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Last active August 7, 2019 19:30
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Installing R-devel on Solaris 10 VM

As far as CRAN is concerned, there are two flavors of R on Solaris: one that is built using the Solaris Studio compiler, and one that is built using the GNU/gcc toolchain. The latter is far more up-to-date, but if your package requires it, then your DESCRIPTION file must declare that with the line SystemRequirements: GNU make.

These instructions are for configuring, building, and installing R-devel using the GNU/gcc toolchain (only).

You'll need VMWare Fusion on Mac, or VMWare Workstation (?) on Windows/Linux.

Get Solaris VM

Download the Solaris VM provided by Jeroen Ooms:

At the time of this writing the link that points to is this one:

The username/password is root/solaris.

Create user

Creating a sudo user that can ssh in, will make things easier. By ssh-ing in from your desktop, you'll be able to cut/paste between your desktop and your Solaris prompt, which you can't do through the VMWare screen.

groupadd wheel
mkdir /users
useradd -s /bin/bash -G wheel -d /users/gnuuser -m gnuuser
passwd gnuuser

Before we can ssh in, we need to know the IP address of the VM. Run ifconfig e1000g0 and look at the value of inet; for me it's

Connect using ssh

From your desktop:

ssh gnuuser@<inet address goes here>

Give yourself sudo

su root -c "/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i sudo; echo gnuuser 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/opt/csw/sudoers.d/gnuuser"
echo -e 'export PATH=/opt/csw/bin:$PATH\nexport PS1="\\h:\\W \\u\\$ "' >> ~/.bash_profile && . ~/.bash_profile

Install system dependencies

I don't really know the history here, but it seems like Solaris doesn't have a native package manager like yum/rpm on Red Hat or apt/dpkg on Debian. Jeroen's Solaris VM is configured with pkgutil, which uses packages from; all programs installed this way go into /opt/csw, not into /usr or whatever (hence we had to add /opt/csw/bin to the path in the previous section).

Anyway, we'll install all of the system dependencies we need via pkgutil, and make sure we configure with /opt/csw/lib on the library path.

sudo pkgutil -U
# This can take a VERY long time to download, especially gcc5gfortran.
sudo pkgutil -y -i wget gcc5gfortran libiconv_dev libz_dev liblzma_dev libpcre_dev libcurl_dev gmake libreadline_dev libssh2_dev libcares_dev libssl_dev librtmp_dev openldap_dev libbrotli_dev libkrb5_dev libcairo_dev gfile

Download R sources

mkdir -p ~/R
cd ~/R
gzip -dc R-devel.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
cd R-devel

Configure and compile R

First, we'll modify using mostly values from BDR, plus a couple of changes I found necessary to get the build to succeed.

cat <<-EOF >
	# From
	CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/csw/include -I/usr/local/include"
	LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/csw/lib"
# Loosely based on
# PKG_CONFIG_PATH needs to be set or else cairo won't be found
# /usr/ccs/bin needs to be on the PATH or else ar won't be found
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/csw/lib ./configure -C --with-internal-tzcode --prefix=/opt/R-devel --enable-R-shlib
sudo gmake install

Use R

You can now run R-devel at /opt/R-devel/bin/R! (Be sure to use that path, not just whatever R is on your path, if you want R-devel.)

Installing Cairo

To use Shiny successfully, you'll need to install the Cairo package. To do so, be sure to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH when launching R:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/csw/lib /opt/R-devel/bin/R

In fact, it may not be a bad idea to add export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/csw/lib to ~/.bash_profile. And perhaps export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin as well.

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