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Created October 29, 2019 18:01
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from patch_convolution import *
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import time
# ---------------
# Parameters
# ---------------
# Number of profile iterations to run
itt = 30
# Input and conv parameters
B = 1
P = 20480
H = 4
W = 4
in_channels = 32
out_channels = 64
kernel_size = 3
padding = 1
stride = 1
dilation = 1
cuda = True
# --------------------
# Layers to compare
# --------------------
# Patch convolution using torch.nn.unfold + torch.matmul
pmm = PatchMMConvolution(in_channels=in_channels,
# Standard torch.nn.Conv2D but with patches rolled into batch dimension
# e.g. B x P x C x H x W --> BP x C x H x W
conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels,
# Convolution with my CUDA implementation of patch_im2col / patch_col2im + cuBLAS GEMM operations
patch_conv = PatchConvolution(in_channels=in_channels,
# Set weights and biases to be the same
weight = torch.ones_like(pmm.weight)
bias = torch.ones_like(pmm.bias) * 2 = weight = bias = weight = bias = weight = bias
# ---------------------
# Create inputs
# ---------------------
# Batches of patches input (B x P x C x H x W)
x = torch.arange(1 * P * 1 * H * W).view(1, P, 1, H,
W).repeat(B, 1, in_channels, 1,
# Standard input format (B x C x H x W) with a similar (actually greater) number of total elements
x_sim = torch.rand(B, in_channels, 600, 600).double()
# Put on GPU if desired
if cuda:
pmm = pmm.cuda()
patch_conv = patch_conv.cuda()
conv = conv.cuda()
x = x.cuda()
x_sim = x_sim.cuda()
fw_mode = True
def profile_layer(x, layer, itt=30):
Runs a forward pass on the layer <itt> times and returns the average time
time_accum = 0.0
for i in range(itt):
# Time the forward execution
if fw_mode:
if cuda:
s = time.time()
out = layer(x)
if cuda:
if fw_mode:
e = time.time()
s = time.time()
if cuda:
e = time.time()
time_accum += (e - s)
return time_accum / itt
# -----------------------
# Profile the layers
# -----------------------
print("######################### CUDNN FALSE")
print('Various patch convolution methods:')
print(' Using-unfold avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x, pmm, itt)))
print(' Rolled-into-batch avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x.view(-1, in_channels, H, W), conv, itt)))
# print(' Custom-patch-im2col avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
# profile_layer(x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), patch_conv, itt)))
'Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:'
print(' nn.Conv2d: {:.6f} seconds'.format(profile_layer(x_sim, conv)))
print("######################### CUDNN TRUE")
print('Various patch convolution methods:')
print(' Using-unfold avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x, pmm, itt)))
print(' Rolled-into-batch avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x.view(-1, in_channels, H, W), conv, itt)))
# print(' Custom-patch-im2col avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
# profile_layer(x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), patch_conv, itt)))
'Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:'
print(' nn.Conv2d: {:.6f} seconds'.format(profile_layer(x_sim, conv)))
print("######################### CUDNN TRUE BENCH")
print('Various patch convolution methods:')
print(' Using-unfold avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x, pmm, itt)))
print(' Rolled-into-batch avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x.view(-1, in_channels, H, W), conv, itt)))
# print(' Custom-patch-im2col avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
# profile_layer(x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), patch_conv, itt)))
'Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:'
print(' nn.Conv2d: {:.6f} seconds'.format(profile_layer(x_sim, conv)))
print("######################### CUDNN TRUE BENCH")
print('Various patch convolution methods:')
print(' Using-unfold avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x, pmm, itt)))
print(' Rolled-into-batch avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
profile_layer(x.view(-1, in_channels, H, W), conv, itt)))
# print(' Custom-patch-im2col avg. time: {:.6f} seconds'.format(
# profile_layer(x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), patch_conv, itt)))
'Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:'
print(' nn.Conv2d: {:.6f} seconds'.format(profile_layer(x_sim, conv)))
# # ----------------
# # Sanity check
# # ----------------
# # Compare outputs
# pmm_out = pmm(x)
# conv_out = conv(x.view(-1, in_channels, H, W))
# conv_out = conv_out.view(B, P, out_channels, *conv_out.shape[-2:])
# patch_conv_out = patch_conv(x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous())
# patch_conv_out = patch_conv_out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
# print('\nSanity Check: All Equivalent = ',
# bool(((pmm_out - conv_out) < 1e-8).all()
# and ((patch_conv_out - conv_out) < 1e-8).all()))
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albanD commented Oct 29, 2019

Local run with fw_mode = True:

Note that we run bench twice to reduce warmup cost.

######################### CUDNN FALSE

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.018444 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.475181 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.005561 seconds
######################### CUDNN TRUE

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.012854 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.027557 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.005112 seconds
######################### CUDNN TRUE BENCH

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.012989 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.006299 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.006817 seconds
######################### CUDNN TRUE BENCH

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.013413 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.004603 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.005086 seconds

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albanD commented Oct 29, 2019

Local run with fw_mode = False:

######################### CUDNN FALSE

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.008537 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.381545 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.011732 seconds
######################### CUDNN TRUE

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.008287 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.033806 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.061078 seconds
######################### CUDNN TRUE BENCH

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.008498 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.036236 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.052501 seconds
######################### CUDNN TRUE BENCH

Various patch convolution methods:
  Using-unfold avg. time: 0.008431 seconds
  Rolled-into-batch avg. time: 0.032696 seconds

Compare to traditional convolution with B x C x H x W inputs with similar number (actually more) of elements:
  nn.Conv2d: 0.045354 seconds

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