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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Fixes for proxyquireify
'use strict';
var detective = require('detective');
function simpleRequire(n) {
// var proxy = require('proxyquireify')
return n.parent
function requireWithImmediateCall(n) {
// var proxy = require('proxyquireify')(require)
var p = n.parent;
return p.parent
function requireWithImmediateCallWithoutVar(n) {
// proxy = require('proxyquireify')(require)
var p = n.parent;
return p.parent
&& p.parent.left
// TODO We probably need to detect proxy = require('proxyquireify') syntax as well ?
function findProxyquireVars(src) {
return detective
.find(src, { nodes: true }).nodes
.map(function (n) {
var arg = n.arguments[0];
return arg
&& arg.value === 'proxyquireify'
&& arg.type === 'Literal'
&& ( simpleRequire(n) || requireWithImmediateCall(n) || requireWithImmediateCallWithoutVar(n));
.filter(function (n) { return n; })
module.exports = function(src) {
if (!/require\(.+proxyquireify.+\)/.test(src)) return [];
var hash = findProxyquireVars(src)
.map(function (name) {
return detective(src, { word: name });
.reduce(function (acc, arr) {
arr.forEach(function (x) { acc[x] = true;});
return acc;
}, {});
return Object.keys(hash);
'use strict';
var through = require('through')
, findDependencies = require('./find-dependencies')
function requireDependencies(src) {
var deps = findDependencies(src);
if (!deps.length) return '';
return '/* proxyquireify injected requires to make browserify include dependencies in the bundle */;' + (x) { return 'require(\'' + x + '\')'; }).join(';') + ';';
module.exports = function (file) {
if (file === require.resolve('../index')) return through();
// TODO Here .coffee test is hard coded but I guess the best way
// to deal with that is to use browserify "extensions" property to test that
// because a file extension could be .jsx, .coffee, .cjsx and that should work if that
if (!/\.js$/.test(file) && !/\.coffee$/.test(file)) return through();
var data = '';
return through(write, end);
function write (buf) { data += buf; }
function end() {
var deps = requireDependencies(data);
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