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Last active February 14, 2021 07:24
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simple fillet example with numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from ipdb import set_trace as db
def main():
def fillet_demo():
# create simple polyline with one acute angle
rad = 3
angle_d = 25
angle_r = 25 * np.pi/180
xy = np.array([
[rad, 0],
[0, 0],
[rad*np.cos(angle_r), rad*np.sin(angle_r)],
R = 0.25/2 # fillet radius
filleted, part1, part2, circle_center = fillet_single_corner(xy, R)
# part1 and part2 don't need to be explicitly found, because they
# can be pulled out of the filleted point list
_part1 = filleted[[0, 1],:]
_part2 = filleted[[-2, -1], :]
xy_eroded = np.vstack(Polygon(xy).buffer(-R, join_style=1).buffer(R, join_style=1).exterior.coords.xy).T
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(xy[:,0], xy[:,1], 'r-', label='original')
c = np.exp(np.linspace(0, 2j*np.pi, 64))
#plt.plot(circle_center[0] + R*c.real, circle_center[1] + R*c.imag, 'b-', label='fillet circle')
plt.plot(part1[:,0], part1[:,1], 'g-', label='trimmed')
plt.plot(part2[:,0], part2[:,1], 'g-', label='trimmed')
#plt.plot(filleted[:,0], filleted[:,1], 'c-', label='manual fillet')
#plt.plot(xy_eroded[:,0], xy_eroded[:,1], 'k--', label="shapely buffer")
def fillet_single_corner(xy, r):
# xy is a 3x2 array, a length-3 list of 2d points
# r is the fillet radius
# basic geometry
v1 = xy[0,:] - xy[1,:]
v2 = xy[2,:] - xy[1,:]
v1_norm = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
v2_norm = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2)
angle = np.arccos(, v2_norm))
bisector = (v1 + v2) / 2 - xy[1,:]
bisector_norm = bisector / np.linalg.norm(bisector)
# trigonometry of the fillet
distance_along_bisector = r / np.sin(angle/2)
distance_along_line = r / np.tan(angle/2)
# explicitly define the trimmed line segments
part1 = np.array([
xy[1,:] + v1_norm * distance_along_line,
part2 = np.array([
xy[1,:] + v2_norm * distance_along_line,
# create the fillet curve
circle_center = xy[1,:] + distance_along_bisector * bisector_norm
va1 = part1[1,:] - circle_center
va2 = part2[0,:] - circle_center
a1 = np.arctan2(va1[1], va1[0])
a2 = np.arctan2(va2[1], va2[0])
# NOTE this angle vector is not fully general
a_vec = np.arange(a1, a2-2*np.pi, np.sign(a1-a2) * np.pi/32)
fillet = np.vstack((circle_center[0] + r*np.cos(a_vec), circle_center[1] + r*np.sin(a_vec))).T
filleted = np.vstack((xy[0,:], fillet, xy[2,:]))
return filleted, part1, part2, circle_center
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