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Last active September 23, 2016 20:00
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Inject method accessor for specific Hash instance PoC
# ====
# PoC: dot access to specific hash instance
# ===
x = {a: 1, b:2}
# override method_missing
original_method_missing = x.method(:method_missing)
x.define_singleton_method :method_missing do|name, *args, &block|
return x[name] if x.key? name
original_method_missing.bind(self).call(name, *args, &block)
puts "Can now access hash via method, x.a => #{x.a}"
rescue Exception => e
puts "But this breaks Marshal: #{e.class}: #{e}"
# solution: hook Marshal.dump()
x.instance_variable_set(:@_polluted_by_hash_magic_accessors, true)
original_marshal_dump = Marshal.method(:dump)
Marshal.define_singleton_method :dump do|*args|
obj = args[0]
if obj.instance_variable_defined? :@_polluted_by_hash_magic_accessors
obj.singleton_class.send :remove_method, :method_missing
obj.remove_instance_variable :@_polluted_by_hash_magic_accessors
puts "Marshal now works: #{Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(x)).inspect}"
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The goal of this PoC is to reduce pollution to Hash.
Still needs:

  • Re-inject dot accessor after Marshal.dump()
  • Delete singleton method recursively

Now I think this path is too hacky, maybe a wrapper object that is_a(Hash) would be a better solution.

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