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Last active October 25, 2021 16:03
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.Timeline;
using uOSC;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using EVMC4U;
using VRM;
using System;
using System.IO;
using Entum;
using System.Reflection;
public class VmcWindow : EditorWindow
int port = 39539;
private bool running = false;
private bool recording = false;
private VmcUOscServer server;
[MenuItem("Window/Alan Tools/VMC Receiver")]
public static void ShowWindow()
// Find or create window so it appears on the screen.
void OnGUI()
EditorGUILayout.TextField("Status", StatusMessage);
Model = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Model", Model, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
if (Model == null) return;
var buttonStyle = EditorStyles.miniButton;
if (!running)
if (GUILayout.Button("Start Receiving VMC Packets", buttonStyle))
if (server == null) server = new VmcUOscServer();
running = true;
StatusMessage = "VMC receiver started";
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Receiving VMC Packets", buttonStyle))
if (recording)
running = false;
recording = false;
StatusMessage = "VMC receiver stopped";
if (!recording)
if (GUILayout.Button("Record", buttonStyle))
StatusMessage = "Recording started";
recording = true;
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Recording", buttonStyle))
recording = false;
StatusMessage = "Recording stopped";
void Update()
if (running && server != null && Model != null)
// Read messages over VMC UPD connection.
// Move the character's bones etc.
// If recording, copy the values over to an animation clip (via EasyMotionRecorder code).
if (recording)
// ============== Based on uOscServer component.
// I needed to make some methods public, and allow port number to be changed.
public class VmcUOscServer
Udp udp_ = new Uwp.Udp();
Thread thread_ = new Uwp.Thread();
uOSC.Udp udp_ = new uOSC.DotNet.Udp();
Thread thread_ = new uOSC.DotNet.Thread();
Parser parser_ = new Parser();
public class DataReceiveEvent : UnityEvent<Message> { };
public DataReceiveEvent onDataReceived { get; private set; }
public void StartListening(int port)
onDataReceived = new DataReceiveEvent();
public void StopListening()
onDataReceived = null;
public void ProcessMessages()
if (onDataReceived == null) return;
while (parser_.messageCount > 0)
var message = parser_.Dequeue();
// Main body of thread (asynchronously reads messages from UDP, adding them to parser queue).
void UpdateMessage()
while (udp_.messageCount > 0)
var buf = udp_.Receive();
int pos = 0;
parser_.Parse(buf, ref pos, buf.Length);
// =========================== Taken from class ExternalReceiver
// [Header("ExternalReceiver v3.7")]
public GameObject Model = null;
public bool Freeze = false; //すべての同期を止める(撮影向け)
public bool PacktLimiter = true; //パケットフレーム数が一定値を超えるとき、パケットを捨てる
[Header("Root Synchronize Option")]
public Transform RootPositionTransform = null; //VR向けroot位置同期オブジェクト指定
public Transform RootRotationTransform = null; //VR向けroot回転同期オブジェクト指定
public bool RootPositionSynchronize = false; //AJK was true; //ルート座標同期(ルームスケール移動)
public bool RootRotationSynchronize = false; //AJK was true; //ルート回転同期
public bool RootScaleOffsetSynchronize = false; //MRスケール適用
[Header("Other Synchronize Option")]
public bool BlendShapeSynchronize = true; //表情等同期
public bool BonePositionSynchronize = true; //ボーン位置適用(回転は強制)
[Header("Synchronize Cutoff Option")]
public bool HandPoseSynchronizeCutoff = false; //指状態反映オフ
public bool EyeBoneSynchronizeCutoff = false; //目ボーン反映オフ
[Header("Lowpass Filter Option")]
public bool BonePositionFilterEnable = false; //ボーン位置フィルタ
public bool BoneRotationFilterEnable = false; //ボーン回転フィルタ
public float BoneFilter = 0.7f; //ボーンフィルタ係数
public bool BlendShapeFilterEnable = false; //BlendShapeフィルタ
public float BlendShapeFilter = 0.7f; //BlendShapeフィルタ係数
[Header("Other Option")]
public bool HideInUncalibrated = false; //キャリブレーション出来ていないときは隠す
public bool SyncCalibrationModeWithScaleOffsetSynchronize = true; //キャリブレーションモードとスケール設定を連動させる
[Header("Status (Read only)")]
private string StatusMessage = ""; //状態メッセージ(Inspector表示用)
public string OptionString = ""; //VMCから送信されるオプション文字列
// I removed automatic VRM file loading.
