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Last active December 20, 2015 20:29
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Code Camp 2013 Proposal

An Elixir for the Web's Future

The web has evolved; has your tech stack?

The evolution of the web has been fueled by hacks, workarounds, and abuses. This evolution has spawned many tools and techniques along the way. This talk will reflect on the web's history and what it means for the web's future. Armed with this knowledge we will examine the functional programming language Elixir and how its philosophy so perfectly fits the future of the web. The technical part of the talk will examine the architecture and code of an example JavaScript (Backbone?) application using websockets for real time communication and collaboration with an Elixir backend.


  • Discuss history and future of web:

    • Ancient History - HTTP/0.9 & HTML2 (not sure how relevant)
    • HTTP/1.0 & HTML3.2
    • Recent Past - HTTP/1.1 & HTML4, followed shortly by Ajax & Rest (Web 2.0!) (jQuery, Rails)
    • Now - HTTP/1.1(keep-alive/pipelining) & HTML5. Web Applications on Web Site infrastructure. (JavaScript MV*, Node)
    • Future - HTTP/2.0, Websockets & HTML5. - (Web) app infrastructure.
  • Elixir is great because:

    • Really good at serving web content
    • Concurrent - millions of connections
    • Distributed - apps can run across nodes
    • Fault tolerant - let it crash
    • Modern
      • Beautiful Syntax
      • Modern Tooling (mix)
      • Powerful meta programming
    • Erlang VM has a long history and many libraries.
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