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Created August 10, 2012 18:55
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Monad and Functor laws in Idris
module verified
---------- Functor ----------
-- Need this to avoid "Incomplete term" error
fmapid : Functor f => f a -> f a
fmapid = fmap id
class Functor f => VerifiedFunctor (f : Set -> Set) where
identity : (fa : f a) -> fmapid fa = fa
dist : (fa : f a) ->
(g : b -> c) -> (h : a -> b) -> fmap (g . h) fa = (fmap g) . (fmap h) $ fa
instance VerifiedFunctor Maybe where
identity Nothing = refl
identity (Just _) = refl
dist Nothing _ _ = refl
dist (Just _) _ _ = refl
instance VerifiedFunctor List where
identity [] = refl
identity (x::xs) = let ih = (identity xs) in ?idList
dist [] _ _ = refl
dist (x::xs) g h = let ih = (dist xs g h) in
---------- Monad ----------
-- Need this to avoid "Incomplete term" error
bindReturn : Monad m => m a -> m a
bindReturn = (>>= return)
class Monad m => VerifiedMonad (m : Set -> Set) where
left_id : (a : A) -> (ma : m A) -> (f : A -> m A) -> return a >>= f = f a
right_id : (a : A) -> (ma : m A) -> bindReturn ma = ma
assoc : (a : A) -> (ma : m A) -> (f : A -> m B) -> (g : B -> m C) ->
(ma >>= f) >>= g = ma >>= (\x => f x >>= g)
instance VerifiedMonad Maybe where
left_id _ Nothing _ = refl
left_id _ (Just _) _ = refl
right_id _ Nothing = refl
right_id _ (Just _) = refl
assoc a Nothing f g = refl
assoc a (Just x) f g = refl
instance VerifiedMonad List where
left_id a [] f = ?leftidListNil
left_id a (x::xs) f = ?leftidList
right_id _ [] = refl
right_id a (x::xs) = let ih = (right_id a xs) in ?rightidList
assoc a [] f g = refl
assoc a (x::xs) f g = let ih = (assoc a xs f g) in ?assocList
---------- Helper Properties -----------
concatMapDistributesOverAppend : (l : List A) -> (r : List A) -> (f : A -> List B)
-> concatMap f (l ++ r) = concatMap f l ++ concatMap f r
concatMapDistributesOverAppend [] [] f = refl
concatMapDistributesOverAppend (x::xs) [] f = ?cConsNil
concatMapDistributesOverAppend (x::xs) r f =
let ih = (concatMapDistributesOverAppend xs r f) in ?cConsCons
---------- Proofs ----------
verified.assocList = proof {
rewrite ih;
rewrite (concatMapDistributesOverAppend (f x) (concatMap f xs) g);
refine refl;
verified.cConsCons = proof {
rewrite (sym ih);
rewrite (appendAssociative (f x) (concatMap f xs) (concatMap f r));
refine refl;
verified.cConsNil = proof {
rewrite (sym (appendNilRightNeutral xs));
rewrite (sym (appendNilRightNeutral (f x ++ (concatMap f xs))));
refine refl;
verified.leftidListNil = proof {
rewrite (appendNilRightNeutral (f a));
refine refl;
verified.leftidList = proof {
rewrite (appendNilRightNeutral (f a));
refine refl;
verified.rightidList = proof {
rewrite ih;
refine refl;
verified.idList = proof {
rewrite ih;
refine refl;
verified.distList = proof {
rewrite ih;
refine refl;
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