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Last active January 29, 2023 13:39
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Generate unicorn dependency graph using PowerShell. Analyse and improve your configurations or easily fix existing issues
function Get-ComputedDependencyGraphUrl {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ComputedDependencyGraphUrl - Begin"
process {
$r = ""
$allDependenciesClean.Keys | ?{ $allDependenciesClean[$_] -ne $null } | %{
$configName = $_
$computedDependencies = $allDependenciesClean[$configName] | ? { $_ -ne $configName}
$configReport = ($computedDependencies | % { "[$configName]-->[$_]" }) -join ","
$r = $r, $configReport -join ","
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ComputedDependencyGraphUrl - End"
function Get-ConfigDependencyGraphUrl {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ConfigDependencyGraphUrl - Begin"
process {
$r = ""
$allDependenciesClean.Keys | ?{ $allDependenciesClean[$_] -ne $null } | %{
$configName = $_
$configDependencies = ($allUnicornConfigs | ? { $_.Name -eq $configName } | Select-Object -First 1).Dependencies
$configReport = ($configDependencies | % { "[$configName]-->[$_]" }) -join ","
$r = $r, $configReport -join ","
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ConfigDependencyGraphUrl - End"
function Get-DiffDependencyGraphUrl {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-DiffDependencyGraphUrl - Begin"
process {
$r = ""
$allDependenciesClean.Keys | ?{ $allDependenciesClean[$_] -ne $null } | %{
$configName = $_
$computedDependencies = $allDependenciesClean[$configName] | ? { $_ -ne $configName}
$configDependencies = ($allUnicornConfigs | ? { $_.Name -eq $configName } | Select-Object -First 1).Dependencies
$missing = Compare-Object $configDependencies $computedDependencies -IncludeEqual | ? { $_.SideIndicator -eq "=>" } | %{ $_.InputObject }
$missingFormated = ($missing | % { "[$configName]-->[$_]" }) -join ","
$redundant = Compare-Object $configDependencies $computedDependencies -IncludeEqual | ? { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | %{ $_.InputObject }
$redundantFormated = ($redundant | % { "[$configName]-.-^[$_]" }) -join ","
$configReport = $missingFormated, $redundantFormated -join ","
$r = $r, $configReport -join ","
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-DiffDependencyGraphUrl - End"
function Get-ItemDataChildren {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ItemDataChildren - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ItemDataChildren - Process"
$ISourceDataStore.GetChildren($IItemData) | %{
Get-ItemDataChildren $_ $ISourceDataStore $IPredicate
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ItemDataChildren - End"
function Get-ItemsData {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ItemsData - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ItemsData - Process"
$method = $Configuration.GetType().GetMethods() | ? { $_.Name -eq "Resolve"} | ? { $_.ReturnType.Name -eq "T" } | Select-Object -First 1
$predicateRootPathResolver = $method.MakeGenericMethod([Unicorn.Predicates.PredicateRootPathResolver]).Invoke($Configuration, $null)
$sourceDataStore = $method.MakeGenericMethod([Unicorn.Data.ISourceDataStore]).Invoke($Configuration, $null)
$predicate = $method.MakeGenericMethod([Unicorn.Predicates.IPredicate]).Invoke($Configuration, $null)
foreach($IItemData in $predicateRootPathResolver.GetRootSourceItems()){
Get-ItemDataChildren $IItemData $sourceDataStore $predicate
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-ItemsData - End"
function Get-UnicornConfiguration {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0 )]
[string]$ConfigurationName = ""
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-UnicornConfiguration - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-UnicornConfiguration - Process"
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-UnicornConfiguration - End"
function Get-PredicateIncludes {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-PredicateIncludes - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-PredicateIncludes - Process"
$method = $Configuration.GetType().GetMethods() | ? { $_.Name -eq "Resolve"} | ? { $_.ReturnType.Name -eq "T" } | Select-Object -First 1
$predicateRootPathResolver = $method.MakeGenericMethod([Unicorn.Predicates.PredicateRootPathResolver]).Invoke($Configuration, $null)
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-PredicateIncludes - End"
function Get-ComparableObjects {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - Process"
$result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Configurations | ForEach-Object {
$configName = $_
Get-ItemsData $configName | ForEach-Object {
$obj = @{}
$obj.ItemData = $_
$obj.Config = $configName
$result.Add($obj) | Out-Null
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - End"
function Get-TemplateDependency {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - Process"
$templateIdKey = $currentItemData.ItemData.TemplateId.ToString()
if ($global_invalidTemplateIDs[$templateIdKey] -eq $null) {
$result = $global_templateIdToItemDataMapping[$templateIdKey]
if ($result -ne $null) {
}else {
$objectForDifferentConfigs = $global_allObjects | Where-Object { $_.Config.Name -ne $currentItemData.Config.Name}
$result = $objectForDifferentConfigs | Where-Object {$_.ItemData.ID -eq $currentItemData.ItemData.TemplateId } | Select-Object -First 1
if ($result -ne $null) {
$global_templateIdToItemDataMapping.Add($templateIdKey, $result)
}else {
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - End"
function Get-Depependencies($configName, $allDependencies){
$start2 = Get-Date
# check depndencies by path include
$global_predicateIncludes[$configName].Path | % {
$currentPath = $_
$global_predicateIncludes.Keys | %{
$globalConfig = $_
if($globalConfig -ne $configName){
