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Created July 3, 2024 17:33
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# While top is running, you can press c to toggle between showing the process name and the command line. To remember the toggle state for next time, press W to save the current configuration to ~/.toprc.


Master Process

~ $ rbtrace -p 39 -e 'Thread.list'
*** run `sudo sysctl kernel.msgmnb=1048576` to prevent losing events (currently: 16384 bytes)
*** attached to process 39
>> Thread.list
=> [#<Thread:0x000055d0b4072d78 sleep_forever>, #<Thread:0x000055d0bf3d50f0 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- sleep>, #<Thread:0x000055d0c4db3e78 eval:6 run>]
*** detached from process 39

Worker process

~ $ rbtrace -p 79 -e 'Thread.list'
*** run `sudo sysctl kernel.msgmnb=1048576` to prevent losing events (currently: 16384 bytes)
*** attached to process 79
>> Thread.list
=> [#<Thread:0x000055d0b4072d78 sleep_forever>, #<Thread:0x000055d0c4df31b8@puma wrkr check /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/cluster/worker.rb:36 sleep>, #<Thread:0x000055d0c4df2b28@puma srv tp 001 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, #<Thread:0x000055d0c4df2920@puma srv tp 002 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4df26c8@puma srv tp 003 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4df2448@puma srv tp 004 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4df20d8@puma srv tp 005 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4df1b38@puma srv tp 006 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4df1868@puma srv tp 007 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4df1570@puma srv tp 008 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:104 sleep_forever>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c74cd798@puma reactor /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/reactor.rb:37 sleep>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c74cd658@puma srv threadpool reaper /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:307 sleep>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c74cd518@puma srv threadpool trimmer /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:307 sleep>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c74cd388@puma srv /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/server.rb:259 sleep>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c74cd298@puma stat pld /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.4/lib/puma/cluster/worker.rb:116 sleep>, 
#<Thread:0x000055d0c4de4550 eval:6 run>]
*** detached from process 79
~ $ ps -p $PID -o pid,vsz=MEMORY -o user,group=GROUP -o comm,args=ARGS
   79 529560 u10331   dyno     ruby            puma: cluster worker 0: 39 [app]
~ $ ps -w -p $PID -o pid,vsz=MEMORY -o user,group=GROUP -o comm,args=ARGS
   39 502780 u10331   dyno     ruby            puma 5.6.4 (unix:/tmp/nginx.socket) [app]
rbtrace -b

rbtrace -h

~ $ rbtrace -p 39 -h
*** run `sudo sysctl kernel.msgmnb=1048576` to prevent losing events (currently: 16384 bytes)
*** attached to process 39
*** timed out waiting for eval response
Heapdump being written to /tmp/dump20220622-279-822l8s
*** detached from process 39
~ $ ls -lh /tmp/dump20220622-279-822l8s
/tmp $ ruby diff.rb  dump20220622-289-rhzhr1 dump20220622-295-o0ivu2 dump20220622-408-1jo7nuv
Leaked 2334 STRING objects of size 57991/150358 at: :
Leaked 393 DATA objects of size 0/1083040 at: :
Leaked 353 IMEMO objects of size 0/15088 at: :
Leaked 211 ARRAY objects of size 0/10440 at: :
Leaked 53 HASH objects of size 0/8928 at: :
Leaked 50 MATCH objects of size 0/10000 at: :
Leaked 1 FILE objects of size 0/232 at: :

# no cluster mode, single process

/tmp $ ruby diff.rb dump20220622-108-y2u34b dump20220622-127-676bmw dump20220622-136-1tke0l1
Leaked 44844 STRING objects of size 13775695/15879382 at: :
Leaked 9357 IMEMO objects of size 0/599012 at: :
Leaked 7801 HASH objects of size 0/1245624 at: :
Leaked 7631 ARRAY objects of size 0/493440 at: :
Leaked 5187 OBJECT objects of size 0/532752 at: :
Leaked 1510 DATA objects of size 0/1307049 at: :
Leaked 1259 MATCH objects of size 0/211752 at: :
Leaked 273 STRUCT objects of size 0/16168 at: :
Leaked 173 CLASS objects of size 0/93096 at: :
Leaked 148 SYMBOL objects of size 5033/5920 at: :
Leaked 99 BIGNUM objects of size 0/3960 at: :
Leaked 72 ICLASS objects of size 0/2880 at: :
Leaked 42 REGEXP objects of size 0/23413 at: :
Leaked 25 FILE objects of size 0/22216 at: :
Leaked 10 ZOMBIE objects of size 0/0 at: :
Leaked 1 MODULE objects of size 0/552 at: :
bundle exec rbtrace -p 40 -i

  1. RUBY_GC_HEAP_INIT_SLOTS: Initial allocation slots.
  2. RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS: Prepare at least this amount of slots after GC. Allocate slots if there aren’t enough slots.
  3. RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR: Allocate slots by this factor. (next slots number) = (current slots number) * (this factor)
  4. RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS: The allocation rate is limited to this number of slots.
  5. RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_MIN_RATIO: Allocate additional pages when the number of free slots is lower than the value (total_slots * (this ratio)).
  6. RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_GOAL_RATIO: Allocate slots to satisfy this formula: free_slots = total_slots * goal_ratio. In other words, prepare (total_slots * goal_ratio) free slots. If this value is 0.0, then use RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR directly.
  7. RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_MAX_RATIO: Allow to free pages when the number of free slots is greater than the value (total_slots * (this ratio)).
  8. RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR: Do full GC when the number of old objects is more than R * N where R is this factor and N is the number of old objects just after last full GC.

