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Created January 21, 2014 22:26
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public class ByteConversion
/// Converts your number from the specified fromUnit to the toUnit
///Number to convert
///ByteUnit that the number is already in.
///ByteUnit that you want to convert your number too.
public static double Convert(double number, ByteUnit fromUnit, ByteUnit toUnit)
int difference = (int)fromUnit - (int)toUnit;
if (difference < 0)
return number / Math.Pow(1024, Math.Abs(difference));
else if (difference > 0)
return number * Math.Pow(1024, difference);
else //These are the same unit
return number;
/// Converts the specified number to the closest unit based on size and formats as text.
///Number to convert
///ByteUnit that the number is already in.
///ByteUnit that you want to convert your number too.
///Separator text between the number and the unit designator (default = " ")
public static string GetString(double number, ByteUnit fromUnit, string separator = " ")
var numberInBytes = Convert(number, fromUnit, ByteUnit.Byte);
ByteUnit toUnit = fromUnit;
foreach (ByteUnit unit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ByteUnit)))
double multiplier = 0;
int unitMultiplier = (int)unit;
if (unitMultiplier > 0)
multiplier = Math.Pow(1024, unitMultiplier);
var result = numberInBytes / multiplier;
if (result < 1024)
toUnit = unit;
return GetString(number, fromUnit, toUnit, separator);
/// Converts the specified number to the unit provided and formats as text.
///Number to convert
///ByteUnit that the number is already in.
///ByteUnit that you want to convert your number too.
///Separator text between the number and the unit designator (default = " ")
public static string GetString(double number, ByteUnit fromUnit, ByteUnit toUnit, string separator = " ")
var convertedNumber = Convert(number, fromUnit, toUnit);
return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", convertedNumber, separator, toUnit.GetDescription());
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