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Last active April 19, 2024 00:49
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  • Save alana314/6bdc9af962fd8620a4fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alana314/6bdc9af962fd8620a4fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Now with less jquery
//1) go to your my-list page, and scroll to the bottom to make sure it's all loaded:
//2) Next, paste this in your developer tools console and hit enter:
[...document.querySelectorAll('.slider [aria-label]')].map(ele => ele.getAttribute('aria-label'))
//or use this to copy the list to your clipboard:
copy([...document.querySelectorAll('.slider [aria-label]')].map(ele => ele.getAttribute('aria-label')))
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chr1xm commented Sep 18, 2019

Thank you help me to migrate my account :) and it worked.

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Updated this to not use jquery. In my other gists I also made a script to export a soundcloud playlist

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joyblanks commented Jan 5, 2020

Thanks! I could export all titles and then I had to figure out how to add them to my new profile.
Found a very patchy way but did the job. Hope someone will need this.

1. Login & Select your old Account -> Profile
2. Go to My List (old profile)
3. Run this code in your Browser Developer console to Export and save My List

var tmpList = (function() {
    var list = []
    document.querySelectorAll('.title-card a[aria-label]').forEach(
        function(item) {
            try {
                    name: item.getAttribute('aria-label'),
                    link: ("" + item.getAttribute("href").split("?")[0]).replace('watch', 'title')
            } catch (err) {
                console.error("ERROR: Ignored err", err, item)
    return (JSON.stringify(list));

4. Logout old account
5. Login & Select your new Account -> Profile
6. Run this Code in your Browser Developer console to Import My List saved in step 3

  var list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tmpList'))
  var counter = 0;
  function openWin(e){
    var popup;
    popup =[e].link);
    popup.onload = function(){
        if(popup.document.querySelector('.nf-flat-button-icon-mylist-add + span')){
          popup.document.querySelector('.nf-flat-button-icon-mylist-add + span').click();
          setTimeout(function(){popup.close()}, 500);
          console.log('Added', list[e].name);
        } else {
          console.log('Already added', list[e].name);
      }, 500)
    var timer = setInterval(function() { 
      if(popup && popup.closed) {
        if(list.length-1 > counter){
        } else {
    }, 1000);

7. Done

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alana314 commented Jan 6, 2020

@joyblanks Fancy! Thanks!

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@joyblanks, Awesome!

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mehmet-demir commented Feb 19, 2020

jhult's suggestion - "netflix-list-exporter" extension was an easier solution. Thanks.

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Is there a way to transfer the viewing history from one account? I know I can export it to a file, but then how do I import it in another profile?

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This works for me to generate a json or unquoted csv version of the titles and suggested ratings from the DVD In Queue page. (Yes, I still have a DVD account what do you want from me!?) Doesn't pull "Saved items" (the ones that aren't available at this time).

titles=[...document.querySelectorAll('#inqueueList .title.ondelhide')].map(ele => ele.text)
ratings=[...document.querySelectorAll('#inqueueList .starbar')].map(ele => ele.getAttribute('data-rating'))

titles_ratings = []
for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) {
 titles_ratings.push([titles[i].replace('\\"', ''), ratings[i]]) 

json = JSON.stringify(titles_ratings)

csv ={
    return d.join();

Example csv output:

The Lion King,4.1
Alien vs. Predator,2.3

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Is there a way to transfer the viewing history from one account? I know I can export it to a file, but then how do I import it in another profile?

@shahsahilj You can't. The only reason this script works is because it scrapes DOM elements that are already exposed by the Netflix website.
To make an import script you would have to create a script to automate the reinsertion of the data. Which can be as easy as pushing it to the Netflix API if you can reverse engineer it or hope that there's an officially supported way.

TL;DR Exporting account info such as "My List" is easy.
Importing the same info is a bit more tricky.

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agwosdz commented Sep 5, 2020

Thanks! I could export all titles and then I had to figure out how to add them to my new profile.
Found a very patchy way but did the job. Hope someone will need this.

1. Login & Select your old Account -> Profile
2. Go to My List (old profile)
3. Run this code in your Browser Developer console to Export and save My List

var tmpList = (function() {
    var list = []
    document.querySelectorAll('.title-card a[aria-label]').forEach(
        function(item) {
            try {
                    name: item.getAttribute('aria-label'),
                    link: ("" + item.getAttribute("href").split("?")[0]).replace('watch', 'title')
            } catch (err) {
                console.error("ERROR: Ignored err", err, item)
    return (JSON.stringify(list));

4. Logout old account
5. Login & Select your new Account -> Profile
6. Run this Code in your Browser Developer console to Import My List saved in step 3

  var list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tmpList'))
  var counter = 0;
  function openWin(e){
    var popup;
    popup =[e].link);
    popup.onload = function(){
        if(popup.document.querySelector('.nf-flat-button-icon-mylist-add + span')){
          popup.document.querySelector('.nf-flat-button-icon-mylist-add + span').click();
          setTimeout(function(){popup.close()}, 500);
          console.log('Added', list[e].name);
        } else {
          console.log('Already added', list[e].name);
      }, 500)
    var timer = setInterval(function() { 
      if(popup && popup.closed) {
        if(list.length-1 > counter){
        } else {
    }, 1000);

7. Done

Thanks, but the code is not working for me.... Getting a cannot set property 'onload' of null

Any ideas?

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The exporting script worked for me, but I had issues with the importing script.

The Chrome popup blocker needs to be disabled while importing.
Settings -> Site Settings -> Popups and Redirects

Second, I modified the code as follows:

  var list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tmpList'))
  var counter = 0;
  function openWin(e){
    var popup;
    popup =[e].link);
    popup.onload = function(){
          setTimeout(function(){popup.close()}, 500);
          console.log('Added', list[e].name);
        } else {
          console.log('Already added', list[e].name);
      }, 500)
    var timer = setInterval(function() { 
      if(popup && popup.closed) {
        if(list.length-1 > counter){
        } else {
    }, 1000);

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m1337v commented Jan 2, 2021

Does anyone have an idea how to hide movies if they are either upvoted or downvoted? I only have a solution for downvotes if they are "greyed out". Maybe one could combine the scripts from here with this one?

    // ==/UserScript==
var $ = window.jQuery;
}, 1000);

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dwhitz commented Sep 3, 2022

I suggest to take a look to for exporting and importing netflix ratings

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