GC.start is another good Ruby garbage collection command to know. It kicks off a garbage collection cycle. If you have a long-running script that’s chewing up memory, you can have it call GC.start periodically to keep the memory usage under control.

check threads in progress

$ top -H -p 48

~ $ ps -T -p 48 -cww
   48    48 TS   19 ?        00:00:14 ruby
   48    86 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 connection_poo*
   48    97 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 001
   48    98 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 002
   48    99 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 003
   48   100 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 004
   48   101 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 005
   48   102 TS   19 ?        00:00:02 puma srv tp 006
   48   103 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 007
   48   104 TS   19 ?        00:00:02 puma srv tp 008
   48   105 TS   19 ?        00:00:10 puma srv tp 009
   48   106 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 010
   48   107 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 011
   48   108 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 012
   48   109 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 013
   48   110 TS   19 ?        00:00:04 puma srv tp 014
   48   111 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 015
   48   112 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 016
   48   113 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 017
   48   114 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 018
   48   115 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 019
   48   116 TS   19 ?        00:00:03 puma srv tp 020
   48   117 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 puma reactor
   48   118 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 thread_pool.rb*
   48   119 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 thread_pool.rb*
   48   120 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 puma srv
   48   121 TS   19 ?        00:00:01 agent_thread.r*
   48   131 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 reporter.rb:30
   48   134 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 session_flushe*
   48   135 TS   19 ?        00:00:00

   48   141 TS   19 ?        00:00:01 io-worker-8
   48   146 TS   19 ?        00:00:01 io-worker-13
   48   147 TS   19 ?        00:00:01 io-worker-14
   48   227 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 worker-1
   48  1051 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-20
   48  1141 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-23
   48  1142 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-24
   48  1147 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-25
   48  1148 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-22
   48  1285 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-28
   48  1351 TS   19 ?        00:00:00 io-worker-29
   48  1390 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1391 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1392 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1393 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1394 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1395 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1396 TS   19 ?        00:00:00
   48  1397 TS   19 ?        00:00:00

Append 2022-06-27 3:19PM set WEB_CONCURRENCY to 0 2022-06-27 5:46 PM set RAILS_MAX_THREADS to 10 2022-06-27 6:03 PM set RAILS_MAX_THREADS to 15 2022-06-27 6:10 PM set RAILS_MAX_THREADS to 20 2022-06-29 11:20 AM set RAILS_MAX_THREADS to 16 2022-06-29 11:20 AM set JEMALLOC_ENABLED to true 2022-06-29 5:19 PM set JEMALLOC_VERSION to 16 2022-06-29 6:20 AM set Upscale to 400

~ $ rbtrace p 40 -h
*** run `sudo sysctl kernel.msgmnb=1048576` to prevent losing events (currently: 16384 bytes)
Traceback (most recent call last):
	3: from /app/vendor/bundle/bin/rbtrace:29:in `<main>'
	2: from /app/vendor/bundle/bin/rbtrace:29:in `load'
	1: from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rbtrace-0.4.14/bin/rbtrace:5:in `<top (required)>'
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rbtrace-0.4.14/lib/rbtrace/cli.rb:373:in `run': undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
rbtrace -p 40 -e '{ require "stackprof"; StackProf.start(mode: :cpu); sleep 2; StackProf.stop; StackProf.results("/tmp/perf"); }'

rbtrace -p 40 -e '{ require "stackprof"; StackProf.start(mode: :cpu); sleep 2; StackProf.stop; StackProf.results("/tmp/perf-2"); }'

rbtrace -p 40 -e '{ require "stackprof"; StackProf.start(mode: :cpu); sleep 2; StackProf.stop; StackProf.results("/tmp/perf-3"); }'

rbtrace -p 40 -e '{require "objspace"; ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start; GC.start(); ObjectSpace.dump_all(output:"/tmp/heap1.json", "w"))}.join'

rbtrace -p 40 -e '{require "objspace"; ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start; GC.start(); ObjectSpace.dump_all(output:"/tmp/heap2.json", "w"))}.join'

rbtrace -p 40 -e '{require "objspace"; ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start; GC.start(); ObjectSpace.dump_all(output:"/tmp/heap3.json", "w"))}.join'

-e '{ require "stackprof"; StackProf.start(mode: :cpu); sleep 2; StackProf.stop; StackProf.results("/tmp/perf-1"); }'

 heapy diff heap1.json heap2.json heap3.json > result.txt
$ bundle exec rbtrace -p <SERVER PID HERE> -e '{GC.start;require "objspace";"/tmp/ruby-heap.dump", "w"); ObjectSpace.dump_all(output: io); io.close}'

$ rbtrace -p 12345 -m digest
$ rbtrace -p 12345 -h
$ rbtrace -p 40 -e 'ObjectSpace.memsize_of Prometheus::Client.config.data_store'

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