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Created January 25, 2019 18:41
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SQLer intro

What is SQLer?

SQLer is a tiny software that enables you to expose your simple SQL queries directly to the web so you can access it using any HTTP client, in another words, it helps you to expose this select * from mytable to be the backend of GET /mytabledata endpoint.

Not just RESTful APIs, but also REDIS protocol, so you can do this redis-cli -p3678 mytabledata !

Why did I create SQLer?

Sometimes I need to write APIs for MVPs quickly and what I really do is installing any envionrment i.e laravel, django, rails ... etc to just create some endpoints that will execute SQL queries. I asked myself, why there isn't a tool that accelerates that process!

SQLer will help you as a developer who wants to write quick APIs or as a DBA who who wants to create an abstraction on his database to add new feature for other Web/Mobile Apps.

How does it work?

You can look at the following diagram

In which language did SQLer built-on?

SQLer is built in Golang


// create a macro/endpoint called "_boot",
// this macro is private "used within other macros" 
// because it starts with "_".
_boot {
    // the query we want to execute
    exec = <<SQL
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` (
            `name` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT "@anonymous",
            `email` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT "@anonymous",
            `password` VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT "",
            `time` INT UNSIGNED

// adduser macro/endpoint, just hit `/adduser` with
// a `?user_name=&user_email=` or json `POST` request
// with the same fields.
adduser {
    validators {
        user_name_is_empty = "$input.user_name && $input.user_name.trim().length > 0"
        user_email_is_empty = "$input.user_email && $input.user_email.trim(' ').length > 0"
        user_password_is_not_ok = "$input.user_password && $input.user_password.trim(' ').length > 5"

    bind {
        name = "$input.user_name"
        email = "$input.user_email"
        password = "$input.user_password"

    methods = ["POST"]

    authorizer = <<JS
            log("use this for debugging")
            token = $input.http_authorization
            response = fetch("", {
                headers: {
                    "Authorization": token
            if ( response.statusCode != 200 ) {
                return false
            return true

    // include some macros we declared before
    include = ["_boot"]

    exec = <<SQL
        INSERT INTO users(name, email, password, time) VALUES(:name, :email, :password, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
        SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();

// list all databases, and run a transformer function
databases {
    exec = "SHOW DATABASES"

// list all tables from all databases
tables {
    exec = "SELECT `table_schema` as `database`, `table_name` as `table` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables"

// a macro that aggregates `databases` macro and `tables` macro into one macro
databases_tables {
    aggregate = ["databases", "tables"]
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