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Created September 13, 2018 23:42
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create auto encoder
from keras.layers import Input, Dense
from keras.models import Model, Sequential
import numpy as np
def get_AE(units):
""" build an autoencoder with explict encoder and decorder object
units : list of integers
The number of units (neurons) in each layer as in the following order:
[n_inputs, h1, h2, ..., middle_layer]. See examples below.
autoencoder : keras Model
The autoencoder model, made of encoder+decoder.
encoder : keras Model
The encoder part of the autoencoder.
decoder : keras model
The decoder part of the autoencoder.
Given parameter units = [10, 5, 3], this represents an autoencoder of structure [10, 5, 3, 5, 10].
Specifically, it has 10 inputs, 5 units in the first hidden layer, 3 units in the second
hidden layer (the bottleneck) and 5 units in the decoder layer, and 10 units in the output
layer (same as the number of inputs).
n_encoder_inputs = units[0]
n_encoder_units = units[1:]
n_decoder_inputs = units[-1]
n_decoder_units = units[:-1][::-1]
# build encoder
encoder = Sequential()
encoder.add(Dense(n_encoder_units[0], input_dim=n_encoder_inputs, activation='sigmoid'))
for n in n_encoder_units[1:]:
encoder.add(Dense(n, activation='sigmoid'))
# build decoder
decoder = Sequential()
decoder.add(Dense(n_decoder_units[0], input_dim=n_decoder_inputs,activation='sigmoid'))
for n in n_decoder_units[1:]:
decoder.add(Dense(n, activation='sigmoid'))
# build the autoencoder
autoencoder = Sequential(encoder.layers + decoder.layers)
return (autoencoder, encoder, decoder)
def add_noise_masking(noiseParam, data):
"""Add noise to the input data by setting a proportion of each observation to 0.
This function adds noise as described in Vincent et al. (2008).
noiseParam : float, in range [0,1]
The proportion of inputs to be set to 0 to introduce noise. Particularly,
0 means adding no noise, 1 means setting all inputs to 0 (not useful).
data : 2D matrix, each row is an observation of X
So, data(i,:) is the i-th training example.
noisyData : 2D matrix, each row is an observation of X_tild
Original data with noise.
noiseMask = np.ones(data.shape)
n_featuers = data.shape[1]
n_noised = int(n_featuers * noiseParam)
# add noise by setting part of the mask to zero
noise_vector = np.ones(n_featuers)
noise_vector[:n_noised] = 0
# shuffle the noise in each row
for i in range(noiseMask.shape[0]):
noiseMask[i,:] = noise_vector
noisyData = data * noiseMask
return noisyData
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