: Participant.Identity;
sid: Participant.SID;
tracks: Map<Track.ID, Track>;
export interface EventEmitter {
on: (eventName: string, callback: (params: any) => void) => void;
namespace Participant {
export type SID = string;
export type Identity = string;
export interface LocalAudioTrack extends Track {
stop(): void;
export interface LocalVideoTrack extends Track {
stop(): void;
export interface Track {
id: Track.ID;
kind: Track.Kind;
name: string;
namespace Track {
export type ID = string;
export type Kind = 'audio' | 'video' | 'data';
export type SID = string;
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