//AJK public string loadedVRMPath = ""; //読み込み済みVRMパス
//AJK public string loadedVRMName = ""; //読み込み済みVRM名前
//AJK public GameObject LoadedModelParent = null; //読み込んだモデルの親
public int LastPacketframeCounterInFrame = 0; //1フレーム中に受信したパケットフレーム数
public int DropPackets = 0; //廃棄されたパケット(not パケットフレーム)
public Vector3 HeadPosition =;
[Header("Daisy Chain")]
public GameObject[] NextReceivers = new GameObject[6]; //デイジーチェーン
const int RootPacketLengthOfScaleAndOffset = 8;
private ExternalReceiverManager externalReceiverManager = null;
private Vector3[] bonePosFilter = new Vector3[Enum.GetNames(typeof(HumanBodyBones)).Length];
private Quaternion[] boneRotFilter = new Quaternion[Enum.GetNames(typeof(HumanBodyBones)).Length];
private Dictionary<string, float> blendShapeFilterDictionaly = new Dictionary<string, float>();
private int Available = 0; //データ送信可能な状態か
private float time = 0; //送信時の時刻
private GameObject OldModel = null;
Animator animator = null;
VRMBlendShapeProxy blendShapeProxy = null;
Dictionary<string, HumanBodyBones> HumanBodyBonesTable = new Dictionary<string, HumanBodyBones>();
Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, Vector3> HumanBodyBonesPositionTable = new Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, Vector3>();
Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, Quaternion> HumanBodyBonesRotationTable = new Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, Quaternion>();
Dictionary<string, BlendShapeKey> StringToBlendShapeKeyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, BlendShapeKey>();
Dictionary<BlendShapeKey, float> BlendShapeToValueDictionary = new Dictionary<BlendShapeKey, float>();
//AJK uOSC.uOscServer server = null;
bool shutdown = false;
int PacketCounterInFrame = 0;
const int PACKET_LIMIT_MAX = 30;
bool isLoading = false;
Vector3 pos;
Quaternion rot;
Vector3 scale;
Vector3 offset;
public void Start()
if (NextReceivers == null)
NextReceivers = new GameObject[0];
externalReceiverManager = new ExternalReceiverManager(NextReceivers);
//AJK was: server = GetComponent<uOSC.uOscServer>();
//AJK But I needed my own VMC receiver.
if (server != null)
StatusMessage = "Waiting for VMC...";
StatusMessage = "Waiting for Master...";
public void UpdateDaisyChain()
if (NextReceivers == null)
NextReceivers = new GameObject[0];
public int GetAvailable()
return Available;
public float GetRemoteTime()
return time;
// Renamed from Update() and called from Update() function above.
