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Created October 30, 2012 20:08
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A simple PHP template engine
* Tpl - A PHP template engine
* Tpl is a simple hierarchical template engine inspired by the
* {@link Django} template engine. Since PHP is
* already a template language (of sorts), Tpl does not attempt to replace it,
* but extends it with a useful inheritance framework to simplify the writing
* of templates for both small and complex web applications.
* In Tpl, a template can be represented as a tree with 3 types of node:
* <ul>
* <li> Block - a named subtree which can be overridden </li>
* <li> Text - literal text </li>
* <li> Super - a placeholder for inherited block content </li>
* </ul>
* Template inheritance forms a unary tree - multiple inheritance is not
* allowed, since the semantics for this are very hard to define and there is
* unlikely to be need for this capability.
* In the template inheritance tree, Block nodes override their counterparts
* higher in the tree, and Super nodes are replaced with the content of the
* block they are contained within from further up the tree.
* A single render of a template is parsed in 4 steps:
* <ol>
* <li> Parse the templates from the desired template up to the root
* of the inheritance tree </li>
* <li> Propagate block values down the tree, replacing Super nodes </li>
* <li> Propagate final block values up to the root template </li>
* <li> Use the string representation of the root template </li>
* </ol>
* @package Tpl
* @version 0.8.1
* @author Alan Briolat <>
* @copyright (c) 2009, Alan Briolat
* @license GNU GPLv3
* Template exception
class TplException extends Exception
* Constructor
* Clean up output buffering before throwing an exception from Tpl.
* @param string $msg Error message
public function __construct($msg)
* Template node
* Implements all the generic features of a template node, which mostly
* consists of the aggregation of child nodes and overriding a node by turning
* it into a text node.
class TplNode
* Node text - overrides children
* @var string
protected $text = '';
* Node children, in order
* @var array
protected $children = array();
* Render the node
* Return the string representation of the node. If a text string has been
* set, that is returned, otherwise the concatenation of rendering the
* child nodes is returned.
* @return string The string representation of the node
public function render()
if (!empty($this->text))
// Text set, return it
return $this->text;
elseif (!empty($this->children))
// Return concatenation of children
$c = array();
foreach ($this->children as $child)
$c[] = $child->render();
return implode('', $c);
// Nothing, return empty string
return '';
* Set the text of a node
* @param string $text
public function set($text)
$this->text = $text;
* Append a child node
* @param TplNode $node
public function append($node)
$this->children[] = $node;
* Template Text node
class TplTextNode extends TplNode
* Constructor
* Save the content of the text node
public function __construct($text)
* Template Super node
class TplSuperNode extends TplNode
* Template Block node
class TplBlockNode extends TplNode
* Block name
* @var string
protected $name;
* Constructor
* Set the name of the block
public function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
* Get the name of the block
* @return string
public function name()
return $this->name;
* Set value of Super nodes
* @param string $text
public function set_super($text)
foreach ($this->children as $child)
if ($child instanceof TplSuperNode)
* Template
* Represents a template file, and inherits from TplNode since it is the root
* node of a template.
class TplTemplate extends TplNode
* Template path (including base directory)
* @var string
protected $path;
* Map of block names to nodes
* @var array
protected $blocks = array();
* Stack of nodes, for processing nested blocks
* @var array
protected $stack = array();
* Parent template path
* @var string
protected $parent_path = '';
* Parent template
* @var TplTemplate
protected $parent = null;
* Constructor
* Get template path, throw an error if the template doesn't exist
public function __construct($template)
$this->path = Tpl::get_path($template);
if (!file_exists($this->path))
throw new TplException("Template not found: $template");
* Render the template and return the resulting string
* Rendering a template is a 4-stage process:
* <ol>
* <li> Parse the template. If the template inherits from another, parse
* that too, until the root of the template hierarchy </li>
* <li> Fill in Super nodes with block text from higher up in the
* hierarchy </li>
* <li> Propagate block contents up the hierarchy to the root
* template </li>
* <li> Return the string value of the root template </li>
* </ol>
* @param mixed $C Context object
public function render($C = array())
return $this->_compile();
* Stage 1 - Parse the template(s)
* Parse this template, and then if a parent was specified, parse that.
* This will cause the parsing to travel up the inheritance hierarchy
* recursively.
* @param mixed $C Context object
protected function _parse($C)
// Set the current template to be the base of the block stack
$this->stack = array($this);
// Start buffering
// "Run" the template
// Check that all blocks were closed
if (count($this->stack) > 1)
$name = end($this->stack)->name();
throw new TplException("Block '$name' not closed");
// Clean up - add remaining text as a Text node
$this->append(new TplTextNode(Tpl::buffer_end()));
// Reverse block list so that most-deeply-nested blocks are processed
// first, correctly propagating from bottom to top
$this->blocks = array_reverse($this->blocks);
// Parse the parent template if one was set
if ($this->parent_path)
$this->parent = new TplTemplate($this->parent_path);
* Stage 2 - Replace Super nodes
* Propagate block values down from the root template to populate Super
* nodes with the correct values. Lower block data takes precedence over
* higher block date, so the value for a Super node is that of the closest
* ancestor block of the same name.
