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Alan Szlosek Jr alanszlosek

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desandro /
Created January 31, 2013 20:26
Can you help me understand the benefit of require.js?

I'm having trouble understanding the benefit of require.js. Can you help me out? I imagine other developers have a similar interest.

From Require.js - Why AMD:

The AMD format comes from wanting a module format that was better than today's "write a bunch of script tags with implicit dependencies that you have to manually order"

I don't quite understand why this methodology is so bad. The difficult part is that you have to manually order dependencies. But the benefit is that you don't have an additional layer of abstraction.

import re
from metaphone import dm as double_metaphone
# get the Redis connection
from jellybean.core import redis
import models
# Words which should not be indexed
jszmajda /
Last active September 3, 2022 18:33
Data Serialization: JSON, MsgPack, ProtoBufs
Swop / gist:9588180
Created March 16, 2014 19:04
Composer with GitHub Two Factor Authentication
Composer doesn't work with GitHub Two Factor Authentication.
You have to generate a token (with "repo" scope at least) at
Copy the token and keep it somewhere safe.
Run: composer config -g paste-your-token-here