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Created July 20, 2011 16:38
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Rails + Lion
[09:34] == Xiticity [44e3e0e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #RubyOnRails
[09:34] -ChanServ- [#rubyonrails] Register with nickserv in order to talk: /msg nickserv help
[09:35] <Xiticity> As an OS X user and Rails 3.1 user -- is the consensus that it's fine to update to Lion, or should I hold off?
[09:35] <hedzup> Xiticity -- I upgraded to lion a few weeks ago
[09:35] <Xiticity> I don't want a shit-ton of problems to deal with, if waiting a few weeks should clear em up
[09:35] == RahulT [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[09:36] <Xiticity> how did it go, @hedzup
[09:36] <hedzup> you'll have to reinstall Xcode to get the dev tools
[09:36] <hedzup> i couldn't even do simple commands like "make" let alone any of the rails commands
[09:36] <Cervajz> Xiticity: I have Lion for two weeks and I actove develop in rails without problem. But for 3.0.9
[09:36] <hedzup> and then in my projects I had to do a "bundle install" to get them working
[09:36] <hedzup> but that is rails 3.0.8
[09:36] <hedzup> everything works fine now
[09:36] == pdelgallego [] has joined #RubyOnRails
[09:37] == malice [] has joined #RubyOnRails
[09:37] <FLeiXiuS> Something is requesting a gem in my rails app, any way to track it down? I'm getting a cannot find log4r gem. But I know for a fact I'm not using it.
[09:37] <Cervajz> Xiticity: Yes, as hedzup said - you need to install Xcode. I used latest beta
[09:37] <hedzup> note that at the time Xcode 4.0.2 couldn't be installed on lion… so I got the 4.2 beta
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blinqx commented Sep 19, 2012


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