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Created August 23, 2011 08:08
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Fix Sitefinity url handling and rewriting
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using Telerik.Cms.Web;
namespace Alanta.Sitefinity
public class CmsHttpModule : IHttpModule
private Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsHttpModule _cmsHttpModule;
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
_cmsHttpModule = HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline ? new CmsHttModuleClassicModeProxy( this ) : (Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsHttpModule) new CmsHttModuleIntegratedModeProxy( this );
_cmsHttpModule.Init( context );
context.Error += Error;
context.PostRequestHandlerExecute += PostRequestHandlerExecute;
public void Dispose()
if( null != _cmsHttpModule )
protected Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsRequest GetCmsRequest( System.Web.HttpContext context )
return new CmsRequest( CmsHttpModuleHelper.TruncateUrl( context.Request.RawUrl, UrlHelper.PageExtension ) );
protected string GetUrl( HttpContext context )
string rawUrl = CmsHttpModuleHelper.TruncateUrl( context.Request.Url.UnescapedPathAndQuery(), UrlHelper.PageExtension );
if ( RewritingEnabled )
AdvancedUrlRewriter.IRewriteRule rule = AdvancedUrlRewriter.Rewriter.FindMatch( rawUrl );
if ( rule != null )
rawUrl = rule.Execute( rawUrl );
if ( rule.Mode == AdvancedUrlRewriter.RewriteMode.Rewrite )
return rawUrl;
Redirect( context.Response, rawUrl, rule.Mode == AdvancedUrlRewriter.RewriteMode.PermanentRedirect );
if ( !string.Equals( CmsHttpModuleHelper.TruncateUrl( context.Request.RawUrl, UrlHelper.PageExtension ), rawUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return rawUrl;
return string.Empty;
private void Redirect( HttpResponse response, string url, bool permanent )
if ( permanent )
response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
response.AddHeader( "Location", UrlPath.ResolveUrl( url ) );
response.Redirect( UrlPath.ResolveUrl( url ), true );
private bool RewritingEnabled
if ( !_rewritingEnabledEvaluated )
_rewritingEnabled = ConfigurationManager.GetSection( "telerik/urlrewrites" ) != null;
_rewritingEnabledEvaluated = true;
return _rewritingEnabled;
private bool _rewritingEnabledEvaluated;
private bool _rewritingEnabled;
private void PostRequestHandlerExecute( object sender, EventArgs e )
var context = HttpContext.Current;
// Set the error code passed in the headers when TransferRequest was invoked.
var error = context.Request.Headers["__sf__error"];
if ( null != error && context.Response.StatusCode == 200 )
int errorCode;
if ( Int32.TryParse( error, out errorCode ) )
context.Response.StatusCode = errorCode;
context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
private void Error( object sender, EventArgs e )
var context = HttpContext.Current;
// This example only handle 404 errors
// You could also add some similar logic for 500 internal server
// errors (logic errors) and do some logging
var error = context.Server.GetLastError() as HttpException;
if ( null != error && error.GetHttpCode() == 404 )
// we can still use the web.config custom errors information to
// decide whether to redirect
var config = ( CustomErrorsSection )WebConfigurationManager.GetSection( "system.web/customErrors" );
if ( config.Mode == CustomErrorsMode.On ||
( config.Mode == CustomErrorsMode.RemoteOnly && !context.Request.IsLocal ) )
// redirect to the 404 error page from the web.config
if ( config.Errors["404"] != null )
if ( HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline )
context.Server.TransferRequest( config.Errors["404"].Redirect, true, "GET",
new NameValueCollection { { "__sf__error", "404" } } );
var context404 = CmsSiteMap.Provider.FindSiteMapNode( config.Errors["404"].Redirect ) as CmsSiteMapNode;
if ( null != context404 )
context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
context.Response.StatusCode = 404;
CmsUrlContext.Current = context404;
context.Items["cmspageid"] = context404.PageID;
context.Server.Transfer( "~/sitefinity/cmsentrypoint.aspx" );
context.Server.TransferRequest( config.DefaultRedirect );
private class CmsHttModuleIntegratedModeProxy : Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsHttpModuleIIS7Integrated
private readonly CmsHttpModule _owner;
public CmsHttModuleIntegratedModeProxy( CmsHttpModule owner )
_owner = owner;
protected override string GetUrl( HttpContext context )
return _owner.GetUrl( context );
protected override Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsRequest GetCmsRequest( System.Web.HttpContext context )
return _owner.GetCmsRequest( context );
private class CmsHttModuleClassicModeProxy : Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsHttpModule
private readonly CmsHttpModule _owner;
public CmsHttModuleClassicModeProxy( CmsHttpModule owner )
_owner = owner;
protected override string GetUrl( HttpContext context )
return _owner.GetUrl( context );
protected override Telerik.Cms.Web.CmsRequest GetCmsRequest( System.Web.HttpContext context )
return _owner.GetCmsRequest( context );
public static class CmsHttpModuleHelper
public static string UnescapedPathAndQuery( this Uri uri )
var parts = uri.PathAndQuery.Split( new[] { '?' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
var result = Uri.UnescapeDataString( parts[0] );
if ( parts.Length > 1 )
result += "?" + parts[1];
return result;
public static string TruncateUrl( string rawUrl, string pageExtension )
var queryString = rawUrl.IndexOf( "?" ) > 0 ? rawUrl.Substring( rawUrl.IndexOf( "?" ) ) : string.Empty;
var loweredUrl = rawUrl.ToLowerInvariant();
var index = loweredUrl.IndexOf( pageExtension.ToLower() );
if ( index > 0 && ( queryString.Length == 0 || index < loweredUrl.IndexOf( "?" ) ) && index != loweredUrl.LastIndexOf( "." ) )
return rawUrl.Substring( 0, index + pageExtension.Length ) + queryString;
return rawUrl;
<!-- other declarations removed for brevity -->
<add name="Cms" type="Alanta.Sitefinty.CmsHttpModule, Alanta.Sitefinty" />
<remove name="Cms" />
<add name="Cms" type="Alanta.Sitefinty.CmsHttpModule, Alanta.Sitefinity" />
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alanta commented Sep 12, 2011

Replacement CMS Http module for Sitefinity 3.7

Sitefinity has a some issues handling url's. This replacement CmsHttpModule fixes the following issues:

  • PathInfo (path data after .aspx) is accepted (by default Sitefinity breaks on path info in a URL)
  • Enable IIS-based URL rewriting
  • Return proper 404 HTTP status result when 404 error occurs, without redirecting


Put this code in an assembly or in App_Code. Replace the Cms module declarations in web.config with the supplied code.
This module will check whether URL rewriting rules for Sitefinity's Advanced URL rewriter are declared in the web.config file. If so Sitefinity based URL rewriting is used after IIS based rewriting. The module is suitable for both classic ASP.NET mode and IIS7's Integrated Pipeline mode. It's also fully compatible with the Visual Studio development web server.

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Is this likely to work for Sitefinity 3.6 as well?

(I know this is old - we have an old website that we are planning to replace but in the meantime want to make it as secure as possible.)

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