public void ModelUpdate()
if (shutdown) { return; }
if (Freeze) { return; }
LastPacketframeCounterInFrame = PacketCounterInFrame;
PacketCounterInFrame = 0;
Application.runInBackground = true;
if (blendShapeProxy == null && Model != null)
blendShapeProxy = Model.GetComponent<VRMBlendShapeProxy>();
if (RootPositionTransform == null && Model != null)
RootPositionTransform = Model.transform;
if (RootRotationTransform == null && Model != null)
RootRotationTransform = Model.transform;
if (Model == null)
StatusMessage = "Model not found.";
if (OldModel != Model && Model != null)
animator = Model.GetComponent<Animator>();
blendShapeProxy = Model.GetComponent<VRMBlendShapeProxy>();
OldModel = Model;
Debug.Log("[ExternalReceiver] New model detected");
//v0.56 BlendShape仕様変更対応
//Debug.Log("-- Make BlendShapeProxy BSKey Table --");
foreach (var c in blendShapeProxy.BlendShapeAvatar.Clips)
string key = "";
bool unknown = false;
if (c.Preset == BlendShapePreset.Unknown)
key = c.BlendShapeName;
unknown = true;
key = c.Preset.ToString();
unknown = false;
string lowerKey = key.ToLower();
//Debug.Log("Add: [key]->" + key + " [lowerKey]->" + lowerKey + " [clip]->" + c.ToString() + " [bskey]->"+c.Key.ToString() + " [unknown]->"+ unknown);
if (StringToBlendShapeKeyDictionary.ContainsKey(lowerKey))
Debug.Log("Blendshape Key already loaded: " + key + " [lowerKey]->" + lowerKey + " [clip]->" + c.ToString() + " " +;
StringToBlendShapeKeyDictionary.Add(lowerKey, BlendShapeKey.CreateFrom(c));
//メモ: プリセット同名の独自キー、独自キーのケース違いの重複は、共に区別しないと割り切る
Debug.Log("-- Registered List --");
foreach (var k in StringToBlendShapeKeyDictionary)
Debug.Log("[k.Key]" + k.Key + " -> [k.Value.Name]" + k.Value.Name);
Debug.Log("-- End BlendShapeProxy BSKey Table --");
private void OnDataReceived(uOSC.Message message)
MessageDaisyChain(ref message, 0);
public void MessageDaisyChain(ref uOSC.Message message, int callCount)
if (externalReceiverManager == null)// AJK removed Component checks: || enabled == false || gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false)
if (shutdown)
if (PacktLimiter && (LastPacketframeCounterInFrame > PACKET_LIMIT_MAX))
if (!Freeze)
ProcessMessage(ref message);
catch (Exception e)
StatusMessage = "Error: Exception";
Debug.LogError(" --- Communication Error ---");
shutdown = true;
if (!externalReceiverManager.SendNextReceivers(message, callCount))
StatusMessage = "Infinite loop detected!";
shutdown = true;
private void ProcessMessage(ref uOSC.Message message)
if (message.address == null || message.values == null)
StatusMessage = "Bad message.";
if (RootPositionTransform == null && Model != null)
RootPositionTransform = Model.transform;
if (RootRotationTransform == null && Model != null)
RootRotationTransform = Model.transform;
if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/OK"
&& (message.values[0] is int))
Available = (int)message.values[0];
if (Available == 0)
StatusMessage = "Waiting for [Load VRM]";
//V2.5 キャリブレーション状態(長さ3以上)
if (message.values.Length >= 3)
if ((message.values[1] is int) && (message.values[2] is int))
int calibrationState = (int)message.values[1];
int calibrationMode = (int)message.values[2];
if (HideInUncalibrated && Model != null)
Model.SetActive(calibrationState == 3);
if (SyncCalibrationModeWithScaleOffsetSynchronize)
RootScaleOffsetSynchronize = !(calibrationMode == 0); //通常モードならオフ、MR系ならオン
else if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/T"
&& (message.values[0] is float))
time = (float)message.values[0];
PacketCounterInFrame++; //フレーム中のパケットフレーム数を測定
else if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/VRM"
&& (message.values[0] is string)
&& (message.values[1] is string)
string path = (string)message.values[0];
string title = (string)message.values[1];
else if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/Opt"
&& (message.values[0] is string))
OptionString = (string)message.values[0];
if (Model == null || Model.transform == null || RootPositionTransform == null || RootRotationTransform == null)
