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Last active July 21, 2024 22:52
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What is the Global VM Lock (GVL)?

  • Also known as the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
  • A mutex that prevents multiple native threads from executing Ruby code in parallel
  • Present in CRuby (the reference implementation of Ruby)

Purpose of the GVL

  • Protects internal data structures from race conditions
  • Ensures thread safety in the Ruby interpreter
  • Simplifies the implementation of C extensions

How the GVL works

  • Only one thread can execute Ruby code at a time
  • Threads take turns acquiring the GVL
  • The GVL is released during I/O operations or sleeping

Impact on Concurrency

  • Limits true parallelism in multi-threaded Ruby programs
  • CPU-bound tasks cannot run in parallel
  • I/O-bound tasks can still benefit from concurrency

GVL and Performance

  • Single-threaded performance is not affected
  • Can limit performance in multi-core systems
  • Encourages use of process-based parallelism (e.g., forking)

Working around the GVL

  • Use of native extensions for CPU-intensive tasks
  • Leveraging I/O concurrency
  • Utilizing multiple processes instead of threads
  • Exploring alternative Ruby implementations (e.g., JRuby, which doesn't have a GVL)

Recent Developments

  • Gradual improvements in GVL management in newer Ruby versions
  • Introduction of Ractor in Ruby 3.0 for parallelism without GVL restrictions
  • Ongoing research and development to improve concurrency in Ruby


  • Definition: Lightweight unit of execution within a process
  • Pros: Shared memory, relatively low overhead
  • Cons: Limited by GVL, potential race conditions
  • Use case: I/O-bound tasks, background jobs


  • Definition: Independent unit of execution with its own memory space
  • Pros: True parallelism, isolation
  • Cons: Higher memory usage, slower inter-process communication
  • Use case: CPU-bound tasks, improving fault tolerance


  • Definition: Cooperative, lightweight concurrency primitive
  • Pros: Very low overhead, explicit scheduling
  • Cons: No parallelism, requires careful management
  • Use case: Concurrency within a single thread, implementing coroutines

Ractor (Ruby 3.0+)

  • Definition: Actor-model concurrency with memory isolation
  • Pros: True parallelism, reduced risk of race conditions
  • Cons: Limited sharing between Ractors, experimental feature
  • Use case: Parallel execution of independent tasks

Comparison Chart

Feature Thread Process Fiber Ractor
Parallelism Limited Yes No Yes
Memory Shared Yes No Yes Limited
Overhead Low High Very Low Medium
Communication Easy Complex Simple Controlled

Memory Model

  • Thread: Shared memory
  • Process: Separate memory spaces
  • Fiber: Shared memory within a thread
  • Ractor: Isolated memory with controlled sharing

Concurrency vs Parallelism

  • Thread: Concurrent, limited parallelism (GVL)
  • Process: Parallel
  • Fiber: Concurrent, no parallelism
  • Ractor: Parallel with isolated state

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Use Case Scenarios

  • Thread: Web servers, background jobs
  • Process: Heavy computations, system commands
  • Fiber: Event-driven programming, generators
  • Ractor: Parallel data processing, actor-model implementations

Code Complexity

  • Thread: Moderate (need to handle synchronization)
  • Process: Simple (but IPC can be complex)
  • Fiber: Can be complex (manual scheduling)
  • Ractor: Moderate (new concept, restricted object sharing)

Exmaples: Thread VS Ractor

  • Fib(37)
  • Run 6 times of the calculation

Fib Process

require "gvl-tracing"

def fib(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)


def calc
  result = []
  pipes = []
  pids = []

  NR_CORES.times do |i|
    pid = fork do
    pids << pid

  pids.each do |pid|

GvlTracing.start("fib_process.json") do
time ruby fab_process.rb
ruby fab_process.rb  15.92s user 0.12s system 508% cpu 3.157 total
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 23 51 12

Fib Thread

require "gvl-tracing"

def fib(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

GvlTracing.start("fib_thread.json") do { sleep(0.05) while true }

  sleep(0.05) { { fib(37) } }.map(&:join)

time ruby fab_thread.rb
ruby fab_thread.rb  12.59s user 0.07s system 95% cpu 13.238 total
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 23 00 21

Fab ractor

require 'gvl-tracing'

def fib n
  if n < 2
    fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

RN = 6
def ractor
  rs = (1..RN).map do |i| i do |i|
      [i, fib(37)]

  until rs.empty?
    r, v =*rs)
    rs.delete r
    #p answer: v

GvlTracing.start("fib_ractor.json") do
time ruby fab_ractor.rb
fab_ractor.rb:14: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
ruby fab_ractor.rb  23.01s user 0.15s system 515% cpu 4.492 total
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 22 58 51


  • GVL is a crucial part of CRuby's architecture
  • Understanding its implications is important for optimizing Ruby applications
  • Future Ruby versions may bring more improvements in parallel execution


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