* @return array The text values of blocks in this template and above
protected function _super()
// Text values of blocks
$blocktext = array();
// Only bother resolving Super nodes if there is a parent template,
// otherwise there won't be any values to use anyway
if ($this->parent)
// Head recursion - process the root template first
$blocktext = $this->parent->_super();
// Resolve the Super blocks in this template
foreach ($blocktext as $key => $text)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->blocks))
// Collate block data, overwriting the blocks from higher up with those
// in this template
foreach ($this->blocks as $key => $b)
$blocktext[$key] = $b->render();
return $blocktext;
* Stage 3 - Collect output
* Propagate final block values up the tree to the root template, and
* return the string representation of that root template. The process
* is tail recursive, carrying the "current" block data with it.
* @param array $blocktext The current block data
* @return string
protected function _compile($blocktext = array())
// Override blocks with content in this template
foreach ($blocktext as $key => $text)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->blocks))
// Merge lower block data with this template's block data
foreach ($this->blocks as $key => $b)
$blocktext[$key] = $b->render();
// If this is the root, return the compiled template, otherwise
// continue up the tree
if ($this->parent)
return $this->parent->_compile($blocktext);
return parent::render();
* Start a template block
* @param string $name Block name
public function block($name)
// Error if this template already has this block
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->blocks))
throw new TplException("Duplicate block '$name' detected");
// Get the current block
$top = end($this->stack);
// Add text so far to the current block
$top->append(new TplTextNode(Tpl::buffer_end()));
// Create the new block
$b = new TplBlockNode($name);
// Add it to the block list
$this->blocks[$name] = $b;
// Add to the current block
// Set new block as current
array_push($this->stack, $b);
// Restart buffering
* End the current template block
public function endblock()
// Error if there are no open blocks
if (count($this->stack) < 2)
throw new TplException('endblock() outside of block');
// Get the current block
$top = end($this->stack);
// Add the text so far to the block
$top->append(new TplTextNode(Tpl::buffer_end()));
// Close the block by popping it from the stack
// Restart buffering
* Insert the inherited content of the current block
public function super()
// Get the current block
$top = end($this->stack);
// Error if we're not actually in a block
if (!($top instanceof TplBlockNode))
throw new TplException('Cannot use super() outside of block');
// Add text so far to the block
$top->append(new TplTextNode(Tpl::buffer_end()));
// Add super node
$top->append(new TplSuperNode());
// Start buffering again
* Inherit from another template
* @param string $template
public function inherit($template)
// Check that we're not attempting multiple inheritance
if ($this->parent_path)
throw new TplException("Multiple inheritance not allowed");
$this->parent_path = $template;
* Main Tpl class
* All methods on the Tpl class are static to provide the illusion of
* namespacing, because such a thing doesn't exist in PHP5, and I personally
* think static properties and methods are better than global variables and
* functions.
class Tpl
* Base directory that template paths are relative to
* @var string
* @static
protected static $path = '';
* Nesting of output buffering
* @var int
* @static
protected static $buffer_nesting = 0;
* Current template for routing calls such as Tpl::super() to
* @var TplTemplate
protected static $current;
* Render a template
* @param string $template Path to the template to render
* @param mixed $C Context object
* @param boolean $echo Echo the result instead of returning?
* [default: true]
* @return string The rendered template text if $echo == false
public static function render($template, $C, $echo = true)
$t = new TplTemplate($template);
// Make sure Tpl::* calls get routed to the right place
$previous = self::$current;
self::$current = $t;
if ($echo)
echo $t->render($C);
$out = '';
$out = $t->render($C);
// Restore $current after rendering template
self::$current = $previous;
return $out;
* Set the template base directory
* @param string $path
public static function set_path($path)
$path = rtrim($path, '/');
if (!empty($path))
self::$path = $path . '/';
self::$path = '';
* Get a real template path by applying the base directory
* @param string $template
* @return string
public static function get_path($template = '')
return self::$path.$template;
* Start an output buffer
* A wrapper around ob_start() to keep track of the level of nesting. This
* allows TplException to kill all of Tpl's output buffering when it is
* thrown (by calling Tpl::buffer_endall()).
public static function buffer_start()
* End an output buffer and get its contents
* A wrapper around ob_get_clean() to keep track of the level of nesting.
* @return string The contents of the (ended) output buffer
public static function buffer_end()
return ob_get_clean();
* End all output buffers, discarding the contents
* Uses the current nesting level to end all output buffers.
public static function buffer_endall()
while (Tpl::$buffer_nesting)
* Functions that should be called from within templates
* Start a template block
* @param string $name Block name
public static function block($name)
* End the current template block
public static function endblock()
* Insert the inherited content of the current block
public static function super()
* Inherit from another template
* @param string $template
public static function inherit($template)
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