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Created June 9, 2015 21:06
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Django vs Flask Worksheet from
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<div id="result-winner"><span class="title">You should use: </span><span class="value">[FINISH QUESTIONS FOR RESULT]</span></div>
<div id="result-totals"><div class="title">Totals</div><div class="value"></div></div>
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Read more about <a href="">Django vs Flask</a>.
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<div class="description">{{{description}}}</div>
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$(function() {
var scores = {};
var questions = [
question: "Have you been coding for more than 5 years?",
description: "Even though Flask is easier to get started than Django, it doesn't hold your hand through the whole process. Django on the other hand has guides for everything.",
yes: 'Flask',
no: 'Django',
question: "Have you coded in Python for more than 3 years?",
description: "Flask is so easy to get started, you don't even need to know Python to make your first website. Using Flask is actually a great way to learn Python.",
yes: 'Django',
no: 'Flask',
question: "Do you like reading Python code? (vs reading docs)",
description: "Have a few hours? Grab a coffee and read the Flask source code. It's micro so you can actually read the whole source in one sitting.",
yes: 'Flask',
no: 'Django',
question: "Will you have an API?",
description: "Flask > Django for APIs. For example, a nested api resource in Flask is <code>@app.route('/users/&lt;string:user_id&gt;/teams/&lt;string:team_id&gt;', methods=['GET', 'POST'])</code> while with Django REST framework this is impossible. (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">drf-nested-routers</a> helps but breaks unless you use only the most basic Django REST framework features.",
yes: 'Flask',
no: 'Django',
question: "Will your site primarily have dynamic HTML pages?",
description: "This is the opposite of an API heavy site. Django makes building HTML websites easier.",
yes: 'Django',
no: 'Flask',
question: "Will you use Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?",
description: "Because of it's micro principles, Flask is easier to use with SOA than Django.",
yes: 'Flask',
no: 'Django',
question: "Using an SQL database?",
description: "Complicated SQL queries are a piece of cake with Django's built-in ORM. Most people use SQLAlchemy with Flask, which is powerful but not as easy to use as Django's ORM.",
yes: 'Django',
no: 'Flask',
question: "Want new devs to already know your conventions?",
description: "New devs joining your team will already know how to code the Django way. Flask is more flexible, which leads to larger variance in conventions.",
yes: 'Django',
no: 'Flask',
// Render questions and add to page
var template = $('#section-template').html();
_.each(_.clone(questions).reverse(), function(question) {
$('#fullpage').prepend(Mustache.render(template, question));
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// Disable scrolling
$('#fullpage').find('.answer').on('click', function(e) {
e && e.preventDefault();
var choice = $('yes') ? 'yes' : 'no';
var index = 0;
var found = false;
$('#fullpage .section').each(function() {
if ($.contains(this, found = true;
if (!found) index += 1;
scores[index] = questions[index][choice];
if (index + 1 == questions.length) {
// Answered all questions, now show result
var winners = {};
_.each(scores, function(choice) {
if (!winners[choice]) winners[choice] = 0;
winners[choice] += 1;
var tie = false;
var winner = undefined;
_.each(winners, function(score, choice) {
if (winner && winners[winner] == score) {
winner = 'It\'s a tie! Read about <a href="">Django vs Flask</a> to make your own choice.';
tie = true;
} else if (!winner || winners[winner] < score) {
winner = choice;
var $totals = $('<div />');
_.each(winners, function(score, choice) {
var $html = '<div>' + choice + ': ' + score + '</div>';
$('#result-winner .value').html(winner);
$('#result-totals .value').html($totals);
if (tie) {
$('#result-winner .title').remove();
// Scroll down to next section
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font-weight: bold;
font-size: 36px;
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font-weight: bold;
font-size: 24px;
.value {
font-size: 24px;
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top: -10px;
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