if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/Root/Pos"
&& (message.values[0] is string)
&& (message.values[1] is float)
&& (message.values[2] is float)
&& (message.values[3] is float)
&& (message.values[4] is float)
&& (message.values[5] is float)
&& (message.values[6] is float)
&& (message.values[7] is float)
StatusMessage = "OK";
pos.x = (float)message.values[1];
pos.y = (float)message.values[2];
pos.z = (float)message.values[3];
rot.x = (float)message.values[4];
rot.y = (float)message.values[5];
rot.z = (float)message.values[6];
rot.w = (float)message.values[7];
if (RootPositionSynchronize)
RootPositionTransform.localPosition = pos;
if (RootRotationSynchronize)
RootRotationTransform.localRotation = rot;
if (RootScaleOffsetSynchronize && message.values.Length > RootPacketLengthOfScaleAndOffset
&& (message.values[8] is float)
&& (message.values[9] is float)
&& (message.values[10] is float)
&& (message.values[11] is float)
&& (message.values[12] is float)
&& (message.values[13] is float)
scale.x = 1.0f / (float)message.values[8];
scale.y = 1.0f / (float)message.values[9];
scale.z = 1.0f / (float)message.values[10];
offset.x = (float)message.values[11];
offset.y = (float)message.values[12];
offset.z = (float)message.values[13];
Model.transform.localScale = scale;
RootPositionTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(RootPositionTransform.localPosition, scale);
if (RootPositionSynchronize)
offset = Vector3.Scale(offset, scale);
RootPositionTransform.localPosition -= offset;
Model.transform.localScale =;
else if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/Bone/Pos"
&& (message.values[0] is string)
&& (message.values[1] is float)
&& (message.values[2] is float)
&& (message.values[3] is float)
&& (message.values[4] is float)
&& (message.values[5] is float)
&& (message.values[6] is float)
&& (message.values[7] is float)
string boneName = (string)message.values[0];
pos.x = (float)message.values[1];
pos.y = (float)message.values[2];
pos.z = (float)message.values[3];
rot.x = (float)message.values[4];
rot.y = (float)message.values[5];
rot.z = (float)message.values[6];
rot.w = (float)message.values[7];
//Debug.Log("BONE=" + boneName + " POS=" + pos.ToString() + " ROT=" + rot.ToString());
HumanBodyBones bone;
if (HumanBodyBonesTryParse(ref boneName, out bone))
if (HumanBodyBonesPositionTable.ContainsKey(bone))
HumanBodyBonesPositionTable[bone] = pos;
HumanBodyBonesPositionTable.Add(bone, pos);
if (HumanBodyBonesRotationTable.ContainsKey(bone))
HumanBodyBonesRotationTable[bone] = rot;
HumanBodyBonesRotationTable.Add(bone, rot);
else if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/Blend/Val"
&& (message.values[0] is string)
&& (message.values[1] is float)
string key = (string)message.values[0];
float value = (float)message.values[1];
if (BlendShapeFilterEnable)
if (blendShapeFilterDictionaly.ContainsKey(key))
blendShapeFilterDictionaly[key] = (blendShapeFilterDictionaly[key] * BlendShapeFilter) + value * (1.0f - BlendShapeFilter);
value = blendShapeFilterDictionaly[key];
//if (key == "O") Debug.Log("BSFE1: key=" + key + " val=" + value);
blendShapeFilterDictionaly.Add(key, value);
//if (key == "O") Debug.Log("BSFE2: key=" + key + " val=" + value);
if (BlendShapeSynchronize && blendShapeProxy != null)
//v0.56 BlendShape仕様変更対応
string lowerKey = key.ToLower();
BlendShapeKey bskey;
if (StringToBlendShapeKeyDictionary.TryGetValue(lowerKey, out bskey))
BlendShapeToValueDictionary[bskey] = value;
//if (lowerKey == "o") Debug.Log("[lowerKey]->"+ lowerKey+" [bskey]->"+bskey.ToString()+" [value]->"+value);
//AJK Debug.LogError("[lowerKey]->" + lowerKey + " is not found");
else if (message.address == "/VMC/Ext/Blend/Apply")
if (BlendShapeSynchronize && blendShapeProxy != null)
#if false // AJK
public void DestroyModel()
if (Model != null)
Model = null;
if (LoadedModelParent != null)
LoadedModelParent = null;
private void BoneSynchronizeByTable()
foreach (var bone in HumanBodyBonesTable)
