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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Hoplon contacts example
(page "index.html"
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(def my-contacts
(cell #{{:first "Ben" :last "Bitdiddle" :email ""}
{:first "Alyssa" :middle-initial "P" :last "Hacker" :email ""}
{:first "Eva" :middle "Lu" :last "Ator" :email ""}
{:first "Louis" :last "Reasoner" :email ""}
{:first "Cy" :middle-initial "D" :last "Effect" :email ""}
{:first "Lem" :middle-initial "E" :last "Tweakit" :email ""}}))
(defn middle-name [{:keys [middle middle-initial]}]
middle (str " " middle)
middle-initial (str " " middle-initial ".")))
(defn display-name [{:keys [first last] :as contact}]
(str last ", " first (middle-name contact)))
(defelem contacts [{:keys [from sorted-by] :or {sorted-by identity}}]
(loop-tpl :bindings [contact (cell= (sort-by sorted-by from))]
(li (span (cell= (display-name contact)))
(button :click #(swap! from disj @contact) "Delete"))))
(defn parse-contact [contact-str]
(let [[first middle last :as parts] (string/split contact-str #"\s+")
[first last middle] (if (nil? last) [first middle] [first last middle])
middle (when middle (string/replace middle "." ""))
c (if middle (count middle) 0)]
(when (>= (count parts) 2)
(cond-> {:first first :last last}
(== c 1) (assoc :middle-initial middle)
(>= c 2) (assoc :middle middle)))))
(defelem contact-input [{:keys [to]} [label]]
(let [new-contact (cell "")
parsed (cell= (parse-contact new-contact))]
:value new-contact
:input #(reset! new-contact (.val (js/jQuery (.-target %)))))
:click #(when-let [c @parsed]
(swap! to conj c)
(reset! new-contact ""))
:disabled (cell= (not parsed))
(pre (cell= (pr-str parsed))))))
(link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "css/main.css"))
(h2 "Contact list")
(ul (contacts :from my-contacts :sorted-by :last))
(contact-input :to my-contacts "Add contact")))
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