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Forked from cezarypiatek/NetFrameworkVersion.psm1
Created October 30, 2016 09:55
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function Get-KeyPropertyValue($key, $property)
if($key.Property -contains $property)
Get-ItemProperty $key.PSPath -name $property | select -expand $property
function Get-VersionName($key)
$name = Get-KeyPropertyValue $key Version
$sp = Get-KeyPropertyValue $key SP
$install = Get-KeyPropertyValue $key Install
$languages = (Get-Languages $key.PSPath) -join ", "
$languagePackInfo = if($languages){"Language packs: $languages"}else{""}
"$($_.PSChildName) $name SP $sp $languagePackInfo"
"$($_.PSChildName) $name $languagePackInfo"
function Get-Languages($versionDir){
Get-ChildItem $versionDir |? {$_.PSChildName -match "\d{4}"} |% {[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo([int]$_.PSChildName).Name}
function Get-FrameworkVersion{
dir "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\" |? {$_.PSChildName -like "v*"} |%{
if( $_.Property -contains "Version")
Get-VersionName $_
$parent = $_
Get-ChildItem $_.PSPath |%{
$versionName = Get-VersionName $_
"$($parent.PSChildName) $versionName"
$v4Directory = "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full"
if(Test-Path $v4Directory)
$v4 = Get-Item $v4Directory
$version = Get-KeyPropertyValue $v4 Release
$languages = (Get-Languages $v4Directory) -join ", "
$languagePackInfo = "Language packs: $languages"
378389 {".NET Framework 4.5 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
378675 {".NET Framework 4.5.1 installed with Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
378758 {".NET Framework 4.5.1 installed on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, or Windows Vista SP2 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
379893 {".NET Framework 4.5.2 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
{ 393295, 393297 -contains $_} {".NET Framework 4.6 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
{ 394254, 394271 -contains $_} {".NET Framework 4.6.1 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
{ 394802, 394806 -contains $_} {".NET Framework 4.6.2 $languagePackInfo"; break;}
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FrameworkVersion
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