if (HumanBodyBonesPositionTable.ContainsKey(bone.Value) && HumanBodyBonesRotationTable.ContainsKey(bone.Value))
BoneSynchronize(bone.Value, HumanBodyBonesPositionTable[bone.Value], HumanBodyBonesRotationTable[bone.Value]);
private void BoneSynchronize(HumanBodyBones bone, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
if (animator != null && bone != HumanBodyBones.LastBone)
var t = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone);
if (t != null)
if (bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftRingDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftRingIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftRingProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightIndexDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightIndexIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightIndexProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightLittleIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightLittleProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightRingDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightRingIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightRingProximal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightThumbDistal ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightThumbIntermediate ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal)
if (!HandPoseSynchronizeCutoff)
BoneSynchronizeSingle(t, ref bone, ref pos, ref rot, false, false);
else if (bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftEye ||
bone == HumanBodyBones.RightEye)
if (!EyeBoneSynchronizeCutoff)
BoneSynchronizeSingle(t, ref bone, ref pos, ref rot, false, false);
BoneSynchronizeSingle(t, ref bone, ref pos, ref rot, BonePositionFilterEnable, BoneRotationFilterEnable);
private void BoneSynchronizeSingle(Transform t, ref HumanBodyBones bone, ref Vector3 pos, ref Quaternion rot, bool posFilter, bool rotFilter)
BoneFilter = Mathf.Clamp(BoneFilter, 0f, 1f);
if (BonePositionSynchronize)
if (posFilter)
bonePosFilter[(int)bone] = (bonePosFilter[(int)bone] * BoneFilter) + pos * (1.0f - BoneFilter);
t.localPosition = bonePosFilter[(int)bone];
t.localPosition = pos;
if (rotFilter)
boneRotFilter[(int)bone] = Quaternion.Slerp(boneRotFilter[(int)bone], rot, 1.0f - BoneFilter);
t.localRotation = boneRotFilter[(int)bone];
t.localRotation = rot;
private bool HumanBodyBonesTryParse(ref string boneName, out HumanBodyBones bone)
if (HumanBodyBonesTable.ContainsKey(boneName))
bone = HumanBodyBonesTable[boneName];
if (bone == HumanBodyBones.LastBone)
return false;
return true;
var res = EnumTryParse<HumanBodyBones>(boneName, out bone);
if (!res)
bone = HumanBodyBones.LastBone;
HumanBodyBonesTable.Add(boneName, bone);
return res;
private static bool EnumTryParse<T>(string value, out T result) where T : struct
#if NET_4_6
return Enum.TryParse(value, out result);
result = (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
// ========================================= Taken from EasyMotionRecorder.
Copyright (c) 2018
This software is released under the MIT License.
private Animator _animator;
private bool _recording;
protected int FrameIndex;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("普段はOBJECTROOTで問題ないです。特殊な機材の場合は変更してください")]
private MotionDataSettings.Rootbonesystem _rootBoneSystem = MotionDataSettings.Rootbonesystem.Objectroot;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("rootBoneSystemがOBJECTROOTの時は使われないパラメータです。")]
private HumanBodyBones _targetRootBone = HumanBodyBones.Hips;
private HumanBodyBones IK_LeftFootBone = HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot;
private HumanBodyBones IK_RightFootBone = HumanBodyBones.RightFoot;
protected HumanoidPoses Poses;
protected float RecordedTime;
protected float StartTime;
private HumanPose _currentPose;
private HumanPoseHandler _poseHandler;
public Action OnRecordStart;
public Action OnRecordEnd;
public float TargetFPS = 24.0f; // AJK was 60
#if false
// AJK: Moved this into RecordingUpdate() method, as not sure how Window lifecycle management works.
