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Last active June 17, 2019 19:03
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Episerver user notification usage sample on Alloy demo website.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using AlloyWithFind.Models.Pages;
using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer.Editor;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.Logging;
using EPiServer.Notification;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
namespace AlloyWithFind.Business.Initialization
public class UserNotificationsInitialization : IInitializableModule
private static readonly ILogger logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(UserNotificationsInitialization));
/// <summary>
/// Name of the channel this notification demo uses.
/// </summary>
public const string NotificationChannelName = "Sample.MasterLanguage.Published";
private IContentEvents contentEvents = null;
private IContentLoader contentLoader = null;
private IContentVersionRepository contentVersionRepository = null;
private INotifier notifier = null;
private static readonly INotificationUser NotificationSender = new NotificationUser("SystemNotificationSender");
private bool isInitialized = false;
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
if (!isInitialized)
// this is just personal preference to get the reference to local variable
ServiceLocationHelper serviceLocationHelper = context.Locate;
contentEvents = serviceLocationHelper.ContentEvents() ?? throw new Exception("Failed to get IContentEvents from initialization engine context.");
contentLoader = serviceLocationHelper.ContentLoader() ?? throw new Exception("Failed to get IContentLoader from initialization engine context.");
contentVersionRepository = serviceLocationHelper.Advanced.GetInstance<IContentVersionRepository>() ?? throw new Exception("Failed to get IContentVersionRepository from initialization engine context.");
notifier = serviceLocationHelper.Advanced.GetInstance<INotifier>() ?? throw new Exception("Failed to get INotifier from initialization engine context.");
// register the channel with immediate delivery
contentEvents.PublishedContent += ContentEventsPublishedContent;
isInitialized = true;
private void RegisterChannel(INotificationChannelOptionsRegistry notificationChannelOptionsRegistry)
if (notificationChannelOptionsRegistry == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(notificationChannelOptionsRegistry));
// is the channel already registered
var channelOptions = notificationChannelOptionsRegistry.Get(NotificationChannelName);
if (channelOptions == null)
// register the channel to immediatly notify user
//NOTE: the channel option seems not to be persisted currently (EPiServer.CMS NuGet, version 11.12.0)
//so this code is executed everytime initialization happens
notificationChannelOptionsRegistry.Add(NotificationChannelName, new NotificationChannelOptions(true));
logger.Debug($"Registered notification channel '{NotificationChannelName}' with immediate delivery option.");
logger.Debug($"Notification channel '{NotificationChannelName}' already registered.");
private void ContentEventsPublishedContent(object sender, ContentEventArgs e)
// we are only interested of pages inherited from StandardPage in this demo
// not using SitePageData because container page inherits it - but you get the idea
if (e?.Content is StandardPage page)
logger.Debug(page, (state) =>
// if debug is not on, this will never get executed
return $"PublishedContent, IsMasterLanguage: '{state.IsMasterLanguageBranch}', has other languages: '{state.ExistingLanguages.Count() > 1}'.";
// we are only interested about pages that are published in master language and have other language versions
// if a language version exists it doesn't mean that the language version is published (we don't check that for now)
if (page.IsMasterLanguageBranch && page.ExistingLanguages.Count() > 1 && TryGetReceivers(page, out List<NotificationUser> receivers))
// reference without version information
ContentReference contentWithoutVersion = page.ContentLink.ToReferenceWithoutVersion();
// get the master lanuage edit link
string masterCultureName = page.MasterLanguage.Name;
string masterPageEditUrl = PageEditing.GetEditUrlForLanguage(contentWithoutVersion, masterCultureName);
// with PageEditing.GetEditUrlForLanguage we get a link like this:
// create a list of "urls" for the other languages
var otherLanguages = page.ExistingLanguages
.Where(ci => !ci.Name.Equals(masterCultureName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.Select(ci => CreateLink(PageEditing.GetEditUrlForLanguage(contentWithoutVersion, ci.Name), ci.Name));
NotificationMessage notification = new NotificationMessage()
ChannelName = NotificationChannelName,
Content = $"Master language page '{CreateLink(masterPageEditUrl, page.Name)}' was just published which has language versions. Please review laguage versions if those require modifications: {string.Join(", ", otherLanguages)}.",
Recipients = receivers,
Sender = NotificationSender,
Subject = "Page with language versions published",
TypeName = "PagePublished"
// always nice to call async code from synchronous code
var task = notifier.PostNotificationAsync(notification);
// blocking hack:
// PostNotificationAsync uses ConfigureAwait(false) so this shouldn't deadlock
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error($"Failed to send notification messages to users about published master language page (id: {page.ContentLink?.ID}) with language versions.", ex);
private static string CreateLink(string url, string linkText)
return $"<a style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:underline;\" href=\"{url}\">{linkText}</a>";
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get the recipients from the page changed by or created by and who published tha page.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="page">the page instance</param>
/// <param name="recipients">recipients if the method returns true otherwise empty list</param>
/// <param name="getPublisher">should the username of the published also fetched and included to the recipients</param>
/// <returns>true if a username was taken from page ChangedBy or CreatedBy property or false if no username was found</returns>
private bool TryGetReceivers(PageData page, out List<NotificationUser> recipients, bool getPublisher = true)
bool success = false;
recipients = new List<NotificationUser>(2);
if (page != null)
string editorUser = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.ChangedBy))
editorUser = page.ChangedBy;
recipients.Add(new NotificationUser(editorUser));
success = true;
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.CreatedBy))
editorUser = page.CreatedBy;
recipients.Add(new NotificationUser(editorUser));
success = true;
if (getPublisher)
// NOTE: ChangedBy/CreatedBy user is not the same thing as who published the content but it can be
// publisher info is not stored to the page data, the publish state change is stored to 'tblWorkContent'
// so you could view that info in SQL query like this: select * from tblWorkContent where fkContentID = 138
// where the fkContentID is your content id
// get version info
string publisherUsername = contentVersionRepository.LoadPublished(page.ContentLink)?.StatusChangedBy;
// also check that the publisher is not the same user as the editor user
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publisherUsername) && !publisherUsername.Equals(editorUser, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
recipients.Add(new NotificationUser(publisherUsername));
success = true;
if (!success)
logger.Warning($"Failed to get notification users for page id: {page.ContentLink?.ID}.");
return success;
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
if (isInitialized && contentEvents != null)
contentEvents.PublishedContent -= ContentEventsPublishedContent;
isInitialized = false;
// on purpose not setting the service references to null
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