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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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(page "index.html"
(:require-macros [fogus.datalog.bacwn.macros :refer (facts <- ?- make-database)])
(:require [fogus.datalog.bacwn :as bacwn]
[fogus.datalog.bacwn.impl.rules :refer [rules-set]]
[fogus.datalog.bacwn.impl.database :refer [add-tuples]]
[fogus.datalog.bacwn.impl.syntax :refer [explode]]
[tailrecursion.hoplon :refer [do!]]))
;;; Schema & initial data
(def mst3k-schema
(relation :character [ :name :human?])
(index :character :name)
(relation :location [ :character :name])
(index :location :name)))
(defc db
(-> mst3k-schema
(facts {:character/ 0 :character/name "Joel" :character/human? true}
{:character/ 1 :character/name "Crow" :character/human? false}
{:character/ 2 :character/name "TV's Frank" :character/human? true}
{:location/ 0 :location/character 0 :location/name "SoL"}
{:location/ 0 :location/character 1 :location/name "SoL"}
{:location/ 1 :location/character 2 :location/name "Gizmonics"})))
(defn add-facts [d & facts]
(apply add-tuples d (map explode facts)))
(let [counter (atom 10)]
(defn next-id [] (swap! counter inc)))
(defc rules
(<- (:characters :character/name ?char-name :character/ ?id)
(:character :name ?char-name ?id))
(<- (:locations :location/name ?loc-name :location/ ?id)
(:location :name ?loc-name ?id))
(<- (:stationed-at :location/ ?loc-id :character/name ?char-name :character/human? ?human)
(:location ?loc-id :character ?char)
(:character ?char :name ?char-name :human? ?human))))
(defn q [database ruleset query & [bindings]]
(bacwn/run-work-plan (bacwn/build-work-plan ruleset query) database bindings))
;;; Reactive queries
(defc= locations (q db rules (?- :locations :location/name ?loc-name)))
(defc= location-names (map :location/name locations))
(defc view-location (first @locations))
(defc= stationed-at
(q db rules
(?- :stationed-at :location/ '??id :character/name ?char-name)
{'??id (:location/ view-location)}))
;;; Custom elements & HTML extensions
(let [msg (cell nil)]
(defn flash! [new-msg]
(reset! msg new-msg)
(timeout #(reset! msg nil) 1000))
(defelem flash-message
[{:keys [toggle-method]
:or {toggle-method :do-slide-toggle}}
(elem toggle-method msg (text "~{msg}"))))
(defelem choose-location
[{:keys [to]}]
#(reset! to (first (q @db @rules
(?- :locations :location/ '??id)
{'??id (js/parseInt (-> % .-target js/jQuery .val))})))
(loop-tpl :bindings [{id :location/ name :location/name} locations]
(option :do-attr (cell= {:value id}) (text "~{name}")))))
(defmethod do! :enabled-toggle
[elem _ v]
(.prop (js/jQuery elem) "disabled" (not (boolean v))))
(title "Hoplon • Reactive Datalog with Bacwn"))
(body :style "font-family: sans-serif; color: #333;"
(flash-message (h2 :style "float:right; color:green;"))
(h1 "Bacwn + Hoplon = ♡")
:style "background-color: #eee;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 15px;"
(p "This proof-of-concept demonstrates the use of " (a :href "" "Hoplon")
" and " (a :href "" "bacwn") " together to create a
ClojureScript web application. A small bacwn database of application state is queried
using Datalog, reactively, to render the page content.")
(p "Source: " (a :href "" ""))
(p :style "font-style:italic;"
"Note: Once this prototype is cleaned up a bit, you'll be able to find it in the "
(a :href "" "Hoplon Demos Repository.")))
(h3 "Location")
(choose-location :to view-location)
(h3 (text "Characters at ~{(:location/name view-location)}"))
(loop-tpl :bindings [{human? :character/human? name :character/name} stationed-at]
(li (span (text "~{name}"))
(span (text "\u00A0(~{(if-not human? \"not \")}human)")))))
(h3 "Add Character")
(let [character-location (cell @view-location)
character-name (cell "")
character-human? (cell false)
name-taken? (cell= (seq (q db rules
(?- :characters :character/name '??name)
{'??name character-name})))
form-complete? (cell= (and (seq character-name) (not name-taken?)))
name-id (str (gensym))]
:on-submit #(when @form-complete?
(let [character-id (next-id)]
(swap! db add-facts
{:character/ character-id
:character/name @character-name
:character/human? @character-human?}
(merge @character-location
{:location/character character-id}))
(reset! character-name "")
(set! (.-value (by-id name-id)) "")
(flash! "Character added.")))
(legend "Character details")
(label :for "location" "Location")
((choose-location :to character-location) :name "location"))
(input :type "checkbox"
:name "human"
:on-change #(swap! character-human? not))
(label :for "name" "Name")
(input :id name-id
:name "name"
:on-input #(reset! character-name (val-id name-id))
:type "text")
(span :style "color:red;"
:do-toggle name-taken?
"Sorry, this name is already taken.")))
(button :type "submit"
:do-enabled-toggle form-complete?
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