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Created August 11, 2014 18:59
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/* %% ['/home/alan/projects/snippets/']. */
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
%% functional forms
def([Name, Expr], _, _) :-
assert(define(Name, Expr)).
const([X], _, Res) :- Res = X.
comp_([], Res, Res).
comp_([Fe|Fexprs], Arg, Res) :-
eval([Fe, Arg], EArg),
comp_(Fexprs, EArg, Res).
comp(Fexprs, Arg, Res) :-
reverse(Fexprs, RevFexprs),
comp_(RevFexprs, Arg, Res).
juxt_([], _, Res, Res).
juxt_([Fe|Fexprs], EArg, Rets, Res) :-
eval([Fe, EArg], Ret),
append(Rets, [Ret], NewRets),
juxt_(Fexprs, EArg, NewRets, Res).
juxt(Fexprs, Arg, Res) :-
juxt_(Fexprs, Arg, [], Res).
map(_, [], Res, Res).
map(Fn, [X|Xs], Rets, Res) :-
eval([Fn,X], Ret),
append(Rets, [Ret], NewRets),
map(Fn, Xs, NewRets, Res).
map([Fn], Xs, Res) :-
map(Fn, Xs, [], Res).
%% functions
*([], Res) :- Res is 1.
*([X|More], Res) :- *(More, Res2), Res is X * Res2.
+([], Res) :- Res is 0.
+([X|More], Res) :- +(More, Res2), Res is X + Res2.
-([], Res) :- Res is 0.
-([X], Res) :- Res is X * -1.
-([X,Y], Res) :- Res is X - Y.
-([X|More], Res) :- -(More, Res2), Res is X - Res2.
id(Expr, Res) :- Res = Expr.
range([Min, Ceil], Res) :- Max is Ceil - 1, numlist(Min, Max, Res).
range([Ceil], Res) :- range([0, Ceil], Res).
trans(Lists, Res) :- transpose(Lists, Res).
%% evaluation
eval([N, List], Res) :- integer(N), N >= 0,
nth0(N, List, Res), !.
eval([N, List], Res) :- integer(N), N < 0,
reverse(List, RList),
abs(N, Idx),
Idx2 is Idx - 1,
nth0(Idx2, RList, Res), !.
eval([Fn, Arg], Res) :- fn(Fn),
call(Fn, Arg, Res), !.
eval([[Ff|Exprs], Arg], Res) :- ff(Ff),
call(Ff, Exprs, Arg, Res), !.
eval([Ff|Exprs], Res) :- ff(Ff),
call(Ff, Exprs, [], Res), !.
eval([Name, Arg], Res) :- define(Name, Expr),
eval([Expr, Arg], Res), !.
eval(Name, Res) :- atom(Name),
define(Name, Res), !.
eval(Res, Res).
%% expand definitions
expand(Name, Exp) :-
define(Name, Source),
expand(Source, Exp).
expand(Name, Exp) :- ff(Name), Exp = Name.
expand(Name, Exp) :- fn(Name), Exp = Name.
expand(N, Exp) :- number(N), Exp = N.
expand([Op|Args], Exp) :-
expand(Op, Args, [], Exp).
expand(Op, [A|Args], EArgs, Exp) :-
expand(A, EA),
append(EArgs, [EA], NewEArgs),
expand(Op, Args, NewEArgs, Exp).
expand(Op, [], EArgs, Exp) :-
append([Op], EArgs, Exp).
%% program equality
eq([comp, [juxt|Fs], G], X) :-
eval([[map, [juxt, [const, comp], id, [const, G]]], Fs], Comps),
append([juxt], Comps, X).
eq([juxt|Comps], X) :-
eval([[map, 1], Comps], Fs),
eval([[comp, 2, 0], Comps], H),
append([juxt], Fs, Juxt),
append([[comp], [Juxt], [H]], X).
eq([comp,X], X).
eq(X, [comp,X]).
eq(Name1, Name2) :-
define(Name1, Source1),
define(Name2, Source2),
expand(Source1, Exp1),
expand(Source2, Exp2),
eq(Exp1, Exp2).
eq(X, Y) :- X == Y.
%% prelude
:- dynamic define/2.
define(len, [comp, +, [map, [const, 1]]]).
define(inc, [comp, +, [juxt, id, [const, 1]]]).
define(dec, [comp, -, [juxt, id, [const, 1]]]).
define(factorial, [comp, *, range, [juxt, [const, 1], inc]]).
define(ip, [comp, +, [map, *], trans]).
%% demo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
?- ['/home/alan/projects/snippets/'].
% library(error) compiled into error 0.00 sec, 17,944 bytes
% library(apply) compiled into apply 0.01 sec, 29,096 bytes
% library(assoc) compiled into assoc 0.00 sec, 36,240 bytes
% library(lists) compiled into lists 0.00 sec, 25,304 bytes
% library(pairs) compiled into pairs 0.00 sec, 8,216 bytes
% library(clpfd) compiled into clpfd 0.04 sec, 735,496 bytes
% /home/alan/projects/snippets/ compiled 0.04 sec, 756,248 bytes
?- eval([len,[1,2,3]], Out).
Out = 3.
?- eval([inc,1], Out).
Out = 2.
?- define(inc, Source).
Source = [comp, +, [juxt, id, [const, 1]]].
?- eval([factorial,5], Out).
Out = 120.
?- eval(factorial, Out).
Out = [comp, *, range, [juxt, [const, 1], inc]].
?- eval(factorial, Out), expand(Out, Exp).
Out = [comp, *, range, [juxt, [const, 1], inc]],
Exp = [comp, *, range, [juxt, [const, 1], [comp, +|...]]] ;
?- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_print_options, [quoted(true), portray(true), max_depth(100), priority(699)]).
?- eval(factorial, Out), expand(Out, Exp).
Out = [comp,*,range,[juxt,[const,1],inc]],
Exp = [comp,*,range,[juxt,[const,1],[comp,+,[juxt,id,[const,1]]]]] ;
?- eq([comp,f], f).
true ;
?- eq([comp,[juxt,a,b],c], Alternate).
Alternate = [juxt,[comp,a,c],[comp,b,c]] ;
Alternate = [comp,[comp,[juxt,a,b],c]] ;
?- eq([comp,[juxt,inc,dec],inc], Alternate), expand(Alternate, Expansion).
Alternate = [juxt,[comp,inc,inc],[comp,dec,inc]],
Expansion = [juxt,[comp,[comp,+,[juxt,id,[const,1]]],[comp,+,[juxt,id,[const,1]]]],[comp,[comp,-,[juxt,id,[const,1]]],[comp,+,[juxt,id,[const,1]]]]] ;
Alternate = [comp,[comp,[juxt,inc,dec],inc]],
Expansion = [comp,[comp,[juxt,[comp,+,[juxt,id,[const,1]]],[comp,-,[juxt,id,[const,1]]]],[comp,+,[juxt,id,[const,1]]]]] ;
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