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Last active April 18, 2023 18:31
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This code defines a PyTorch implementation of the Sparsemax activation function. Sparsemax is an alternative to the softmax activation function that produces sparse probability distributions (euclidian projection to the simplex). The implementation is provided as a PyTorch nn.Module, making it easy to integrate into any architecture.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class Sparsemax(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dim=-1):
super(Sparsemax, self).__init__()
self.dim = dim
def forward(self, x):
# Move the dimension to apply Sparsemax to the front
x = x.transpose(self.dim, -1)
# Calculate the cumulative sum of the sorted input
z, _ = torch.sort(x, dim=-1, descending=True)
cumsums = torch.cumsum(z, dim=-1)
# Project to the simplex; see details in
K = torch.arange(1, x.shape[-1] + 1, device=x.device)
K = K.repeat(*x.shape[:-1], 1)
support = 1 + K * z - cumsums > 0
k_z = (K * support).max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values
# Compute the threshold and apply it to the input
# (k_z - 1) is necessary to correct for the 1-indexing in the paper
cumsums_element = torch.gather(cumsums, dim=-1, index=(k_z - 1))
thresholds = (cumsums_element - 1) / k_z
output = torch.clamp(x - thresholds, min=0)
# Transpose back the dimensions
output = output.transpose(self.dim, -1)
return output
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