// Use this for initialization
private void Awake()
if (_animator == null)
_animator = Model.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (_animator == null)
_poseHandler = new HumanPoseHandler(_animator.avatar, _animator.transform);
// Update is called once per frame
private void RecordingUpdate()
if (Model == null || !_recording) return;
if (_animator == null)
_animator = Model.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (_animator == null)
_poseHandler = new HumanPoseHandler(_animator.avatar, _animator.transform);
RecordedTime = Time.time - StartTime;
if (TargetFPS != 0.0f)
var nextTime = (1.0f * (FrameIndex + 1)) / TargetFPS;
if (nextTime > RecordedTime)
if (FrameIndex % TargetFPS == 0)
Debug.Log("Motion_FPS=" + 1 / (RecordedTime / FrameIndex));
if (Time.frameCount % Application.targetFrameRate == 0)
Debug.Log("Motion_FPS=" + 1 / Time.deltaTime);
_poseHandler.GetHumanPose(ref _currentPose);
var serializedPose = new HumanoidPoses.SerializeHumanoidPose();
switch (_rootBoneSystem)
case MotionDataSettings.Rootbonesystem.Objectroot:
serializedPose.BodyRootPosition = _animator.transform.localPosition;
serializedPose.BodyRootRotation = _animator.transform.localRotation;
case MotionDataSettings.Rootbonesystem.Hipbone:
serializedPose.BodyRootPosition = _animator.GetBoneTransform(_targetRootBone).position;
serializedPose.BodyRootRotation = _animator.GetBoneTransform(_targetRootBone).rotation;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
var bodyTQ = new TQ(_currentPose.bodyPosition, _currentPose.bodyRotation);
var LeftFootTQ = new TQ(_animator.GetBoneTransform(IK_LeftFootBone).position, _animator.GetBoneTransform(IK_LeftFootBone).rotation);
var RightFootTQ = new TQ(_animator.GetBoneTransform(IK_RightFootBone).position, _animator.GetBoneTransform(IK_RightFootBone).rotation);
LeftFootTQ = AvatarUtility.GetIKGoalTQ(_animator.avatar, _animator.humanScale, AvatarIKGoal.LeftFoot, bodyTQ, LeftFootTQ);
RightFootTQ = AvatarUtility.GetIKGoalTQ(_animator.avatar, _animator.humanScale, AvatarIKGoal.RightFoot, bodyTQ, RightFootTQ);
serializedPose.BodyPosition = bodyTQ.t;
serializedPose.BodyRotation = bodyTQ.q;
serializedPose.LeftfootIK_Pos = LeftFootTQ.t;
serializedPose.LeftfootIK_Rot = LeftFootTQ.q;
serializedPose.RightfootIK_Pos = RightFootTQ.t;
serializedPose.RightfootIK_Rot = RightFootTQ.q;
serializedPose.FrameCount = FrameIndex;
serializedPose.Muscles = new float[_currentPose.muscles.Length];
serializedPose.Time = RecordedTime;
for (int i = 0; i < serializedPose.Muscles.Length; i++)
serializedPose.Muscles[i] = _currentPose.muscles[i];
SetHumanBoneTransformToHumanoidPoses(_animator, ref serializedPose);
/// <summary>
/// 録画開始
/// </summary>
private void RecordStart()
if (_recording)
Poses = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<HumanoidPoses>();
if (OnRecordStart != null)
OnRecordEnd += WriteAnimationFile;
_recording = true;
RecordedTime = 0f;
StartTime = Time.time;
FrameIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 録画終了
/// </summary>
private void RecordEnd()
if (!_recording)
if (OnRecordEnd != null)
OnRecordEnd -= WriteAnimationFile;
_recording = false;
private static void SetHumanBoneTransformToHumanoidPoses(Animator animator, ref HumanoidPoses.SerializeHumanoidPose pose)
HumanBodyBones[] values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(HumanBodyBones)) as HumanBodyBones[];
foreach (HumanBodyBones b in values)
if (b < 0 || b >= HumanBodyBones.LastBone)
Transform t = animator.GetBoneTransform(b);
if (t != null)
var bone = new HumanoidPoses.SerializeHumanoidPose.HumanoidBone();
bone.Set(animator.transform, t);
protected virtual void WriteAnimationFile()
//var path = string.Format("Assets/Resources/RecordMotion_{0}_{1:yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss}.asset", ShortenName(, DateTime.Now);
//var uniqueAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(path);
//LastClipFile = uniqueAssetPath;
//AJK AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(Poses, uniqueAssetPath);
//AJK AssetDatabase.Refresh();
Poses.ExportHumanoidAnim(); // Write as humanoid animation clip, not the default EasyMotionRecorder export format.
