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Last active June 11, 2024 13:02
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How to make a website with Python and Django
# This Gist is a list of resources and commands to accompany The Hackershack YouTube series.
# For this attempt I am using Linux / Ubuntu and the demo is on a mac, so I will note any differences as I go along
# BASICS (E01)
# How to install ZSH on Ubuntu:
# Create a directory
Documents mkdir python
Documents cd python
mkdir django-website
cd django-website
# Install pyenv
# Note the change to the following line from the above tutorial - python3-openssl
sudo apt install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python3-openssl git
pyenv install -l # List available versions of Python to install
pyenv install 3.12.2 # Install Python
pyenv versions # Show versions
pyenv local 3.12.2 # To use locally
python -m venv nameOfEnvironment # Create virtual environment
source nameOfEnvironment/bin/activate # Activate virtual environment
deactivate # Deactivate virtual environment
# Open and IDE and create a requirements directory in the django-website directory
# Create prod.txt and dev.txt
# Add the following to dev.txt to include everything that is going to be used in prod.txt
-r prod.txt
# Install Django
(DjangoWebsite) ➜ django-website pip install Django
Django==5.0.3 # Add the version name to prod.txt
# Check that Django is installed
# Open a python shell
>>> import django
>>> # working
>>> print(django.get_version())
### ctrl + c to exit the python shell
# Start project and observer new directory and files in your IDE
django-admin startproject hackershack_website
# is an entry point for running commands that will help us run and start the server.
python runserver # start server
# observe boilerplate site at http://localhost:8000/
# Issue with using get rather than post on logout
# At this stage it may be worth reminding what action needs to be taken when returning to the project
# 1) Open a terminal in the directory that contains the website folder
# 2) Open the Z shell if you're using it
# 3) Activate a virtual environment
source DjangoWebsite/bin/activate
# 4) Start the Python server
python runserver
# 5) Observe web application running locally
## Docker containerisation
# The Dockerfile contains information about what container to build and what goes into it.
# The Makefile contains a series of short commands that allow access to lenghty Docker commands
# The docker-compose file contains information about what image to use when creating a container as we as ports and migrations
# 1) Build an image
make build
docker image ls
# 2) Create and start a container from an image
make compose-start
docker container ls
## Creating a superuser
# Once the Postgres database is in a container, make compose-manage will need to be used to create a super user
make compose-manage-py cmd="createsuperuser"
## Starting and stopping a container instance
make compose-start
make compose-stop
docker container ls
## Building image and starting docker container from scratch
# Build the docker image
docker image ls # observe
make build
docker image ls # observe
# Start container from image
docker container ls # observe
make compose-start
docker container ls # observe
make compose-stop
docker container ls # observe
docker volume ls # Notice how the data volume persists
make compose-start
# Observe local site running
# Observe local Django admin interface - No login has been created at this point
# Create a user on the Postgres database
make compose-manage-py cmd="createsuperuser"
# Attempt login
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