$global_predicateIncludes[$globalConfig].Path | %{
$allDependencies[$configName].Add($globalConfig) | Out-Null
# check depndencies by template
$configurationObjects = $global_allObjects | Where-Object { $_.Config.Name -eq $configName}
$configurationObjects | ForEach-Object {
$result = Get-TemplateDependency $_
if ($result -ne $null) {
$allDependencies[$configName].Add($result.Config.Name) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Processing
[$((Get-Date) - $start2)] $configName"
function Show-Dialog {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - Process"
$dialogOptions = @{}
$Configurations.Name | ForEach-Object { $dialogOptions.Add($_, $_) }
$preSelectedConfigurations = $Configurations.Name
$result = Read-Variable -Parameters `
@{ Name = "preSelectedConfigurations"; Title = "Configurations"; Options = $dialogOptions; Editor = "checklist"; Tip = "Select which configuration should be used to generate dependency graph"; Height = "330px"; Tab = "General"; } `
-Description "This script will go through the selected unicorn configurations and generate dependency report" `
-Title "Generate Unicorn configurations dependency graph" -Width 500 -Height 600 `
-OkButtonName "OK" -CancelButtonName "Cancel" `
if ($result -ne "ok") {
$Configurations | Where-Object {$preSelectedConfigurations.Contains($_.Name)}
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Add-Files - End"
function Show-ResultsDialog {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Show-ResultsDialog - Begin"
process {
$result= "ok"
$graphModes = [ordered]@{}
$graphModes['Mixed dependency graph (redundant, missing dependencies)'] = "mixed"
$graphModes['Computed dependency graph'] = "computed"
$graphModes['Configuration based dependency graph'] = "config"
while($result -eq "ok"){
$result = Read-Variable -Parameters `
@{ Name = "Description"; Title=" "; Value="Please select graph you want to see and click Show button"; editor="info";}, `
@{ Name = "graphMode"; Options=$graphModes; Value=""; Title="Graph mode"; } `
-Description "This script will go through the selected unicorn configurations and generate dependency report" `
-Title "Generate Unicorn configurations dependency graph" -Width 500 -Height 300 `
-OkButtonName "Show" -CancelButtonName "Exit"
if($result -eq "cancel"){
switch ($graphMode) {
"computed" {
$url = Get-ComputedDependencyGraphUrl $allDependenciesClean
$description = "Dependency graph based on item path/id dependency"
$legend = "This graph represents desired dependency determined based on item's id/path dependencies between each module."
"config" {
$url = Get-ConfigDependencyGraphUrl $allDependenciesClean $allUnicornConfigs
$description = "Configuration based dependency graph"
$legend = "This graph represents dependency that is currently set in your unicorn configuration files"
"mixed" {
$url = Get-DiffDependencyGraphUrl $allDependenciesClean $allUnicornConfigs
$description = "Mixed graph"
$legend = "Shows what you should do with your config files to fix dependency erros <br/> <b>Solid line</b> - missing dependency <br/> <b>Dotted line</b> - redundant dependency"
Default {
$url = ""
$result2 = Read-Variable -Parameters `
@{ Name="Info0"; Title=""; Value='<img src="'+ $url +'""/>'; editor="info" }, `
@{ Name="Info1"; Title="Legend:"; Value=$legend; editor="info" } `
-Description $description -Title "Dependency Graph" -Width 1000 -Height 800 `
-OkButtonName "Show different" -CancelButtonName "Exit"
if($result2 -eq "cancel"){
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Show-ResultsDialog - End"
# initialize global variables
$start = Get-Date
$global_templateIdToItemDataMapping = @{}
$global_invalidTemplateIDs = @{}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$dependencies = New-Object "System.Collections.ArrayList"
[System.Xml.XmlNode[]]$allConfigs = [Sitecore.Configuration.Factory]::GetConfigNodes("/sitecore/unicorn/configurations/configuration")
$allUnicornConfigs = $allConfigs | ForEach-Object { Get-UnicornConfiguration $_.Name }
$configsToProcess = Show-Dialog $allUnicornConfigs
$global_progress = 0.0
$global_allObjects = $allUnicornConfigs | ForEach-Object {
Write-Progress -Activity "Initializing objects" `
-Status "Creating comparable objects for $($_.Name)" `
-PercentComplete ($global_progress)
$global_progress= $global_progress + 100.0 / ($allUnicornConfigs.Count)
Get-ComparableObjects $_
$global_predicateIncludes = @{}
$global_progress = 0.0
$allUnicornConfigs | ForEach-Object{ $global_predicateIncludes.Add("$($_.Name)", $(Get-PredicateIncludes $_)) }
(Get-Date) - $start
# initialize result tables
$allDependencies = @{}
$allDependenciesClean = @{}
$allUnicornConfigs.Name | ForEach-Object { $allDependencies.Add("$($_)", $(New-Object "System.Collections.ArrayList"))}
$allUnicornConfigs.Name | ForEach-Object { $allDependenciesClean.Add("$($_)", $null)}
$start = Get-Date
$configsToProcess | ForEach-Object {
Write-Progress -Activity "Analysing dependencies for $($_.Name)" `
-Status "Checking path/id dependencies" `
-PercentComplete ($global_progress)
$global_progress= $global_progress + 100.0 / ($configsToProcess.Count)
Get-Depependencies $_.Name $allDependencies
(Get-Date) - $start
# print results
$allDependencies.Keys | %{
$allDependenciesClean[$_] = $allDependencies[$_] | Sort-Object | Get-Unique -AsString
if((Show-Confirm -Title "Would you like to generate dependency report which can be then exported?") -eq "yes"){
$allDependenciesClean.Keys | ?{ $allDependenciesClean[$_] -ne $null } | Show-ListView -InfoTitle "Desired unicorn dependency configuration" `
-PageSize 25 `
-Property `
@{Label='Configuration'; Expression={$_} },
@{Label='Dependencies'; Expression={$allDependenciesClean[$_] -join ','} }
Show-ResultsDialog $allDependenciesClean $allUnicornConfigs
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ghost commented Mar 29, 2019

Splendid work!~ :)

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