StartTime = Time.time;
RecordedTime = 0f;
FrameIndex = 0;
private string ShortenName(string name)
int i = 0;
while (i < name.Length)
if (name[i] == '-' || name[i] == '.' || name[i] == '_' || name[i] == ' ')
return name.Substring(0, i);
return name;
/// <summary>
/// 指定したパスにディレクトリが存在しない場合
/// すべてのディレクトリとサブディレクトリを作成します
/// </summary>
public static DirectoryInfo SafeCreateDirectory(string path)
return Directory.Exists(path) ? null : Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
public Animator CharacterAnimator
get { return _animator; }
public class TQ
public TQ(Vector3 translation, Quaternion rotation)
t = translation;
q = rotation;
public Vector3 t;
public Quaternion q;
// Scale should always be 1,1,1
public class AvatarUtility
static public TQ GetIKGoalTQ(Avatar avatar, float humanScale, AvatarIKGoal avatarIKGoal, TQ animatorBodyPositionRotation, TQ skeletonTQ)
int humanId = (int)HumanIDFromAvatarIKGoal(avatarIKGoal);
if (humanId == (int)HumanBodyBones.LastBone)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid human id.");
MethodInfo methodGetAxisLength = typeof(Avatar).GetMethod("GetAxisLength", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (methodGetAxisLength == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find GetAxisLength method.");
MethodInfo methodGetPostRotation = typeof(Avatar).GetMethod("GetPostRotation", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (methodGetPostRotation == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find GetPostRotation method.");
Quaternion postRotation = (Quaternion)methodGetPostRotation.Invoke(avatar, new object[] { humanId });
var goalTQ = new TQ(skeletonTQ.t, skeletonTQ.q * postRotation);
if (avatarIKGoal == AvatarIKGoal.LeftFoot || avatarIKGoal == AvatarIKGoal.RightFoot)
// Here you could use animator.leftFeetBottomHeight or animator.rightFeetBottomHeight rather than GetAxisLenght
// Both are equivalent but GetAxisLength is the generic way and work for all human bone
float axislength = (float)methodGetAxisLength.Invoke(avatar, new object[] { humanId });
Vector3 footBottom = new Vector3(axislength, 0, 0);
goalTQ.t += (goalTQ.q * footBottom);
// IK goal are in avatar body local space
Quaternion invRootQ = Quaternion.Inverse(animatorBodyPositionRotation.q);
goalTQ.t = invRootQ * (goalTQ.t - animatorBodyPositionRotation.t);
goalTQ.q = invRootQ * goalTQ.q;
goalTQ.t /= humanScale;
return goalTQ;
static public HumanBodyBones HumanIDFromAvatarIKGoal(AvatarIKGoal avatarIKGoal)
HumanBodyBones humanId = HumanBodyBones.LastBone;
switch (avatarIKGoal)
case AvatarIKGoal.LeftFoot: humanId = HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot; break;
case AvatarIKGoal.RightFoot: humanId = HumanBodyBones.RightFoot; break;
case AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand: humanId = HumanBodyBones.LeftHand; break;
case AvatarIKGoal.RightHand: humanId = HumanBodyBones.RightHand; break;
return humanId;
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