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Created November 1, 2013 23:11
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aspect ratio banking progress
var AspectRatioBanker = function(data, xScale, yScale, options){
// data field to bank
this._z = null;
this.maxWidth = 500;
this.maxHeight = 500;
this.bankYAxis = true;
this.banker = this.averageAbsoluteAngle;
this.xScale = xScale;
this.yScale = yScale;
_.extend(this, options); = this.getValuesToBank(data);
this.prototype = {
getValuesToBank: function(){
var _data = [], me = this;{
if(me._z === null){
return d;
return d[me._z];
init: function(){
// compute the aspect ratio (= width/height)
var aspectRatio = this.banker(;
if (this.bankYAxis === false) aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio;
aspectRatio = this.adjustToAxes(aspectRatio);
// visualization.setAspectRatio(ar, maxWidth, maxHeight);
// visualization.axes.update(t);
adjustToAxes: function(vis, aspectRatio){
// get axis scales for each data field
// var axes:CartesianAxes = vis.xyAxes;
var xsc = this.xScale,
ysc = this.yScale,
// compute adjusted aspect ratio: this is the inverse aspect ratio
// of the interpolated data rectangle in data space multipled by
// the desired aspect ratio for the data rectangle in screen space
// dy = ysc.interpolate(ysc.max) - ysc.interpolate(ysc.min);
// dx = xsc.interpolate(xsc.max) - xsc.interpolate(xsc.min);
// return ar * dy / dx;
var alpha=0, alpha_p, f, fprime,
x, Ry = _.max(a) - _.min(a),
N = a.length-1, iter = 0,
i, j;
// compute constants, perform culling
var c = [];
for (i=0, j=0; i<N; ++i) {
var slope = Math.abs(a[i+1] - a[i]) / Ry;
if (slope > 1e-5) c.push(N * slope);
N = c.length;
// Newton-Raphson iteration
while (Math.abs(alpha - alpha_p) > 1e-5) {
alpha_p = alpha;
// compute function and function derivative
f = fprime = 0;
for (i=0; i<N; ++i) {
x = c[i] * alpha;
f += Math.atan(x);
fprime += c[i] / (1 + x*x);
f = f / N;
fprime = fprime / N;
f -= Math.PI/4;
// apply the Newton-Raphson increment
alpha = alpha_p - f/fprime;
// finish iteration when update difference drops beneath tolerance
return 1/alpha;
medianAbsoluteSlope: function(a){
var slopes = [], i,
yRange = _.max(a) - _.min(a);
for (i=1; i<a.length; ++i) {
var slope = Math.abs(a[i] - a[i-1]);
if (slope/yRange > 1e-5) {
// slopes.sort(Array.NUMERIC);
var median = slopes[slopes.length >> 1];
return (median*(a.length-1)) / yRange;
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