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Last active June 12, 2018 13:30
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An outline for "Building A Component Library Workshop"

Workshop | Build a Component Library


This workshop is designed to provide an understanding of the principles and process of building a component library in React. Together we'll build a library of several small components that can be imported and reused in any React application. By the end of the workshop you should be able to:

  • develop extensible components
  • organize components in a highly-reusable structure
  • test and document components effectively
  • publish and version your library


This is an introduction to building a component library in React, and while you're welcome to sit and listen or follow along with someone else, you will get the most out of this workshop by having:

  • A laptop (preferrably a Mac)
  • Node & npm installed
  • A GitHub account
  • functional knowledge of Git and GitHub
  • functional knowledge of the command-line
  • functional knowledge of npm (or Yarn)
  • functional knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • familiar-to-functional knowledge or React
  • familiarity with Flexbox grid


Upon completing this workshop you should be able to:

  • understand why and when a component library is valuable
  • have a working knowledge of related tooling and libraries
    • styled-components
    • react-styleguidist
    • BabelJS
    • Yarn / npm
  • understand component library structure, principles, and tradeoffs
  • understand development process
    • building components
    • writing tests
    • writing docs
    • publishing and versioning your library
  • extend your library or build your own

And you should leave with:

  • a functional starter library
  • helpful links and resources for further learning

What We'll Build

We'll build a small library of components leading up to a final inline-editable field. We'll start by building the smallest elements and put them all together at the end.


Part I | Overview & Setup

  • Discuss why and when component libraries make sense
  • Explain goals & what we're building
  • View mockups
  • Pull down the boilerplate from the repo
  • Walk through what we're building (structure & principles)
  • Describe various libs and their purpose

Part II | Building Elements

We'll start by building a few small Elements:

  • Text
  • Label
  • Icon
  • TextField
  • TextArea

We'll walk through an effective development workflow as we build. And we'll test and document components as we go.

Part III | Building Blocks

Next we'll combine some of those Elements to make Blocks:

  • IconButton
  • WarningMessage
  • InlineEditable

And again, we'll test and document as we go.

Part IV | Building Components

And finally, we'll build our InlineEditable Component and add tests and documentation.

Part V | Pushing to GitHub and Publishing to npm

We'll wrap up development by publishing docs to GitHub Pages and publishing our library to npm (optional).

Part VI | Conclusion

We'll conclude the workshop by reviewing what we learned and sharing some helpful links and resources.

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