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Last active December 4, 2019 14:09
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Depth-first topological sort in Common Lisp
;; some graphs for testing
(setq g1 '((b a d)
(d e)
(e a)
(f d)
(g d a e c)))
(setq g2 '((c a)
(d a)
(b d z)))
(setq g3 '((a b e g)
(e d g)
(d f g)
(c g)))
(defun collector ()
"Maintains the head of a list and returns a function that appends an
item to the list. When the returned function is called with no
arguments, returns the head."
(let ((tail nil)
(head nil))
(lambda (&optional (item nil item?))
((not item?) head)
((null tail) (setq tail (cons item nil)
head tail))
(t (let ((new-tail (cons item nil)))
(rplacd tail new-tail)
(setq tail new-tail)))))))
(defun topo-sort-dfs (g &aux (walked ()) (append (collector)))
"Proposes a topological ordering of the vertices in directed graph g
using a depth-first algorithm. g should be a list of lists of
symbols. The head of each list is a vertex, and the tail is the list
of other vertices with edges to the head (its
'dependencies'). Currently, cycles go undetected and result in an
ordering that's missing vertices."
(labels ((dfs* (v)
(push v walked)
(let ((from (rest (assoc v g))))
(loop for f in from
when (not (member f walked))
do (dfs* f)))
(funcall append v)))
(loop for node in g
do (loop for v in node
when (not (member v walked))
do (dfs* v))))
(funcall append))
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