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Created September 1, 2020 18:23
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#include "animation.h"
int Animation::GetNodeIndex(cgltf_node *target, cgltf_node *allNodes, unsigned int numNodes)
if (target == 0)
return -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
if (target == &allNodes[i])
return int(i);
return -1;
void Animation::GetScalarValues(std::vector<float> &outScalars, unsigned int inComponentCount, const cgltf_accessor &inAccessor)
outScalars.resize(inAccessor.count * inComponentCount);
for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < inAccessor.count; i++)
cgltf_accessor_read_float(&inAccessor, i, &outScalars[i * inComponentCount], inComponentCount);
glm::quat Normalize(glm::quat q)
float lenSq = q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w;
if (lenSq < QUAT_EPSILON)
return glm::quat();
float i_len = 1.0f / sqrtf(lenSq);
return glm::quat(
q.w * i_len,
q.x * i_len,
q.y * i_len,
q.z * i_len
return q;
template<typename T, int N>
void Animation::TrackFromChannel(Array<KeyFrame*> &keyframes, const cgltf_animation_channel &inChannel, int nodeId)
cgltf_animation_sampler &sampler = *inChannel.sampler;
int interpolation = Interpolation::Constant;
if (inChannel.sampler->interpolation == cgltf_interpolation_type_linear)
interpolation = Interpolation::Linear;
else if (inChannel.sampler->interpolation == cgltf_interpolation_type_cubic_spline)
interpolation = Interpolation::Cubic;
bool isSamplerCubic = interpolation == Interpolation::Cubic;
std::vector<float> timelineFloats;
GetScalarValues(timelineFloats, 1, *sampler.input);
std::vector<float> valueFloats;
GetScalarValues(valueFloats, N, *sampler.output);
unsigned int numFrames = sampler.input->count;
if (keyframes.Size() != numFrames)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
unsigned int numberOfValuesPerFrame = valueFloats.size() / timelineFloats.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
if (keyframes[i] == NULL)
keyframes[i] = new KeyFrame(interpolation, timelineFloats[i]); // ERROR: Each channel can have unique interpolation, probably...
int baseIndex = i * numberOfValuesPerFrame;
int offset = 0;
float in_keyframeTimes[N];
float out_keyframeValues[N];
float values[N];
for (int component = 0; component < N; component++)
in_keyframeTimes[component] = isSamplerCubic ? valueFloats[baseIndex + offset++] : 0.0f;
for (int component = 0; component < N; component++)
values[component] = valueFloats[baseIndex + offset++];
for (int component = 0; component < N; component++)
out_keyframeValues[component] = isSamplerCubic ? valueFloats[baseIndex + offset++] : 0.0f;
if (inChannel.target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_translation)
keyframes[i]->transforms[nodeId].position = glm::vec3(values[0], values[1], values[2]);
else if (inChannel.target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_rotation)
float x = values[0];
float y = values[1];
float z = values[2];
float w = values[3];
glm::quat rotation(w, x, y, z);
rotation = Normalize(rotation);
keyframes[i]->transforms[nodeId].rotation = rotation;
else if (inChannel.target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_scale)
keyframes[i]->transforms[nodeId].scale = glm::vec3(values[0], values[1], values[2]);
Animation::Animation(const URL filename)
animationTime = 0.0f;
cgltf_options options;
memset(&options, 0, sizeof(cgltf_options));
cgltf_data *data = NULL;
cgltf_result result = cgltf_parse_file(&options, filename.ToChar(), &data);
if (result != cgltf_result_success)
LogError("Failed to load animation: " + filename);
result = cgltf_load_buffers(&options, data, filename.ToChar());
if (result != cgltf_result_success)
LogError("Failed to load buffers for mesh: " + filename);
result = cgltf_validate(data);
if (result != cgltf_result_success)
LogError("Invalid gltf file: " + filename);
unsigned int animationQuantity = data->animations_count;
unsigned int nodeQuantity = data->nodes_count;
if (animationQuantity != 1)
LogError("Animation does not have excactly one animation: " + filename);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < animationQuantity; i++)
unsigned int numChannels = data->animations[i].channels_count;
name = data->animations[i].name;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numChannels; j++)
cgltf_animation_channel &channel = data->animations[i].channels[j];
cgltf_node *target = channel.target_node;
int nodeId = GetNodeIndex(target, data->nodes, nodeQuantity);
if (channel.target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_translation)
TrackFromChannel<glm::vec3, 3>(keyframes, channel, nodeId);
else if (channel.target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_scale)
TrackFromChannel<glm::vec3, 3>(keyframes, channel, nodeId);
else if (channel.target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_rotation)
TrackFromChannel<glm::mat4, 4>(keyframes, channel, nodeId);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keyframes.Size(); i++)
/*void Animation::SkinningCPU(
//Skeleton& skeleton, Pose& pose
// Move the vertices on the CPU
//unsigned int numVerts = mPosition.size();
//if (numVerts == 0){
// return;
//std::vector<mat4> invPosePalette = skeleton.GetInvBindPose();
//for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
// ivec4& j = mInfluences[i];
// vec4& w = mWeights[i];
// mat4 m0 = (mPosePalette[j.x] * invPosePalette[j.x]) * w.x;
// mat4 m1 = (mPosePalette[j.y] * invPosePalette[j.y]) * w.y;
// mat4 m2 = (mPosePalette[j.z] * invPosePalette[j.z]) * w.z;
// mat4 m3 = (mPosePalette[j.w] * invPosePalette[j.w]) * w.w;
// mat4 skin = m0 + m1 + m2 + m3;
// mSkinnedPosition[i] = transformPoint(skin, mPosition[i]);
// mSkinnedNormal[i] = transformVector(skin, mNormal[i]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_JOINTS; i++)
glm::mat4 transform(1.0f);
transform += glm::mat4(0.0f);
transform += glm::mat4(0.0f);
transform += glm::mat4(0.0f);
transform += glm::mat4(0.0f);
transforms[i] = transform;
void Animation::ApplyTransform(Joint *joint, glm::mat4 parentTransform)
glm::mat4 animatedTransform = joint->worldBindTransform;
if (keyframes.Size() > 0)
int keyframe = int(animationTime) % keyframes.Size();
glm::mat4 animation = keyframes[keyframe]->transforms[joint->id].matrix;
animatedTransform = parentTransform * animation;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joint->children.Size(); i++)
ApplyTransform(joint->children[i], animatedTransform);
transforms[joint->id] = animatedTransform * joint->inverseBindTransform;
glm::mat4 *Animation::Update(Joint *rootJoint)
if (rootJoint == NULL)
return NULL;
ApplyTransform(rootJoint, rootJoint->worldBindTransform);
animationTime += 0.02f * Locator::time->DeltaTime();
return transforms;
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