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Created December 1, 2014 15:09
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(page "index.html"
[tailrecursion.hoplon.reload :refer [reload-all]]))
(reload-all 0)
(defn random-minefield [size n]
(loop [mines #{}]
(if (< (count mines) n)
(recur (conj mines [(rand-int size) (rand-int size)]))
(reduce #(assoc-in %1 %2 :mine) {} mines))))
(defn neighbors [[x y]]
(for [dx [-1 0 1] dy (if (zero? dx) [-1 1] [-1 0 1])]
[(+ dx x) (+ dy y)]))
(defn mines-around [minefield point]
(->> (neighbors point)
(map (partial get-in minefield))
(keep #{:mine})
(def merge-fields (partial merge-with merge))
(defn numberfield [minefield size]
(->> (for [x (range size), y (range size)
:when (not= (get-in minefield [x y]) :mine)]
{x {y (mines-around minefield [x y])}})
(reduce merge-fields)))
(defn new-game [size n-mines]
(let [minefield (random-minefield size n-mines)]
{:minefield minefield
:numberfield (numberfield minefield size)
:revealed #{}
:flagged #{}
:over? false}))
(def game-size 9)
(def n-mines 10)
(def axis (range game-size))
(defc current-game (new-game game-size n-mines))
(defc= mines-numbers (merge-fields (:minefield current-game) (:numberfield current-game)))
(defc= game-over? (:over? current-game))
(defc= view (->> (for [x axis, y axis]
(if (or game-over? (contains? (:revealed current-game) [x y]))
[x y (get-in mines-numbers [x y])]
[x y "?"]))
(reduce (fn [m [x y v]] (assoc-in m [x y] v)) {})))
(defn reveal! [[x y :as point]]
(swap! current-game
#(if (= :mine (get-in % [:minefield x y]))
(assoc % :over? true)
(update-in % [:revealed] conj point))))
(defn reset-game! []
(reset! current-game (new-game game-size n-mines)))
(defmethod do! :set-class
[elem _ class]
(doto (js/jQuery elem) .removeClass (.addClass class)))
(defn number-color [n]
(cond (< n 2) "blue"
(< n 3) "green"
:else "red"))
(defn format [place]
(cond (number? place) {:label (str place) :class (number-color place)}
(= "?" place) {:label "?" :class "light"}
(= :mine place) {:label "!" :class "red"}
:else (throw (js/Error. (str "unrecognized value: " place)))))
(table :class "grid"
(for [i axis]
(for [j axis :let [point [i j]]]
(cell-let [place (format (get-in view [i j]))
class (:class place)
label (:label place)]
:click #(reveal! point)
:set-class class
(text "~{label}")))))))
(div :toggle game-over?
(h1 "Game Over")
(button :click #(reset-game!) "Reset"))))
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