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Created September 4, 2016 11:22
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Lisp-like meta-circular evaluator written in JavaScript
"use strict";
function lexer(input) {
let pos = 0
/* A couple of functions to help us grab the characters. */
function next() {
if (pos < input.length) {
return input.charAt(pos++)
return null
function rewind() {
/* Return a string.
* Strings are special because they can contain pretty much anything
* except a double quote, so we can't break them on spaces. */
function string() {
let token = next()
let c
while ((c = next()) != null) {
if (c == '"') {
return token + c
// else
token = token + c
/* If we get this far then the string wasn't terminated. I'll let
* it slide this time. */
return token
/* I've called this symbol, but it's actually anything that's not a
* string or a bracket. */
function symbol() {
let token = ""
let c
while ((c = next()) != null) {
/* Check that the character isn't whitespace or a closing
* bracket. */
if (/[\s\)]/.test(c)) {
/* This character isn’t part of the token, so wind it back
* into the input. */
return token
// else
token = token + c
/* Again, if we get here we've reached the end of the input. */
return token
/* This is the main function. */
return function() {
let c
while ((c = next()) != null) {
if (/\s/.test(c)) {
/* Whitespace, we don't care about this, so skip back to the
* start of the loop. */
if (c == '"') {
// It's a string!
return string()
/* If it's a bracket, just return it as-is. */
if (c == '(' || c == ')') {
return c
/* It must be a symbol of some sort. We need to rewind otherwise
* the first character will get lost. */
return symbol()
// End of input.
return null;
/* Pass in a tokenizer function. */
function parser(nextToken) {
function string(token) {
/* Strip the quotes off. */
return token.replace(/^"|"$/g, '')
function symbol(token) {
return Symbol.for(token)
function number(token) {
return parseInt(token, 10)
function list() {
let val
const list = []
/* Parse each item in the list and put the result into the
* array. */
while ((val = parser(nextToken)) != null) {
return list
const t = nextToken()
/* If the token is null we’ve reached the end of input. */
if (t === null) {
return null
const first = t.charAt(0)
if (first == '(') {
/* It's a list! */
return list()
else if (first == ')') {
/* End of the current list, so return null. */
return null
else if (/\d/.test(first)) {
/* Congratulations, it's a number! */
return number(t)
else if (first == '"') {
/* And a string. */
return string(t)
// else
return symbol(t)
/* Make a new environment object. */
function newEnvironment(parent) {
const e = {}
e.parent = parent
return e
/* A helper function for defining lisp variables. */
function lispDefine(env, name, value) {
if (typeof name === "string") {
env[Symbol.for(name)] = value
else if (typeof name === "symbol") {
env[name] = value
else {
throw "DEFINE: Unexpected type '" + typeof name
+ "' for '" + name + "'!"
function lookupVariable(env, name) {
if (env.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return env[name]
else if (env.parent !== null) {
/* Look it up in the parent environment. */
return lookupVariable(env.parent, name)
else {
throw "LOOKUP: Unknown variable '" + Symbol.keyFor(name) + "'!"
const global = newEnvironment(null)
function lambda(env, argnames, body) {
return function(...args) {
/* We need to build up a stack frame for this function where we
* store local variables, eg. the arguments. */
const localEnv = newEnvironment(env)
args.forEach((a, i) => lispDefine(localEnv, argnames[i], a))
/* And eval each expression in the body with our new environment.
* TODO: add a begin function and use it here. */
return body.reduce((c, s) => lispEval(localEnv, s), null)
function lispIf(env, args) {
/* Test argument 0 and evaluate argument 1 or 2 as appropriate. */
if (lispEval(env, args[0])) {
return lispEval(env, args[1])
// else
return lispEval(env, args[2])
function lispApply(env, f, args) {
if (typeof f !== "function") {
throw "APPLY: Unknown function!"
const a = => lispEval(env, a))
return f.apply(null, a)
function lispEval(env, item) {
if (typeof item === "symbol") {
return lookupVariable(env, item)
else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
/* Check if the function is an "if". */
if (item[0] === Symbol.for('if')) {
return lispIf(env, item.slice(1))
/* Or a "define". */
else if (item[0] === Symbol.for('define')) {
lispDefine(env, item[1], lispEval(env, item[2]))
/* Or "lambda"... */
else if (item[0] === Symbol.for('lambda')) {
return lambda(env, item[1], item.slice(2))
/* Or "quote". (Return the argument unmodified.) */
else if (item[0] === Symbol.for('quote')) {
return item[1]
else {
/* We must always eval the function name element of the array as
* we have no guarantee it's a function. */
const f = lispEval(env, item[0])
try {
return lispApply(env, f, item.slice(1))
catch(err) {
throw err + "\nEVAL: Calling '" + JSON.stringify(item[0]) + "'"
else {
return item
lispDefine(global, '+', (...args) => args.reduce((c, n) => c + n))
lispDefine(global, '-', (...args) => args.reduce((c, n) => c - n))
lispDefine(global, '*', (...args) => args.reduce((c, n) => c * n))
lispDefine(global, '/', (...args) => args.reduce((c, n) => c / n))
lispDefine(global, '=', function(...args) {
return args.reduce((carry, x) => carry & (args[0] === x), true)
lispDefine(global, '>', (a, b) => a > b)
lispDefine(global, '%', (a, b) => a % b)
/* Arrays */
lispDefine(global, 'first', l => l[0])
lispDefine(global, 'rest', l => l.slice(1))
lispDefine(global, 'push', (l, i) => l.push(i))
lispDefine(global, 'pop', l => l.pop())
lispDefine(global, 'unshift', (l, i) => l.unshift(i))
lispDefine(global, 'shift', l => l.shift())
lispDefine(global, 'array-ref', (l, i) => l[i])
lispDefine(global, 'concat', (l, i) => l.concat(i))
lispDefine(global, 'map', (f, l) =>
lispDefine(global, 'reduce', (f, l, init) => l.reduce(f, init))
/* Strings */
lispDefine(global, 'split', (s, c) => s.split(c))
lispDefine(global, 'and', (...args) => args.reduce((a, b) => a && b))
lispDefine(global, 'or', (...args) => args.reduce((a, b) => a || b))
lispDefine(global, 'not', p => !p)
lispDefine(global, 'null', null)
lispDefine(global, 'get-js-context', name => window[name])
const input = document.getElementById('input')
const output = document.getElementById('output')
/* Define a new display function for output. */
function display(...args) {
const str = document.createTextNode(args.join(' ') + '\n')
/* Scroll to bottom of output when we write to it. */
output.scrollTop = output.scrollHeight
lispDefine(global, 'display', display)
function lisp(input) {
let sexp
let result
let l = lexer(input)
try {
while ((sexp = parser(l)) != null) {
result = lispEval(global, sexp)
catch (err) {
if (result !== undefined) {
display('=> ' + JSON.stringify(result))
(define < (lambda (a b) (> b a)))
(define <= (lambda (a b) (or (< a b) (= a b))))
(define >= (lambda (a b) (or (> a b) (= a b))))
(define cons
(lambda (a b)
(define l (concat (quote ()) a))
(push l b)
(define car (lambda (l) (first l)))
(define cdr (lambda (l) (array-ref l 1)))
(display "A Metacircular-Evaluator written in JavaScript")
(display "© 2016 Alan Third")
(display "")
let codeEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(input, { theme: "zenburn" });
document.getElementById('runIt').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
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