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Last active September 8, 2016 14:57
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Remove TFS related files and unbind solution files from TFS (Powershell)
Get-ChildItem *.vspscc -Recurse | %{Write-Host "Deleting *.vssscc -> "$_.FullName ; Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force};Get-ChildItem *.vssscc -Recurse | %{Write-Host "Deleting *.vspscc -> "$_.FullName ; Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force};Get-ChildItem *.sln -Recurse | %{$name=$_.FullName ; Write-Host "Changing *.sln -> "$name ; Copy-Item $name $name".bak" -Force ; (Get-Content $name -Raw) | %{$_ -replace "(?s)\tGlobalSection\(TeamFoundationVersionControl\).*?EndGlobalSection","" }| Set-Content $name -Encoding UTF8 -Force ; Write-Host "Backup File -> "$name".bak"}
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