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Created December 14, 2019 04:15
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Storing a table inside a string in PICO-8 lua.
function nf() end
-- Recursively copies table attributes.
function tabcpy(src, dest)
dest = dest or {}
for k,v in pairs(src or {}) do
if type(v) == 'table' and not v.is_tabcpy_disabled then
dest[k] = tabcpy(v)
dest[k] = v
return dest
-- Returns the parsed table, the current position, and the parameter locations
function gun_vals_helper(val_str,i,new_params)
local val_list, val, val_ind, isnum, val_key, str_mode = {}, '', 1, true
while i <= #val_str do
local x = sub(val_str, i, i)
if x == '\"' then str_mode, isnum = not str_mode
elseif str_mode then val=val..x
elseif x == '}' or x == ',' then
if type(val) == 'table' or not isnum then
elseif sub(val,1,1) == '@' then
local sec = tonum(sub(val,2,#val))
assert(sec != nil)
if not new_params[sec] then new_params[sec] = {} end
add(new_params[sec], {val_list, val_key or val_ind})
elseif val == 'nf' then val = nf
elseif val == 'true' or val == 'false' then val=val=='true'
elseif val == 'nil' or val == '' then val=nil
elseif isnum then val=tonum(val)
val_list[val_key or val_ind], isnum, val, val_ind, val_key = val, true, '', val_key and val_ind or val_ind+1
if x == '}' then
return val_list, i
elseif x == '{' then val, i, isnum = gun_vals_helper(val_str,i+1,new_params)
elseif x == '=' then isnum, val_key, val = true, val, ''
elseif x != " " and x != '\n' then val=val..x end
i += 1
return val_list, i, new_params
-- Cached for speedy delivery :).
g_param_cache = {}
function gun_vals(val_str, ...)
-- there is global state logic in here. you have been warned.
if not g_param_cache[val_str] then
g_param_cache[val_str] = { gun_vals_helper(val_str..',',1,{}) }
local params, lookup = {...}, g_param_cache[val_str]
for k,v in pairs(lookup[3]) do
foreach(lookup[3][k], function(x)
x[1][x[2]] = params[k]
if type(params[k]) == 'table' then
params[k].is_tabcpy_disabled = true
return tabcpy(lookup[1])
-- DEMO:
local complete_table = gun_vals([[func=nf,x="nothing",{"help",0,1,3333,0xffff},{true, false},@1]], {"parameter"})
assert(complete_table[1][1] == "help")
assert(complete_table[1][2] == 0)
assert(complete_table[1][3] == 1)
assert(complete_table[1][4] == 3333)
assert(complete_table[1][5] == -1)
assert(complete_table[2][1] == true)
assert(complete_table[2][2] == false)
assert(complete_table[3][1] == "parameter")
assert(complete_table.x == "nothing")
assert(complete_table.func() == nil)
-- Some gotchas:
-- nf is an empty function (nothing function).
-- Parameters are specified with the @ sign: @1, @2, ..., @15, ...
-- Every string passed is cached, so that parsing is only CPU intensive the first time.
-- An is_tabcpy_disabled is attached to all table parameters, to prevent recursively copying them.
-- Only double quotes are supported for strings inside table. Single quotes are not supported.
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