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Created November 23, 2023 11:53
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"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.shouldWatchRoot = exports.debugPerformance = exports.useLegacySass = exports.useParallelTs = exports.maxWorkers = exports.allowMinify = exports.shouldBeautify = exports.allowMangle = void 0;
const color_1 = require("./color");
function isDisabled(variable) {
return variable === '0' || variable.toLowerCase() === 'false';
function isEnabled(variable) {
return variable === '1' || variable.toLowerCase() === 'true';
function isPresent(variable) {
return typeof variable === 'string' && variable !== '';
// Optimization and mangling
const debugOptimizeVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_DEBUG_OPTIMIZE'];
const debugOptimize = (() => {
if (!isPresent(debugOptimizeVariable) || isDisabled(debugOptimizeVariable)) {
return {
mangle: true,
minify: true,
beautify: false,
const debugValue = {
mangle: false,
minify: false,
beautify: true,
if (isEnabled(debugOptimizeVariable)) {
return debugValue;
for (const part of debugOptimizeVariable.split(',')) {
switch (part.trim().toLowerCase()) {
case 'mangle':
debugValue.mangle = true;
case 'minify':
debugValue.minify = true;
case 'beautify':
debugValue.beautify = true;
return debugValue;
const mangleVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_MANGLE'];
exports.allowMangle = isPresent(mangleVariable)
? !isDisabled(mangleVariable)
: debugOptimize.mangle;
exports.shouldBeautify = debugOptimize.beautify;
exports.allowMinify = debugOptimize.minify;
* Some environments, like CircleCI which use Docker report a number of CPUs by the host and not the count of available.
* This cause `Error: Call retries were exceeded` errors when trying to use them.
* @see
* @see
* @see
const maxWorkersVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_MAX_WORKERS'];
exports.maxWorkers = isPresent(maxWorkersVariable) ? +maxWorkersVariable : 4;
const parallelTsVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_PARALLEL_TS'];
exports.useParallelTs = !isPresent(parallelTsVariable) || !isDisabled(parallelTsVariable);
const legacySassVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_LEGACY_SASS'];
exports.useLegacySass = (() => {
if (!isPresent(legacySassVariable)) {
return false;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(color_1.colors.yellow(`Warning: 'NG_BUILD_LEGACY_SASS' environment variable support will be removed in version 16.`));
return isEnabled(legacySassVariable);
const debugPerfVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_DEBUG_PERF'];
exports.debugPerformance = isPresent(debugPerfVariable) && isEnabled(debugPerfVariable);
// Default to true on Windows to workaround Visual Studio atomic file saving watch issues
const watchRootVariable = process.env['NG_BUILD_WATCH_ROOT'];
exports.shouldWatchRoot = isPresent(watchRootVariable) && isEnabled(watchRootVariable);
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